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† The Clerical Order †


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1)MC Name:Hosper

2)Chosen Patron: Aeriel I wish to follow this patron as we share the same love to care and help all beings with what can only be described as the deepest love.

3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended):I wish to join this order to help my fellow being I wish to bring hope and light into the lives of many. I may not be able to do much but let a ray of sunlight into the darkness that some may be living in but even if I can bring hopew and warmth for a moment it will be worth all of my time. (( wanted to do that part in rp  )


5)Flaws in Your Character: My character is never satisfied with what he has done if there is more he could have accomplished. He is also unable to say “No” no matter how harsh the consequences he will try to help. Those are not really flaws now are they the fact is that no one is perfect and there is a part of my character that is greedy be it for knowledge or money he will use it to help but it is not always obtained through proper means

6) How long have you been on the server: I have been on the server for just under four months

Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages]

I would walk to the Shade and ask what business he has with the citizen. If he says no trying to deny things I would offer the citizen to come with me to come get a mug of ale I am buying. So as to avoid any conflict. If the Shade tries to stop us as he most likely would I would step in front of the citizen telling him to go to the nearby tavern where there are lots of people while I block the Shades path. Doing whatever it takes to stop him if he decides to strike me I shall not hesitate to strike back. If he wishes to call upon his evil powers then I shall trust in AENGUEL to protect me and give me the strength to stop this evil.

8) You see a small child shivering in the snow.

I shall walk up to the child and take off my cloak and put it around him then proceed to take him into my home and warm him some of my homemade stew. From there I will proceed to see if he has a place to stay and why he was out in such terrible conditions. If he has no place to go I will offer him my spare bed and try to arrange to find him a place to stay . If none are available I will arrange for him to take the guest room till it is all sorted.

9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables.

I would ask the bandit why he has come to rob me. If he is there so he might feed his family I would tell him he doesn’t have to steal from me he just has to ask and Aeriel will provide. On the other hand if he is an Iblee worshiper there for his own personal gain. Then I shall tell him that it is not to late to turn around and live an honest life and offer him to go in peace. If he denies then I shall have to contain him until guards can come I am not one kill and the guards are more knowledgeable on punishment.

10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive.

I shout back that that Iblees are not the way to survive they have had their day and it has passed there futile attempt to come back is nothing. You on the other hand have a choice go down with the Iblees or stand and live with the help of Aeriel.

11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?"

We cannot blame god for all our problems they are truly the fault of us and those around us. God can try to make the suffering stop but without the help of you and I there is no hope. So for there to truly be peace you and everyone else must work and perhaps fight for it. Continue to pray and he will often be there to help you.

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[[ I'm glad to finally see this kick off~! This will be interesting conflict towards the Illum ]]

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(I think this should be required)Rp Name: - Phelrin_Irongut

1)MC Name: - ChAnKoEr

2)Chosen Patron: - Hrithgar

3)Reason For Joining: - Turmoil is surrounding my mind. The Undead's attacks are becoming more ferocious and unpredictable. Although I thought the Ascended were the protectors of Aegis, my faith in them is waning in light of some of their recent action. I seeks insight to the current events through the powers greater than myself. I need to grow closer to them, and I feels that the only way I can do this is through the Clerical Order

4)Race: - Cave Dwarf

5)Flaws in Your Character: - Although I values honour above all else, I am often rash in my decisions. This can sometimes lead to my losing honour in the eyes of others. This needs to be fixed as soon as possible

6) How long have you been on the server: - About three months now

Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. - I would create a distraction for the citizen to escape. I would then lead the Shade to either an area where he was at a disadvantage, or to people that could subdue him

8) You see a small child shivering in the snow. - The least I would do would be to give the child my cloak. If I had any spells that would warm the child, I would use them. I would also take the child to shelter if one was close, or I would him to where ever I was heading

9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables. - I would talk to the bandit, trying to convinse them of the error in their ways and I would ask them to come with me to Urguan for an ale. If that didn't work, I would give them 50 minas and ask if I could be on my way. If that didn't work, I would run, hoping to lure them into a place were people would overpower them

10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive. - I would go up and talk to him, saying that he is wasting his breath on these people. If he continued, I would simply call the guards on him

11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?" - I would explain to them that suffering only continues because of the choices we make. We are allowed these choice so that we may choose to follow Him or not

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1)MC Name:Cookie9000

2)Chosen Patron:Iblees

3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended):


5)Flaws in Your Character: Dreadmoore was brought to life again by some mage And can't remember most of his past due to the re-animation process.. And can't say long sentinces, due to a reanimation effect, which makes him forget alot.. Inclouding how to speak.

