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Everything posted by riorr

  1. On a grey morning a Seregon sat within his hiding location, sipping his favourite fresh leaf tea, peppermint. He looked over the missive, underlining the words with a single digit, then paused beneath the final signature. “So this is what he’s doing? It is rare I hear of my kin now.” The elf peered into his teacup. It was empty. He grumbled out, “I hate magic.”
  2. Tagging on I'm also happy to help anytime! RIO#8249 or Rioling ingame ❤️
  3. Voting Ballot ((Minecraft Name: Rioling)) Name: Elarhil Sullas Age: 50s Vote 1: Alaion Miravaris Vote 2: Alaion Miravaris
  4. "A Mali'thill of long time serving to Elcihi'thilln, cordial and earnest in nature, the Miravaris is honourable. Kae nae'leh lle salume Alaion. Larehan ito kae'leh."
  5. THE PEOPLE WILL IT penned and issued 69 S.A. High Elves of Haelun’or, blessed Citizenry; we gather as one to put forth our collective will. A Petition has been raised, as is Haelun’orian tradition - as is constitutionally recognised as the correct call to action, one I am sure that elMalauriran shall encourage and approve. With no shedding of Silver Blood, unlike those ‘atafenn who proceed through our streets, the Mali’thill people seek to peacefully make their discontent known: such is the way of logic - the way of Silver. It is hoped that those who claim ‘power’ and ‘leadership’ would answer this call, would answer to the pleas of the citizenry they claim to rule [ACA - Limca , by Johann Blais] THE PETITION The people of the Silver State call for the following; I - To remove the Mali’fenn force from the city. No longer shall our oem’iian live in fear each day, no longer shall unarmed citizenry be brutalised upon Silver Streets. The occupation of foreign military forces ends here. II - To hold an election for the Sohaership, the votes being verified and counted by Elmalauriran. As per Haelun’orian tradition, and as per the will of the people, they shall decide their leader. It is the Mali’thill citizenry who provide their consent to be governed, who choose to follow the Sohaer - their leader by teaching. Signed, ~ Celian Fi’inde (A. Miravaris) ~ Epaphri Kekenomos ~ Kolvar Uradir ~ Avihnsil - Eredael Rhenaer ~ Korvec Alemnir ~ Asher Vult ~ Varus Ni’leya ~ Pamphilos Callidora ~ Usamea An’asul ~ Maenor Aildhuin - Edgars An’asul - Eledar Haler’thilln ~ Stelios Kekenomos - Elarhil Sullas ~ Seth Calith ~ Rune of Ahad (Viradiraar) == IKUR SULLAS == ~ Caelius Sullas ~ Braxus Ni’leya ~ Evo’lur Tartarus ~ Arasdir Miravaris / Valazaer Calith / - Alpine Wonda - ~ Ellenore Rorik Eiriksson Ruric, of Nordengrad; born of Sil’adri, Keeper of the Red Faith, & Grand Architect - Luavyn Elibar’acal of the Silver state, forever Azorella’s husband. It is encouraged for any more who have not yet the chance to sign to mail-in and attach their signatures below. The blessed citizenry awaits action.
  6. Among the towering bookshelves of The Eternal Library, surrounded by tomes of all continents, a Mali'thill began a passionate fact check. It took him only a short length of time to find sources for he was freshly familiar with the location of contents. He finished firmly satisfied.
  7. "To quote the poet Gusten Faeliel - the new day shows it's light, our silver revolution has no end in sight!" Elarhil Sullas folded one of the missives and slid it into his pocket for personal keeping, nodding to his lliran, Arasdir.
  8. A Mali'thill scratched his chin, "The Silver Law should not take sides, trials are to be ran with fairness, those who have broken it then are punished accordingly."
