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Esmeray’s silhouette melted with the twilight as she stood on the edge of the weathered dock.  With her gaze fixed on the horizon where the sea kissed the sky, rocked lightly with excitement, the sound of the creaking wood beneath her being tuned out. For months she had awaited this day - the return of the love of her life. She had grown accustomed to the feeling of anticipation of reuniting with her love. Derek had frequently taken these saint’s year long fishing voyages around Aevos, and every time, Esmeray would see him off at this same spot and see him arrive right back after the saint’s year. During their time away, they always made sure to exchange letters sent by birds.


The salty air played with strands of her light hair, each wave a whisper of promise of Derek’s return. Each vessel that sliced through the waters brought a surge of anticipation, but as they drew closer, her hope would dissolve as quickly as it had appeared. None bore the distinctive sails of Derek’s ship, the sails that had once billowed like proud flags as they set off toward the unknown.


The lantern in Esmeray’s grasp was more than a beacon in the encroaching darkness; it was a symbol of her enduring spirit. Its glow battled the shadows, a lone star against the encroaching night. “May my mighty light guide my love home,” she would think with a giggle to herself. She imagined Derek, guided by its luminescence, steering through the treacherous embrace of the unforgiving sea, ignoring all other light, but that of her own.


As nightfall draped its cloak over the day, Esmeray’s heart grew heavy with the silence of the sea - a silence broken only by the lapping of waves that carried no news of Derek. “Maybe he is just off schedule. . . I will remain patient and wait another day. . .” she reassured herself. With no ships arriving, she took to rest within the city's inn and returned again the next day. Though again, she was not met with the arrival of Derek. “Derek Saltman, where are you. . . It is time for you to return home,” she sternly whispered out to the sea, hoping its waves would carry her message.


An entire saint’s week passed with no arrival of the adventuring fisher. Anxiety and worry began to overcome Esmeray’s mind. “Perhaps, I should check to see if he sent a bird speaking of an extension of his trip?” Though no letter had arrived for her. She sent a bird inquiring of his location and update on his arrival home, but no word returned. 


“No, no. I shall not lose hope. There are any number of reasons he has not arrived or communicated through birds. The circumstance is less than ideal and odd, but surely mea Lifst [common: my Love] is safe and sound somewhere. . . he just has to be.” Her words rambled quickly as she paced the dark, wooden floors of her bedroom. Her pacing ceased as her eyes gazed through her mirror at her reflection, a single stream of tears falling down her rosey cheeks. With a firm nod she wiped the tears from her eyes and declared, “I must keep faith and hope for his safety and return. I MUST.”


Esmeray would return to the dock every other saint’s week to light 3 prayer candles: a candle depicting St. Julia of Paradisus, representing the love the two share with one another; a candle depicting St. Daniel of Al'Khazar, for the hope of him traveling safely; and a candle depicting St. Lothar of Balian, for the unwavering faith she held in GODAN. Though an ounce of hope remained, those around her would detect her usual warm, bubbly presence shift to one of heartache and anxiety.


Faith - a powerful force. But is faith enough to bring Derek home? What happened to Haense’s beloved Master of the Pantry and Esmeray’s loving partner, Derek Saltman? With hope, answers would be had soon.



Just a fun flavor post and chance for me to do some creative writing! Stay tuned to see what happens next.🥲

Shout out to @AnimeWolf0080 for letting me do this plot line to develop Esmeray some!


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