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Jercio Chirr Nomad Of The Deep Woods


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Character Name Jercio Chirr
Nicknames: none
Age: 148
Gender: male
Race: wood elf
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 132
Body Type: lean, but muscular
Eyes: green
Hair: shaggy, dark brown
Skin: tan
Markings/Tattoos: none
Health: physically in top condition, but mentally exhausted
Personality: Jercio is typically a rather nice guy, but that usually requires you getting to know him. At first glance he appears cocky and very pugnacious, but it really is just his dedication to his goals that make him willing to take on challenges way out of his league. If you get past that you may see him as a bit moody or at least his feelings change rather quickly. This seems to be something with Jercio where his attention span is extremely short, and he has nearly boundless energy. This does lead to him rambling about certain topics as well. If he enjoys the topic he’ll go on and on, but if he dislikes the topic he’ll try hard to change it or leave despite how rude it is.
Deep down Jercio is a very dedicated elf. He’s willing to lay down his life for the world he believes in, and would do it for anyone he cares about. He has good morals even if he’s a bit chaotic about carrying them out, and really just wants to help the world.
Recently he has developed a bit more of an anger towards certain groups. Particularly high elves and White Rose members. He contains his disgust with the majority of high elves, but he can’t control it as well when it comes to the White Rose.
He also has gained a great feeling of compassion for Eluana Sweetgrass and her daughter Kiri. He’s taken on the task of helping them and protecting them through many of the challenges they face. He is unsure how else to express how much he cares for Luna, but it doesn’t deter him from doing all he can to help her.
Inventory: Jercio’s standard inventory is:
His bow “Fea-Okar” “Soul Safeguarded” or “Soul Guardian”,
A short sword,
A quarter staff,
A few arrows in his quiver,
Some Pelts,
Baked potato’s as they are a great source of food and warmth,
A bone or two for his wolf,
And some smoked meats or jerky.
Further Details:
Life Style
Alignment*: Chaotic good
Alliance/Nation/Home: Alliance and current home DarkHaven. Original home SouthGlade
Job/Class: Hunter/Archer
Title(s): Nomad of the Deep Forest
Profession(s): Vigilante, hunter, attempting to become a druid
Special Skill(s): exceptional sniper, empathy to wolves, and a rather deep connection to nature
Flaw(s): overly zealous, has lost much of his motivation due to losses, and has been out of society for a long time.
Current Status: he is not a mage of any sort, but has been searching for a Druid to teach him
Current Spell(s):
Fighting Style: Jercio has two styles based on proximity. He is a great long ranged archer, and knows many of the kill zones where he can take down big enemies quickly. Up close he’s fast and dashes around trying to make quick attacks even if they aren’t hard hitting.
Trained Weapon: Bow, short sword, and is training in the use of a quarterstaff
Favored Weapon: His family heirloom bow “Fea-Okar”
Archery: Jercio is top notch at sniping single targets. In a crowd his skill is diminished greatly. Most of his knowledge comes from learning what he had to hit to kill animals when he learned how to hunt.
Parents: Kane and Laera
Siblings: none
Children: none
Extended Family: He has somewhat adopted the family of Luna and Kiri Sweetgrass.
Pet(s): Orion the wolf and Herao the falcon
Jercio like many elves these days was an only child. His parents Kane and Laera were common folk wood elves though a trickle of human blood was there on the mother‘s side. The community in which Jercio grew up had its fair share of half-breeds. It was a small out of the way village, so the mingling wasn’t too surprising. Jercio grew up alongside a number of half-blood children. Some were more human others more elvish and vice versa. Jercio was so barely affected by his blood that he was nearly considered a pure blood. That factor never divided him from the other young ones, but it did show as years went by. As an elf he lived much longer then the humans and out lived a few half elves. He learned it as part of his life that people die, but watching friends wither way at old age was not something he accepted quickly. Some of his dearest friends were humans. When they were old men he was still a boy, but he never let this get in his way. He was able to take in the same knowledge as his aging friends and would live his childhood among them.
As the decades past Jercio watched new generations come. He never forgot his old friends and often would visit their children and grandchildren. It was in his blood to take care of his pack. His family was proud to be called Wolf, as was he. Jercio made it his duty to protect these people since he had been blessed with a long life.