6) How long have you been on the server: About... 7-8 months now.

Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages] Dreadmoore, would spring up and attack the Shade, as the citizen would flee, leaving Dreadmoore to fend off the shade until guards arrive.

8) You see a small child shivering in the snow. Dreadmoore would offer for him to live in his house, as he lives in the mage who created him's house..

9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables. Dreadmoore would yell for guards, and luck would rely on that question.

10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive. Dreadmoore would let people believe what they believe, and continue shopping.

11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?" Dreadmoore would say: Well... You can't have rainbows... Without rain.


Iblees is not a patron, plus, you would never attack a Shade or do anything without Kiryu telling you, and believe me, he would NEVER tell you to attack a Shade, for he is trying to become oone.

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1)MC Name:Hosper

2)Chosen Patron: Aeriel I wish to follow this patron as we share the same love to care and help all beings with what can only be described as the deepest love.

3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended):I wish to join this order to help my fellow being I wish to bring hope and light into the lives of many. I may not be able to do much but let a ray of sunlight into the darkness that some may be living in but even if I can bring hopew and warmth for a moment it will be worth all of my time. (( wanted to do that part in rp  )


5)Flaws in Your Character: My character is never satisfied with what he has done if there is more he could have accomplished. He is also unable to say “No” no matter how harsh the consequences he will try to help. Those are not really flaws now are they the fact is that no one is perfect and there is a part of my character that is greedy be it for knowledge or money he will use it to help but it is not always obtained through proper means

6) How long have you been on the server: I have been on the server for just under four months

Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages]

I would walk to the Shade and ask what business he has with the citizen. If he says no trying to deny things I would offer the citizen to come with me to come get a mug of ale I am buying. So as to avoid any conflict. If the Shade tries to stop us as he most likely would I would step in front of the citizen telling him to go to the nearby tavern where there are lots of people while I block the Shades path. Doing whatever it takes to stop him if he decides to strike me I shall not hesitate to strike back. If he wishes to call upon his evil powers then I shall trust in AENGUEL to protect me and give me the strength to stop this evil.

8) You see a small child shivering in the snow.

I shall walk up to the child and take off my cloak and put it around him then proceed to take him into my home and warm him some of my homemade stew. From there I will proceed to see if he has a place to stay and why he was out in such terrible conditions. If he has no place to go I will offer him my spare bed and try to arrange to find him a place to stay . If none are available I will arrange for him to take the guest room till it is all sorted.

9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables.

I would ask the bandit why he has come to rob me. If he is there so he might feed his family I would tell him he doesn’t have to steal from me he just has to ask and Aeriel will provide. On the other hand if he is an Iblee worshiper there for his own personal gain. Then I shall tell him that it is not to late to turn around and live an honest life and offer him to go in peace. If he denies then I shall have to contain him until guards can come I am not one kill and the guards are more knowledgeable on punishment.

10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive.

I shout back that that Iblees are not the way to survive they have had their day and it has passed there futile attempt to come back is nothing. You on the other hand have a choice go down with the Iblees or stand and live with the help of Aeriel.

11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?"

We cannot blame god for all our problems they are truly the fault of us and those around us. God can try to make the suffering stop but without the help of you and I there is no hope. So for there to truly be peace you and everyone else must work and perhaps fight for it. Continue to pray and he will often be there to help you.


-You do not need to be a cleric to be a good person, as you are basically stating in this entire app.

