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The Rings of Hefrumm


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ᛏᚺᛖ ᚱᛁᛜᛊ ᛟᚠ ᚺᛖᚠᚱᚢᛗᛗ

The Rings of Hefrumm
ᛏᚺᛖ ᚱᛁᛜᛊ ᛟᚠ ᚺᛖᚠᚱᚢᛗᛗ

The working Rings of Hefrumm, while well designed in many ways - have often suffered from a lack of direction due to over complication in its leadership. This proposal aims to maintain much of the old system, while simplifying its leadership to keep work flowing through each of the Rings. 



ᚺᛖ ᚱᛁᛜᛊ


The Rings of Hefrumm will remain largely as they have been. As our village's workforce, the Rings will provide for the needs of Hefrumm. Through farming, gathering, crafting, smithing, brewing and more, the Rings bolster Hefrumm's growth and prosperity. Those who labor under the diverse Rings will be compensated for their work, whether through financial or other material means - by discretion of the Primarch. 




The Ring of the Topaz Boar


The Topaz Boar is a symbol of joy, abundance, hardiness and versatility. This Ring will be responsible for gathering food and resources. Previously, the industries of farming, logging, fishing, butchery, hunting and so on, were scattered throughout the different castes. This Ring will refocus the efforts of Hefrumm to gather the materials needed for its construction and to feed the Forest Dwedmar.




The Ring of the Ebony Beaver


The Ebony Beaver is a master of creation, wise and prudent. The members of this Ring are responsible for supplying the tools needed for Hefrumm. From wooden buckets to metal armor, the Ebony Beaver does all. They also gather mineral resources.




The Ring of the Golden Magpie


The Golden Magpie is symbolic of wealth and intelligence. Culture often spreads through the efforts of merchants, and thus members of this Ring are tasked with running the shops and forming caravans to other settlements, to spread and teach the Forest Dwedmar culture through our cultural exports and crafts, as well as earn the funds to help the community of Hefrumm. Furthermore, some members of this ring have the knowledge and wisdom to refine fine alcohols, medicines and narcotics. All of which play major parts in the culture of Hefrumm.








ᛏᚺᛖ ᛈᚱᛁᛗᚨᚱᚲᚺᛊ

The Primarchs are those hard working and trusted folk of Hefrumm who choose to take on the role of leading the Rings, and striving to keep work flowing for its members. There are to be two primarchs, who will divide the work of running the three Rings between themselves based on their skill sets.

Those who take on the mantle of the Primarch are responsible for communicating with, and organizing payment for the rings with the High Chief, as well as distributing it to laborers for their work. They are also responsible for recruiting new members from the village to work in the Rings, as well as organizing meetings and events for the workers to participate in. Lastly, the Primarchs are free to hire Custodians, to assist in their leadership.



ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚢᛊᛏᛟᛞᛟᚨᚾᛊ

The Custodians of the Rings may come in many forms, but their shared goal will be to assist their respective Primarchs - while receiving an increase in pay at the Primarch’s discretion. Custodians should be an expert in their respective work, such as farming, brewing, or crafting. These skills will be used to assist the Primarch in their duties, whether this means through being a courier for worker’s payments, assisting in the creation of important goods, the running of shops, or the running of events. There will be no set number of Custodians, however their numbers should be kept small - as they should be hired to assist just where the Primarchs find themselves lacking.


Many possible positions could be taken, but the current list is as follows:


The Custodian of the Soil

The Custodian of the Hoof and Beak

The Custodian of the Brew

The Custodian of the Still

The Custodian of the Ore

The Custodian of the Earth

The Custodian of the Shop

The Custodian of the Caravan




Laborers are the backbone of the Rings, and are responsible for carrying our labor as their Primarchs direct it. Laborers are free to work under whatever Ring most suits them, and will always receive compensation for labor given - the amount and type being at the discretion of the Primarchs. Those Laborers who show prowess in their work, and show leadership skills - will be selected to receive promotions in rank when needed.




Tuzic Mossborn, High Chief of Hefrumm, Prophet of Ogradhad, Seer of Hefrumm, Head Librarian

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