By about his eighties many of Jercio’s old friend’s family’s moved away. The small village had become crowded, and never seemed to expand. With no reason to stay in the village besides a simple job as a hunter, Jercio left his home and headed out into the wilds.
Jercio was the still equivalent of a young human male when he left home, and in more than just physical maturity. He was brash, energetic, and searching for his place. He’d seen generations go by before him, and here he was a young elf with many centuries before him.
In the wilds, hunting and Jercio’s many long years of learning how to co-exist with nature kept him alive. Jercio knew how to snipe almost any wild creature in a way to let it exit this state without pain. From there he’s use everything. If it was a chicken? He’d pluck the feathers for arrows, use the bones for tools and to calm the wolves down, the least edible parts like the feet and beak were good for trading to the occasional potion brewer he’d see in towns, of course he’d eat the meat, and the remaining food was to be bait.
The wolves were one sort of creature who seemed to always follow him. Perhaps he seemed like prey, or they smelled the food he carried, but they never seemed aggressive. Jercio would spot them, and they’d dash off into the woods. Their chorus of howls would even lull Jercio to sleep at night on occasion. Perhaps it was his ancestors watching over him, perhaps it was just nature, or maybe nothing.
So there Jercio was for nearly thirty years. He tried to comprehend the ways of nature. How so many glorious creations, the trees, the grass, the animals, and the life in all of them was so fragile. The questions consumed him for those years. He needed to know why his dear friends could not live long like him, and how the world was so easily destroyed. As a child he did not learn much of the origin. He knew that a god had created the world, and of the four brothers who were the ancestors of the races, but he did not know of the darkness that visited this world. That is until he came upon a small manor.
The manor was owned by a human lord named Thomas Riecher. The man was somewhere in the middle of his lifespan, but in those short years had made quite the collection of old books and other artifacts. The man was a kind reasonable gentlemen who allowed Jercio to stay for a few nights at a low cost. Though most would see the fee a rude gesture Jercio saw it as the man simply being logical. While Jercio stayed there he spent many hours in the library reading through the ancient tomes. At one point the man asked Jercio for help decoded a few damaged sheets of paper with elvish writing on them, but Jercio was unable to assist since he knew only his last name in that tongue. The book which caught Jercio’s attention for the longest was one detailing the origin of the world. The tome itself was very old, and Thomas said it was a very early copy of Chronicles of the ancient history. It apparently was copied from the original text by an extremely talented scribe. The quality was not what made it fascinating to Jercio though. Learning of Iblees and how he had cursed the world like this not only infuriated Jercio but motivated him.
When Jercio left Thomas’ manor he went deep into the forests. Deep into his homeland. Here Jercio reevaluated his life. That disgusting creature had changed the world created by the god and sculpted by the four races. He had altered nature and cursed the entirety of Aegis. Asulon was not free from that darkness either though. Iblees’ curses on the four races made anywhere they went doomed. So deep within the forest Jercio constructed a small shrine and prayed to the god.
“I have not experienced the long lost past, and know not the future. I have lived but a short time in your eyes, and long in those whom have passed. I ask that my many years be blessed with the fortune to go forth and help protect the world you made. My ancestry helped to give names to your creations. One name was Chirr, Wolf. A mighty predator who’s strength comes from those it leads. Give me the zeal to draw strength from the world I wish to defend!”
Jercio didn’t feel anything change, but he knew he had. From then on Jercio made it his duty to help protect the world. Not only in the way of respect like many elves, but also by striking down those who would endanger it. No one would be immune from judgment. Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, or even elves who put nature at risk would soon be at the mercy of the wolf.
For the next few decades Jercio traveled the continent as a nomad always looking to keep nature in balance. He tried to strengthen his bond with nature always trying to tap into the magics used by druids, but never had any real success. He did defeat a number of foes through his journey. Selfish humans, greedy dwarves, violent orcs, and the odd twisted elf were slain by his bow. The task was never without pain though. Not only did Jercio suffer many wounds over the years, but the realization of the extent of his goal also hindered Jercio. He had wanted to do so much to help the world, but he knew he could never do enough.
For now he has reduced his watch to the edges of Elven territory, but still acts with the same fervor. If the day ever comes where Iblees or any evil appears to destroy nature Jercio will stand ready to defend god’s creation to his very last breath.


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