-Fix the format for me please, make it look neat and presentable

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(I think this should be required)Rp Name: - Phelrin_Irongut

1)MC Name: - ChAnKoEr

2)Chosen Patron: - Hrithgar

3)Reason For Joining: - Turmoil is surrounding my mind. The Undead's attacks are becoming more ferocious and unpredictable. Although I thought the Ascended were the protectors of Aegis, my faith in them is waning in light of some of their recent action. I seeks insight to the current events through the powers greater than myself. I need to grow closer to them, and I feels that the only way I can do this is through the Clerical Order

4)Race: - Cave Dwarf

5)Flaws in Your Character: - Although I values honour above all else, I am often rash in my decisions. This can sometimes lead to my losing honour in the eyes of others. This needs to be fixed as soon as possible

6) How long have you been on the server: - About three months now

Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. - I would create a distraction for the citizen to escape. I would then lead the Shade to either an area where he was at a disadvantage, or to people that could subdue him

8) You see a small child shivering in the snow. - The least I would do would be to give the child my cloak. If I had any spells that would warm the child, I would use them. I would also take the child to shelter if one was close, or I would him to where ever I was heading

9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables. - I would talk to the bandit, trying to convinse them of the error in their ways and I would ask them to come with me to Urguan for an ale. If that didn't work, I would give them 50 minas and ask if I could be on my way. If that didn't work, I would run, hoping to lure them into a place were people would overpower them

10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive. - I would go up and talk to him, saying that he is wasting his breath on these people. If he continued, I would simply call the guards on him

11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?" - I would explain to them that suffering only continues because of the choices we make. We are allowed these choice so that we may choose to follow Him or not


-Please go into more detail for the first situation. PM me when you have done this, I will look at it, and decide if you will be accepted.

~Format was great, thank you

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1)MC Name:spychicken956

2)Chosen Patron:Lefor

3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended):To help the people of Aegis


5)Flaws in Your Character:he is a bit crazy

6) How long have you been on the server:4 months or so

Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages]i pray to my patron and then make them stop (my patron is lefor which is why i attack them)

8) You see a small child shivering in the snow.i take of my robes and put it on the child

9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables.i ask for divine help

10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive.i tell them to prove what they are saying then give them a divine sign

11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?" because he gave us the freedom of choice he doesnt just inter fear with our lives just because we are suffering


-I don't even have to read the app to notice your reason for joining. You DO NOT need to be a cleric to be a good person

-Fix Format please, not easy to read

-Your situations are not described in detail at all, please expand on these

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1)MC Name: - ChAnKoEr

2)Chosen Patron: - Hrithgar

Phelrin, you have been....


[Thanks for the PM]

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1)MC Name & RP Name:

Mc name: Nikias_1996

Rp-name: Eledyr

2)Chosen Patron:


3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended):

Eledyr didn’t always have faith in Aeriel, there were times that he hated him, he couldn’t understand how someone so good and powerful could let the world fall to pieces.

He was angry because the ascended, the mighty worshippers of Aeriel weren’t doing anything.

He was angry because the once Beautiful world of Aegis was starting to rot because of the darkness that the undead have brought upon our lands.

But then he saw one of the most eye opening things that he had ever seen.

It was on a cold winter day and he was walking towards ravenhold when he saw a family, they were wearing dirty clothes and they looked like they hadn’t eaten in months.

The heart of Eledyr was filled with sadness and he went to his home to get them some food, and when he brought them the food they only took half of it, the other half they put away.

When Eledyr asked why they had put the bread away they answered :” because there is a poor family

in Serpent ridge that need it more than we do”. At first Eledyr deemed them stupid and he went home, but when he was lying in bed that night he started thinking.

He realized that this world wasn’t that evil after all, he now understood that there still is good in aegis and that the he shouldn’t just give up.

Now he wanders the known world of Aegis, trying to help where he can.

For he want to get rid of the darkness that houses in everyone, because he still has hope.

But Eledyr is alone , there is to much darkness to be able to be driven away bye 1 light.

But now he finally found a place where there are people that just like him still believe.

He hopes that together with the clerical order they can bring back faith and hope to the now so dark lands of Aegis



5)Flaws in Your Character:

Eledyr is a man of many mistakes.

