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[Prophecy] Umbilical Heavens


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He remembered the gifts he once bore, a reminder within every waking day and every, ever, slow hour.  To hear the song of the spirits, to know each chant, each call, and now feel none.  The great channel of memories—that once he could've lived this vision,

and yet no longer.

The omen would set his heart aflame.  The grand trident a sign of his goddess—confusion. Each word of this prayer would invade his mind in a plague all so familiar, and yet so foreign.

A familiar chant, yet all so new.

Fear would cloud his mind.  Confusion invading his form. 
Sickening to his being.  Things were going on—a call to the Moon Mother would never not stir him—

And so this Kharajyr woke, amidst the overgrowth of a grove.  He felt the silence of wind, his hand pressed against his chest as his cold-sweat subsided.  He saw nothing, heard nothing. 

And yet something in him stirred. 

Was it but a nightmare that so desperately wanted to be held? Was it a feeling in his figure?  Did it tell him to move?  To run?  To chase?

He was no Farseer anymore, and yet his blood boiled all the same.  He would never know what stirred him within the night, his path no longer one with the spirits. . . but worry filled his mind.  Whether it was his blood that boiled, as Kharajyr, or if it was a calling from the blood he once bore in the past that stirred him now—

Something felt wrong.

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Eilys grew weary, ever-haunted by the visions she has been cursed with from birth. She sat within the confines of the church, all too aware of the sounds of outside as those evacuated Haense for the coming meteor. And yet, the church provided such peace and solace of the mind. Her stomach churned, and she knew deep down she must speak with someone.

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Weary and doused in cold sweat from the dream, a mad kharajyr with maggot-ridden eyes begins to fervently repeat the prayer of the dream; oe'r and oe'r. .

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Ashes. O' sorrowful ashes.


Such a fallacy, unchained. A scar.




A being stood perched 'pon a sheer cliffside. Fogs rolled in and receded. The tide came and went. 

A ring gleamed upon a taloned digit.


They smiled.

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The Redskin woke up in a sweat, retching to the side as his vision returning to him from the lamenations of the vision he just bore witness to.

Was that a dream? A mere figment of my imagination or maybe. . . hmm.

The uruk sits there scratching his chin, pondering what the meaning behind such could mean.

It seems like a message, a cry; it called for me and I shall follow it to see where I fall

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