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[✗] [In-Game Ban] [MONEYISCALLING, yulmo, Chimovey] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):


MONEYISCALLING, yulmo, Chimovey






Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


banned for sexually explicit RP on the account Cimovey


What circumstances led to this ban?


I whitelisted a mutual through my account, known as Chimovey, instead of them making their own original application, back in mid-late 2019. I assumed that we did not want to write applications because we were lazy and blatant, so we took the extra short route, not acknowledging the rules towards whitelisting an "alt." We played together for a short time and stopped talking to each other or playing LoTC.
Fast forwarding to the end of 2022, I have heard some malicious acts the person has done. I heard they ERP'd, said racial slurs in OOC, and other offensive behaviours from my friends. I do not have any evidence of what they have said or done, this is only based on word to word, especially the reason for the ban written on the account Chimovey. They have only mentioned this to me because they noticed the account was linked to my forums page and Discord. They asked me why the account Chimovey was linked to me, and it was because we had wanted to play together back in 2019, as first stated. They told me to talk to some staff about getting the account unlinked from my account, and we tried asking but they didn't respond. I asked in a staff DM about it, but I was aired, and eventually, I got banned.

This was blatant of me, as I have chosen to take an unethical way of letting a person get in. However, it was also their fault for allowing me to let them in unethically and not writing their own application instead.

How we can avoid this again is definitely not whitelisting anyone or having a take in whitelisting at all, and rather let the person apply themselves. Because the account is now to be presumed as me, though it is not my account at all, but that is how the server sees it.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


I agree that my actions are punishable. Whitelisting a mutual through my account which "identifies" as me was never a good move or a good look. I have no idea what caused me to whitelist the person's account as an alt. I agree that I shouldn't have done that because there is a reason why this is a whitelisted-only role-play server, which determines whether a person is fit for the server based on the knowledge they put in their application and acknowledge the ToC of the server. However, I disagree with their actions, as I did not expect this to happen, and it was never appropriate to begin with, but expected the unexpected.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I've regretted the actions I took towards getting a mutual onto the server, and have realised the consequences of doing so. Other than that, I have not displayed any malicious acts or behaviours at all on the server myself, only the account that has been deemed to be me. I have enjoyed my experience on the server and most of my friends play on it and want me to come back. I do not see myself doing any acts that will lead to me being banned again in the long run.


Attach other relevant information.


disc: agas
their discord, PMC, and NameMC

disc: rugayya
My discord, PMC, and NameMC

A lot of people, more than forty people, can determine and prove that Chimovey is not me and has never been my account.

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Appeal Denied.


From our investigations, the person you claim is a mutual on an alt shares the same IP with you several times over a long period of time. From the evidence provided for your ban, the RP was borderline explicit but you state that racial slurs were also said on the server. It goes without saying that racial slurs are strictly prohibited on the server. Sexually explicit RP is also not allowed on the server, even as a joke. In your next appeal, please take personal responsibility for the conduct of your account and any accounts linked to your main.

Post another appeal on or after 01 November 2023.

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