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The Armada's Triumph: A Midnight Chase


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The Armada's Triumph: A Midnight Chase

In the year of our Lord,

12th of Horen’s Calling 86 B.A





In shadows deep, where moonlight weaves,

Veletz's bandits, like silent thieves.

On roads once trod by hopeful souls,

They emerge from darkness, taking tolls.


Harm they sought in the quiet night,

Civilians trembled, their dreams in flight.

But on the horizon, a distant sound,

The Armada of Balian, like justice, bound.


Their arrival thundered, a tempest near,

Veletz's bandits, whispers of fear.

Tales of valor in the Armada's wake,

As they approached, the ground did quake.


With banners flying and swords held high,

The Armada of Balian filled the sky.

Veletz's bandits, with hearts now frail,

Turned and fled, like leaves in the gale.


Their tales tucked between trembling legs,

A retreat as swift as a falcon's begs.

The roads once haunted, now free and clear,

The Armada's triumph, a victory cheer.


In moonlit trails and starry expanse,

Veletz's bandits in hasty advance.

The Armada's light dispelled the night,

Restoring peace with a radiant might.


Courage prevailed, the innocent smiled,

As the Armada of Balian reconciled.

In the face of darkness, tales rewritten,

A saga of triumph, where hope is smitten.




His Excellency, Don Johan Stor Vuiller, Conde de Aquilae & Patriarch of House Vuiller.

Domus Ministri




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Sibyl would grumble as she reads the missive, shaking her head after two cases of this happening in just one day! "Seems they are much too scared to fight an actual battle and would much prefer to fight like a vulture, scavenging the lone few rather than fighting a larger group" she'd then put away the missive and continue on with her day, ignorant of the Veletzian cowards

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