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Mayctor Bio


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Nicknames: High Guardian, Prince, Dark lord, The Traitor, Dreadlord, The Voice

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Elf    

Status: Living


Height: 6’5”

Weight: 114LBS

Body Type: Frail and weak

Eyes: Orangish brown

Hair: none

Skin: Pale/ anemic

Markings/Tattoos: Facial scars

Health: Sickly

Personality: Very secretive, spends a lot of time rambling.

Inventory: Last remaining Arcane gold stave, a pouch with dried fish, and some stale bread.

Life Style

Alignment*: Neutral Evil    

Deity*: Mayctor sees himself as his own.

Religion: None

Alliance/Nation/Home: None Mayctor was thrown out of Malinor for his beleifs.

Job/Class: Deception

Title(s): The Voice

Profession(s): None

Special Skill(s): Speechcraft, power of suggestion

Flaw(s): Holds a grudge like no other, will stop at nothing to have revenge.


Fighting Style: Mayctor no longer fights his own battles, he has others do it for him.

Trained Weapon: Axe, Longbow, Stave

Favored Weapon: Stave


Parents: Unknown

Siblings: None that are known

Children: There is a possibility of a couple but Mayctor is unaware of them.

Extended Family: None living

Pet(s): None



(Biography and lead up Lore)

Chapter 1

A Traitor, or betrayed?

Our story begins at a turning point in Mayctor’s long life. Up until this point he was a simple Soldier tasked with the training of the Councils guardians the Sentinels. In spare time he had constructed much of the newer parts of Laurelin. East, West, and South Laurelin all had felt the impact of Mayctor’s craft. Even the construction of the elven railway was paid for out of his pocket. He only sought to improve the forest for the better.

But alas, the undead scourge approached and darkness swept over the land. Reports of attacks on the northern most Human settlements made their way to the forest. Mayctor, untrusting of the humes came to the conclusion that the mortal races when faced with doom would surely seek refuge to the south in the forest delaying their inevitable demise and in their greed destroy it's innocence and natural beauty. Mayctor brought this up to the council and they as always remained neutral. They would not refuse them should they seek refuge. Unsatisfied by the response of the other council members he began to research, in private a way to send the devils back from whence they came.

Mayctor’s research quickly lead him to a very dusty part of the royal library, tomes with tattered pages, written in mysterious tongues. He slowly unraveled the mysteries of the books and began to realize the true power he could have. Not only could he stop the undead, he could cleanse the world of all mortal races. He spent months reading, in complete solace left with only his thoughts. It became obsessive, compulsive almost. He had to know all there was to know. Mayctor, and Mayctor alone would save this world from corruption. He relished in his new found abilities.Before his research could be completed the she-devil Bell outed Mayctor's intentions to the elven princes, and was cast out from the forest.

A great battle ensued at the freshly erected gate to the forest, between the High Prince Native, and the now so called traitor. Harnessing what little magic he picked up from his readings, he thrust Native aside tossing him into the nearby river giving him enough time to start his escape.

Closely followed by the troops he once commanded Mayctor found a new vigor he felt unstoppable fueled only by rage. He stopped in his tracks turned and faced his ex-subordinates, one by one they were slain. Mayctor now covered in gore, and out of breath stared into the sky for miles the audible scream that bellowed from his mouth could be heard. "BELL!" Thunder clapped as the skies quickly darkened and a storm front rolled in. Lightning stuck the ground around him, singeing surrounding foliage.

Mayctor felt both completely vulnerable, and entirely shattered. Even in his most powerful moment, he was a broken elf... Kneeling on the ground, and sobbing, clothing tattered and torn he could hear the faintest chuckle coming from the treetops. A robed being decended from his perch and whispered in his ear. "Kill the one who slayed your life, and we will spare your forest." As quickly as he appeared, he vanished leaving behind only the most foul odor you have ever smelled. The lush grasses around Mayctor withered, all manner of bugs, and creepy crawlies burst their way out of the ground.

Mayctor got up and made for the open wilderness to ponder his newly received opportunity. Taking shelter from the storm under the canopy of a willow tree; he rested. Unknowingly he dozed off and his dreams were of only destruction and blood. Awakening in sweat he agreed the only way to save what he held most dear, was to kill the one named Bell...

After many attempts to catch her alone, he finally called her out to King's Road, tempting her with juicy information regarding the kidnapping of the Queen. She showed! "The fool." Mayctor thought to himself. He revealed his elaborate ruse, and she reveled at the opportunity to end Mayctor and his new found purpose once and for all.

Swords clashed, sparks flew, thunder claps could be heard again in the distance rapidly closing in on their personal battleground. Winds blew with hurricane forces and the nearby treetops were peppered with glowing eyes. The foul smell once again returned, corrupting the very soil beneath their feet.

Mayctor lunged at Bell, slicing the back of her off-hand. "This is what they want to see." He thought. Bell parried Mayctor's next 3 attacks, and now had several gashes in his torso. Bells blade now lodged in Mayctor's shoulder became red hot in Bells hand burning her, the robed onlookers were interfering. She quickly pulled away, and Mayctor struck the final blow shearing the whores head clean off.

Mayctor himself quite injured began to feel dizzy, and weak. He watched as bells head tumbled in the air as it fell to the ground. His eyes grow heavy as he falls forward, landing on his face. Bell's head thumped as it hit the ground. With his last seconds of consciousness he saw the eyes and mangled grins quickly encroaching on him from the nearby shrubbery. He embraced his death and then there was silence....

        Chapter 2 and 3 being rewritten. WIll update when finished

       *Note it's been brought to my attention I forgot some pretty big events, and I also need to expand on the rivalry with Bell quite a bit more.





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