  9. [!] Missives flit with the wind in Haelun’or, about the bastion, they scatter. Expression of Truth 10th of The First Seed, Year 69 of the Second Age To Ivarielle, we recall your dubbing yourself as the ‘Silver Princess’, an ungracious title. We recall the shameful display, the debate where Sohaer Braxus Ni’leya offered you in a traditional Haelun’orian manner, the chance to challenge him for his position. We recall how you showed up late, supportless, and asked Elsohaer if he was ready to give up his position. He brushed off your inquiry, looking to the dais for the debate to begin, and in a flustered state from the Citadel you fled. We recall the demolition of our walls. The swarm that took to the city to pillage. The lives of our officials being taken. We recall that now outside their homes, your enthusiasts are attacking citizens. They do not wish to participate in discourse, they are irritated by it, since they are not Haelun’orians like you claim. We recall the path of destruction taken to reach today; this you chose over a simple debate. In your latest missive you make many accusations of falsities. It was befittingly titled, for your writings were in fact, a mockery of truth. First and foremost, the Republicans have not fled. They are the citizens that remain in their city that you continue to lay claim to, this much is obvious, or there would not be conflict within it. You are merely trying to paint a picture that you have succeeded in your plot. Moving on to the library. Nobody has lied and persuaded their way inside, you may ask Elokarir’maehr or Tilruir’nealu who are upholding the library, this is a baseless claim. You criticise Varus for sabotaging the locks when that is in fact what you did, barring the citizenry from reaching their homes, along with public buildings such as the Citadel. May you be reminded that the Silver City does allow visitors. Issue stems not from them but the Mali’fenn you invite to murder our relatives. Furthermore, no wounding was warranted. As you admit, citizens were ordered to surrender; surrender to ones without authority within Elcihi’thilln. Yet, rather than retaliating to their mockery with the barbarity they would get back, the highly capable group attempted to walk away calmly. The harassment of citizens to submit, some of whom you did not even know the stance of, is further provoking a schism you say it was to prevent. Malauriran bare witness to all of this. To the council who condone these actions and events; you have lost all jurisdiction. Not because of Haelun’orian’s beliefs, but outside the Fennic plague have been actively ignoring you as they think they now decide what is what in Haelun’or. They pose as if they are Elsillumiran, they do not respond to those councillors working with them, simply they are not in good faith. I ask you each this to ponder - are you with Haelun’or? You may not have known of Ayliana’s plot to ascend Ivarielle, still your words and actions show support for it - perhaps out of love for your lliran? Clear as the water of our silver isle we see that Ivarielle’s actions are not preserving Haelun’orian culture or peoples. Haelun’or, of course, is where these elements are. Ne active role has been taken by her to stop the bloodshed and impurity on the streets, instead, she has justified it. Do you accept a Sohaer who would watch idly as ‘her’ people, the Haelun’orian people, are slaughtered? Lastly, more mention of Ayliana. We all are aware she is a performer, she adores the spotlight, unfortunately she should only be kept out of it. The genuine adherents to Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya see through her words of deceit. Think she is not a deceiver? Take it not from us - but from her. In the missive, ‘The Schemes Of A Dove’, she explicitly details how she manipulated the late Sohaer Idendril Elassidil. Her actions were not in the interests of Haelun’orians. Rather, a self-serving display. Ayliana only cares for recognition, be it negative or positive. As for her claim to the name of ‘The Dove’, there is only one Dove in Haelun’or history, and if she wishes to be the dove so badly may she be caged like one. We, the citizens of Karinah’siol. MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  10. A halfling furrowed her brows, "T'is bigg'un's callin' me a freak eh? Or is t'is a weird sort o' compliment ter our race?" She lowered the paper, "Can never tell with 'em."
  11. Eternal Library Recommendations 4th of The Deep Cold, Year 68 of the Second Age Open Library For all ‘The M&H: Part 1-3’ by Lucion Sullas A threefold series by Malaurir Lucion Sullas. The accomplished Mali’thill writes in this short series the history of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya, its ideals and common misconceptions. I put this at the top as it is most helpful to truly understanding Haelun’orian culture. For the creative ‘Diligent ‘thill’ by Gusten Faeliel A poem of a dutiful Mali’thill. It is a patriotic piece. Such words written inspire great warmth! Restricted Library For oem’ii and messy Mali’aheral ‘Scrubbing Away’ by Sulraell Visaj Whilst not a task many of us take delight in, including the author of this book, cleaning and organisation are of utmost importance to a Mali’thill. An orderly home and surroundings contribute massively to an orderly mind. In this work an Arcasian cleaning expert, also a historical Sohaer, details proper methods and useful tips for cleaning with a satire tone. Tilruir'nealu Elarhil Sullas MAEHR'SAE HIYLUN'EHYA
  12. "What do you think, Seth?" Elarhil Sullas sat, his legs over the side of his bed in the Sullas Calith'ehya manor, a missive in his lap. Upon an open palm of the high elf was Seth, a racing snail. Slowly but surely, the gastropod slithered from skin onto the paper, travelling diagonally till it reached Elarhil's knee. Then with a cupped hand Seth was retrieved - the paper left slimed. Elarhil quirked a corner of his mouth downwards. "Hm."
