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TFF: The Fallen Few


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The Fallen Few (TFF)- A new guild recruiting villains. Every type of villainy is accepted here, but we are mainly looking for Iblees worshipers. Below is an account from me (Goliath) and how I founded the guild. If you are interested in joining, read below:

'The air was foggy, all I could focus on was the light beaming through the trees ahead of me. I needed a home, just somewhere to stay until I've sorted my life out, I was different, yes, but being different gave me a lot of pain. My previous town was quiet, all so quiet. Each day I ventured out, killing monsters, improving my sword fighting skills, it was all fine, until I changed. I turned greedy, I stole, I killed. There's a story behind why I changed, but now isn't the time to tell. I captured the town owner, I had a hunger for blood, but- but he escaped. He trapped me, vowing to never allow me back into the town again. The rest was a blur.

Here I am now, pulling myself up the mountain edge towards this warm light, I had a gut feeling that I would find my dream home, to live in happiness and turn my life around. However, I worshiped Iblees, I couldn't ever turn my back to him, so, whatever is going to happen when I reach this light, I will worship Iblees forever more.'


'My friend- my friend the blood-witch was the only one who I could talk to. No-one would accept me for who I was except her. It just- my life didn't feel complete. I couldn't worship Iblees the way I wanted to, I wanted to follow in his footsteps and help him and the Undead wherever they were. I wanted to rid of those who found out who I truly was. I walked down the mountain, swam through the seas and finally, after all these years found a turning point. There was a battle. I fought, killing anything that stopped me, I was searching, searching for the undead. Finally- FINALLY I could worship the way I wanted to, but as I slaughtered through the crowd of men and found an opening... there was no-one there. The undead had left. I turned back to the crowd, they ran at me, swords high. I was soon to be the fallen.

Sat in the mountains, ripped clothes, gashes into my weak flesh, I was nothing, I was the fallen. Throughout the years I met others like me, we joined a force, worshiping Iblees the way we wanted. We killed those who found out our secret community. We killed those who fought against Iblees'


Guard Leader


Worship Leader (Goliath)


Lead Servant


*Use the following format to join*

Minecraft name:

Character name:

Is your character a villain:

What did your character get accepted for?:

Why do you want to join TFF?:

Short bio of character:

What job would you like within the guild?:

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I really like this idea, but be sure to always watch your back, the undead may not be very nice to you.

I really enjoyed reading the intro, one word of advice tho you might want to ad ranks in each branch.

Every group needs a leader to be able to function (believe me when I say this xD).

And I asume that you are the head leader? (might want to add that as well in the ranks).

But this looks like a good start for a good guild.

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So what you're saying...is you're another group for the undead to destroy and me to kill members of at random?

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See I told you undead wouldn't be happy xD

But don't let them discourage you, just make sure to you know don't make them angry? :P

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Undead hate me for helping them out... NICE. ;) but cheers Eledyr, I'll make those changes now!

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No problem I have been quiet a lot of guilds myself (well not that much but I have helped a few xD)

Believe me I know the drill :P

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(( More Iblees worshipers? I'll get some insight from what some Undead think...

Anywho, we don't like competitions. Anyone who isn't us, is an enemy. Sounds like a squad of Undead wannabes. ))

The Fallen you say? You have the gall to take the name of the Dark God?

I don't like this nonsense. If I see any of you, by the Hand.




Where is your god now?

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WOw I only saw that now xD

Indeed Simonbane is right, you might want to change the name of your guild

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What is done. Is done.

A mistake, cannot be taken back.

A purge shall begin.

We are coming.

You have annoyed me, and thus, retaliation shall occur.

Your blood and flesh shall fill my stomach.

*smugly smiles*

I'm with old "Lym" in his opinion. I would gladly rid them for you, old friend.

(( Pretty much, my character doesn't approve and will gladly purge any of your members ))

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(( Okay, didn't realise the black hand had so much hate for new guilds ;) ))

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(( We hate splinter groups. We don't enjoy having posers or competition for our guild ))

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We're not posers, we operate in the community completely different, we side with guilds alike us, but if the black hand want us dead, fair play, hopefully one day we could work together

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*chuckles at the thought of this guild*

How pathetic?... Let me put this to you... *chuckles sadistically to himself* I recommend abandoning this guild and changing your name. For if I even find out that you even commit one murder in the name of Iblees... I will hunt you and when I find you... I will remove one nail from each of your fingers, lick the blood off of them... And shove them down your throat and watch you suffer you pathetic little Imp... Once I kill you... My next.. *thinks to himself* hmm.. Objective?, Should one say?... Will be to cut open all of your friends, take their intestines... and use them as shelves in my house... You are nothing... And you will never achieve anything that will ever matter on this so called "Planet"... Go rot with that wench Aerial for all I care...

Well said brother... It is good to hear that not just me will be hunting this mongrel down... But all of our peasants in the Black Hand will be too... This is going to be interesting *chuckles softly and walks away*

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We're not posers, we operate in the community completely different, we side with guilds alike us, but if the black hand want us dead, fair play, hopefully one day we could work together

I'd wish to ask if any of your members are tainted?


Then we'll take our business and stamp you out.


Look at your trembling. If you wish to deal with the Undead, you shouldn't be afraid of us.

Personally, I believe fear is delicious. You don't even have the gall to stand to us, why would the Undead want you?

*Guffaws deeply*

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