He was a rebel, a person who didn’t respect any rules.

Although that those times still lay behind him , there is still a part of him that finds it hard to listen to his supiriors, but he tryes to work on it , and he is sure that Aeriel will enlighten the path for him.

6) How long have you been on the server:

Since july 2011

Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages]

Eledyr knows little about shades, what he does know is that it is not smart to attack one.

yet the citizen is in danger. Eledyr sees no other way then to distract the shade so that the citizen can run. He walks up to shade and asks him : “do you have a spear coin for an old man?”.

A soon as the shade looks at Eledyr he raises his arms and screams MAY THE LIGHT OF AERIEL BLIND YOU.!!The shade will have the reflex of looking away because he is excpecting an attack on his eyes of some sort. What he doesn’t know is that it is all bluff. But this bluff gives the citizen a chance to run. When the citizen is gone he starts running towards the city walls. Years of fighting and scouting have trained Eledyr so that he can run far and fast. When he reaches the city walls he starts screaming: SHADE SHADE!!!! This would give the shade 2 choices, either attack Eledyr but then he would risk

getting arrested by the guards, or he can run.

8) You see a small child shivering in the snow.

Eledyr starts to become angry, not at the child but at the people who are responsible for making this child to what it is. The parents are most likely death, killed bye undead or bandits.

Eledyr would give the child his cloak and a piece of bread. Then he would take him to nearby tavern for some warm soup and something to drink.

Unfortunatly he cant take care of the kid himself.

When the child is done eating Eledyr brings him to the local church asking the local priest to find a home for him. After a week he would go check to see if the child has found a home.

If not he would go out and search a home for the kid.

9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables.

Eledyr starts using one of his favorite ways: distraction.

“ but…but…I don’t have any money.”

He knows that the bandit won’t believe him but that doesn’t matter.

Eledyr is just trying to buy himself time so he keeps on saying things like that.

He tries to make clear to him that robbing people isn’t right and that he should find another way

of earning money. This will most likely not work, but at least he tried.

If the bandit keeps demanding money Eledyr gives him a bag with minas in it.

If the thieve isn’t satisfied he uses the one method that never lets him down, he starts running.

He is faster then the thieve because he doesn’t have to hold an sword.

When Eledyr manages to escape he would try and find the place where the thieve is staying and he would leave a note: “ Aeriel always give us a second chance, it is our choice however what whe we do with that chance”.

10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive.

Eledyr would start a debate with the man , talking about Aeriel.

he would try to make clear to the people that We shouldn’t listen to a man who worships a fallen demon. Although this speech may only reach a few at least some people went home, thinking about aeriel and how she tryes to Enlighten everyones life.

11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?"

Eledyr has asked himself this question many times.

Why? Why? Why? That is the question that most of the people ask themselves in these times of need. Eledyr replies with: We cannot blame the gods for the human nature.

We make our own choices, we decide for ourselves.

God can’t make all of our decisions for us, because that would simply make us into puppets.

It is our choice if we follow god or not. But rest assure that god will always accept you if you wish to put faith in him.

(( I know that my spelling and grammar suck xs English isn’t my mane language, and although I can rp well in English writing long texts is still hard sometimes ))

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1)MC Name & RP Name:

Mc name: Nikias_1996

Rp-name: Eledyr

2)Chosen Patron:


3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended):

Eledyr didn’t always have faith in Aeriel, there were times that he hated him, he couldn’t understand how someone so good and powerful could let the world fall to pieces.

He was angry because the ascended, the mighty worshippers of Aeriel weren’t doing anything.

He was angry because the once Beautiful world of Aegis was starting to rot because of the darkness that the undead have brought upon our lands.

But then he saw one of the most eye opening things that he had ever seen.

It was on a cold winter day and he was walking towards ravenhold when he saw a family, they were wearing dirty clothes and they looked like they hadn’t eaten in months.

The heart of Eledyr was filled with sadness and he went to his home to get them some food, and when he brought them the food they only took half of it, the other half they put away.