  13. Elarhil disjoined his hands, extending one out to the An'asul firstly, "Leithedir, I appreciate that balancing workload between Okarir’maehr and Eluhieran Leader is valid concern, it is something I have taken into consideration myself. This is why Eluhieran has multiple figureheads. I am not the sole leader, between myself and others the responsibility of Eluhieran can be fulfilled. I do not think my age is an unyielding blockade - more like a closed gate - an obstacle to be overcame. Our current Maheral Elesia Elervathar, blessed be, entered her role at a young age much near to mine. Her haelun, Maheral Iaria Elervathar, was the youngest in history. They are testimony that age does not define capability. My age is opportunity," He allowed the words to linger. "As for time, there is no shortage of it, for we are Mali. The most eternal and enduring of beings. All of us would be handling knowledge older and of course newer," His gaze flickered over to the side of the onlookers nearest Leithedir, then as the Sullas swivelled to Tiuthwyn, it looked to her side of the seating briefly also. "Tiuthwyn, my contributions to the state besides Eluhieran extend through Elsillumiran, serving in The Magelight Inn, sharing works from the Eternal Library through public readings and visiting other places to enlighten even lessers, have been recognised by Elmaheral herself. I see that you want to be provided trust in my loyalty and devotion to the state from this knowledge. Remember that current action is very important - my readiness is paramount. Unfortunately, I do not see that Leithedir’s history outshines mine. Yours is commendable, Tiuthwyn, but what have you done as of late? I have foot in both. See that a new face brings new life to the library," He drew in a shallow breath. A small smile spread over his visage as he wrapped up, "I do agree that a research post set up beside the voidal taint is a marayla idea. I would be happy to post one there."
  14. Elarhil Sullas bowed his head in acknowledgement of Leithedir’s inquiries and asked his next, “I will ask you both the same questions, and they are simple ones that I’m sure you have prepared. What is it you will you introduce to Haelun’or that you feel is lacking, in the name of progress, and how do you intend you implement such? For instance - my own was seeing as I did how Mali’aheral youth were not given much support from the Haelun’orian government, myself finding mentoring almost exclusively in individuals when I first returned years ago, I took initiative reviving Eluhieran. I aim to see it successful as an extension of the Eternal Library. Is there something you personally feel is most strongly demanded within Elcihi’thilln?”
  15. “Ahern ito nae’leh Leithedir,” Elarhil’s head pivoted from the prior speaker to the people. “For those of you who are familiar with me, ayla nae osulier. For those of you otherwise, I excitedly greet you on this momentous day in history, where before you will rise many fine and willing Mali’aheral - a display of spirit, wit and dedication to the State,” His hands intertwined in front of him. “My name is Elarhil Sullas. It is one I wear proudly for the Sullas tallonii’s great contributions through time. Today I offer you further,” Pausing, Elarhil surveyed the audience, then with a twinkle resumed. “The Okarir’maehr is charged with upholding a significant part of the Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. The knowledge that helps us advance. The Eternal Library - our beautiful bastion - shall flourish once again, with no queries being put on the shelf any longer, no dust settling over our knowledge. I hope it is I who can create this future,” He proclaimed, taking a small step back after the statement was concluded.
  16. Elarhil Sullas took to the dais following Leithedir An'asul. The clacking of boot heels against the marble floor resonated throughout the Citadel, and it was clear the young elf was confident in his stride, poised with an upright posture and lifted chin. Facing the assemblage of Mali'aheral he smiled warmly and gave a single nod, signalling his keenness, for the long-awaited debates were about to begin.
