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The Disciples of War :OOC


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I want to make a guild. Or mabye two guilds. Whatever the division, one would be called the Disciples of War, and the other the Disciples of Life.

The Disciples of War are people dedicated to the sword, axe, bow, or fist. They train to be masters of their chosen skill. They can be hired or serve the guild. Hopefully, one day this guild will attract many skilled warriors and fighters.

Ranks (so far)

Squire - at the bottom, they are your basic recruit. Helping with whatever their commanders have directed, they basically out to prove their worth.

From there the squire has two choices.

The Soldier - the basic infantry, this is what a majority of the members will be. Fighting on the front lines under the command of a knight or ranger, or by themselves they are profecient in the way of the sword or axe. Usually wear mostly leather armor or chainmail.

The Archer - Your basic support unit, the archer stays behind the soldiers to pick off or soften the enemy. Bow and arrow are their weapon of choice, but always carry a sword for close combat. Usually only wear a chainmail breastplate.

From there, the soldier and archer have two more class choices each.

For the soldier:

The Warrior - vetrans of many battles, they are near masters of the sword. Alone or in groups they are some of the best that the world has to offer. They wear a mixture of Iron and chainmail armor. Some may have the ability to ascend to the status of a Knight.

The Berserker - also known as dogs of war, these men are part of a special unit. Known for their ferocity, they do not hesitate to charge into the enemy front lines and wreak havoc before they are finally cut down. Wearing next to nothing, they may wear some leather armor. Otherwise they face the enemy with a loincloth and an axe. Berserkers are unable to advance, but are respected for their sacrifice and ferocity.

For the Archer:

The Scout- good at stealth and the bow, they go ahead of the army or secretly leave the base to see enemy positions and report back to the Rangers. They are vital to strategic attacks and besides the bow, they have some proficency with the sword. Those of great skill may be able to ascend to the ranks of the Rangers

Sharpshooters - long hours of pratice and natural ability give rise to another valuable support unit. The sharpshooters are known for their almost mystical ability to shoot their targets from almost any distance no matter what they are doing. Used for battlefield assasination or pinpoint barrages, these men cannot be said to know much else. It is impossible for them to grasp the finer points of strategy, making them inelegible for being Rangers.

From there the Warrior and the Scout can become:

The Knight - masters of the sword, they have almost supernatural abilities. Some are known to even rebound attacks back at their enemies. Also master strategist, they can command an army. Wearing full body armor, they lead the charge and deal great damage before withdrawing. Alone, they can hold off an attack and will sacrifice himself so that others might be saved.

The Ranger - Masters of Stealth, the bow, and profiecent with the sword, they are able to help in any situation. Assasinating targets, leading an army, or stealing vital intelegence, the Ranger can also help train other people and organize them into a profecient millita.

Notes on Sharpshooters and Berserkers:

These classes are NOT able to advance up the ranks because of the fact that their specilization in the axe or bow. They do not have time or inclination to study strategy or other weapons.

So this is what I got so far. Need help expanding it though. If you would like a position just let me know and we'll work something out. :mrgreen:

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Moved To the Disciple of Life and Earth post.

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Great idea for a guild.

Are all races welcome?

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How do you delete posts? (need to get rid of a few on here)

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Iv no idea

( you might have ta fiddle around with it)

But. If you do get the guild up and running

Message me.

I'd defiantly be interested in joining

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Anyone else have any suggestions? Skim the top at least before posting. :angry:

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How about fusioning your two threads? Both are kinda the same guild and structure..

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I dunno if I want them seperate or combined. I mean, what would you call all three together? The Disciples?

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Anybody? Is this the best that this can be?

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Don't limit the peramiters of the guilds name to "The Deciples ...............". Expand and look for any name that fits the guilds purpose

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Well, its pretty much a private army. Or mercenary force.

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Whats the symbol for the guild. Like cross swords or a eagle

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