When Eledyr asked why they had put the bread away they answered :” because there is a poor family

in Serpent ridge that need it more than we do”. At first Eledyr deemed them stupid and he went home, but when he was lying in bed that night he started thinking.

He realized that this world wasn’t that evil after all, he now understood that there still is good in aegis and that the he shouldn’t just give up.

Now he wanders the known world of Aegis, trying to help where he can.

For he want to get rid of the darkness that houses in everyone, because he still has hope.

But Eledyr is alone , there is to much darkness to be able to be driven away bye 1 light.

But now he finally found a place where there are people that just like him still believe.

He hopes that together with the clerical order they can bring back faith and hope to the now so dark lands of Aegis



5)Flaws in Your Character:

Eledyr is a man of many mistakes.

He was a rebel, a person who didn’t respect any rules.

Although that those times still lay behind him , there is still a part of him that finds it hard to listen to his supiriors, but he tryes to work on it , and he is sure that Aeriel will enlighten the path for him.

6) How long have you been on the server:

Since july 2011

Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages]

Eledyr knows little about shades, what he does know is that it is not smart to attack one.

yet the citizen is in danger. Eledyr sees no other way then to distract the shade so that the citizen can run. He walks up to shade and asks him : “do you have a spear coin for an old man?”.

A soon as the shade looks at Eledyr he raises his arms and screams MAY THE LIGHT OF AERIEL BLIND YOU.!!The shade will have the reflex of looking away because he is excpecting an attack on his eyes of some sort. What he doesn’t know is that it is all bluff. But this bluff gives the citizen a chance to run. When the citizen is gone he starts running towards the city walls. Years of fighting and scouting have trained Eledyr so that he can run far and fast. When he reaches the city walls he starts screaming: SHADE SHADE!!!! This would give the shade 2 choices, either attack Eledyr but then he would risk

getting arrested by the guards, or he can run.

8) You see a small child shivering in the snow.

Eledyr starts to become angry, not at the child but at the people who are responsible for making this child to what it is. The parents are most likely death, killed bye undead or bandits.

Eledyr would give the child his cloak and a piece of bread. Then he would take him to nearby tavern for some warm soup and something to drink.

Unfortunatly he cant take care of the kid himself.

When the child is done eating Eledyr brings him to the local church asking the local priest to find a home for him. After a week he would go check to see if the child has found a home.

If not he would go out and search a home for the kid.

9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables.

Eledyr starts using one of his favorite ways: distraction.

“ but…but…I don’t have any money.”

He knows that the bandit won’t believe him but that doesn’t matter.

Eledyr is just trying to buy himself time so he keeps on saying things like that.

He tries to make clear to him that robbing people isn’t right and that he should find another way

of earning money. This will most likely not work, but at least he tried.

If the bandit keeps demanding money Eledyr gives him a bag with minas in it.

If the thieve isn’t satisfied he uses the one method that never lets him down, he starts running.

He is faster then the thieve because he doesn’t have to hold an sword.

When Eledyr manages to escape he would try and find the place where the thieve is staying and he would leave a note: “ Aeriel always give us a second chance, it is our choice however what whe we do with that chance”.

10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive.

Eledyr would start a debate with the man , talking about Aeriel.

he would try to make clear to the people that We shouldn’t listen to a man who worships a fallen demon. Although this speech may only reach a few at least some people went home, thinking about aeriel and how she tryes to Enlighten everyones life.

11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?"

Eledyr has asked himself this question many times.

Why? Why? Why? That is the question that most of the people ask themselves in these times of need. Eledyr replies with: We cannot blame the gods for the human nature.

We make our own choices, we decide for ourselves.

God can’t make all of our decisions for us, because that would simply make us into puppets.

It is our choice if we follow god or not. But rest assure that god will always accept you if you wish to put faith in him.

(( I know that my spelling and grammar suck xs English isn’t my mane language, and although I can rp well in English writing long texts is still hard sometimes ))

I understand your spelling and grammar isn't the greatest, and I don't mind.

You have been....


All apps should look like this ^ Neat, and lots of detail, good job.

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Check the post again. I've updated the Apply section with more detailed instructions on what to do after you app is accepted.

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      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

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