  17. ELUHIERAN HANDBOOK 10th of The Deep Cold, Year 66 of The Second Age Eluhieran is a historic institution, founded 1719 FA by Azorella Elibar’acal, it was refounded in 1749 FA by Althaia Elibar’acal and again in 66 SA by Elarhil Sullas. It seeks to develop the minds and bodies of Mali’aheral oem’ii and create bonds, through games, campouts, educational activities and exploration. Eluhieran consists of the Scouts and the Scout Haeluns/Malns. Any child under the age of 50 may join as a scout, adults over the age of 50 may join as a scout haelun or maln if they meet a requirement. Uhieran Pledge I pledge myself to the Silver State and promise to be honest, fair and helpful, adhere to the Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya, and respect Uhieran law. Uhieran Ranks A Uhieran works towards badges to accumulate and place on their sash and with every three they receive a new uniform in a different colour, they wear these with pride as it signifies their dedication towards Eluhieran, and the Silver State. [ oem ] Ficóon Recite the pledge to get the Haler badge and become a Ficóon. [ niut ] Barbu’lentos Earn three more badges to become a Barbu’lentos. [ hael ] Tahorran’vallel Reach six badges. [ vailu ] Athri’valumuel Reach nine badges. [ kulin ] Vuln’imiruel Reach twelve badges. [ banih ] Chirr’ceru The most dedicated of scouts, reach fifteen of sixteen possible badges. [ laier ] Turr’thilln The leaders of Eluhieran. Turr’thilln means ‘Silver Sheep’ as the leaders act as shepherding figures. Uhieran Badges Once a Uhieran has completed the requirements for a badge, they can receive it at any time by giving proof to a Uhieran Leader, however Eluhieran will also have badge-giving ceremonies around the campfire. Akaleh Badge Amana Badge Ame Badge Annil Badge Celia Badge Fer’peur Badge Haler Badge Hiylun Badge Ileronn Badge Indor Badge Kaliri Badge Maehr Badge Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Badge Mali Badge Parsear Badge Sil Badge Valmir Badge Uhieran Cookies Uhieran cookies can be purchased directly from scouts on excursions. Proceeds go to the Silver State! Thill Mints Purchasing a box of Thill Mints - our round, mint-flavored cookies with a delicious chocolatey coating - helps an oem’ii learn money management. They handle money, keep records, even track orders - activities that are essential to running a successful business. Sillumoas A tasty treat isn't all that's involved with a box of our caramel and toasted coconut-covered cookies. Through interaction with each customer and other Scouts, a Uhieran learns the importance of keeping their word, doing the right thing, and being fair. Tagalaurirs A layer of peanut butter with a rich chocolatey coating are divine treats - but you know that every box an oem’ii sells helps them learn decision making? They make a plan, solve problems on their own, and think creatively - skills they need to be successful, now and in the future. Larihei-Ups A brand new addition by Uhieran Leader Elarhil Sullas, these crispy lemon cookies with sugar glaze have various inspirational messages - messaging that oem’ii learn to practice as a Uhieran. Uhieran Law [ I ] A scout is honest. [ II ] A scout is friendly and considerate. [ III ] A scout has self-respect and respect for others. [ IV ] A scout is careful of possessions and property. [ V ] A scout acts safely especially in unsafe situations. [ VI ] A scout acts according to Uhieran Scout Leader’s word. [ VII ] A scout has courage in all difficulties.
  18. “Blessed lliran, I, Elarhil Sullas, am honoured on this day to announce my candidacy for Okarir’maehr. As an avid reader, habitually I am found amongst the towering spruce bookcases of the Eternal Library, studying works of old and new. Regrettably, in recent years, these bookcases have gathered dust. Many have gone without access to the knowledge they seek, which is utterly unacceptable for me, for it is my belief that those making due effort to learn deserve to have the resources available. It causes unthinkable grief that if it continues to go uncared for, neglected by Mali’aheral, the Eternal Library well may become viewed as irrelevant. I wish for all to see and revere the Eternal Library as I do; vast, imposing and unrivalled. In the position of Okarir’maehr, I will be readily available to help those with queries regarding the Eternal Library. I will create work for those who wish to contribute to the state by upkeep of our great bastion of knowledge. My passion for insight is the reason I will soon be revealing a program which will provide oem’ii, as well as adults who desire to partake, the capability to learn a wide range of skills and gain wisdom. I will alter the library in part to create space for weddings to take place. Furthermore, I will arrange trade with other libraries to further expand the collection of books in the Eternal Library. Ahern ito nae’leh for your attention. I hope my words are reassuring that I will be a favourable Okarir’maehr. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya.”
  19. My suggestion would be instead, set a baseline age of maturity for each race and make it a rule break to romance a character before their races age of maturity. Then races can still have age lore that is unique to them.
  20. Gemini please what meme am I?!
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