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About Requiem

  • Birthday 01/21/1998

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  • Character Name
    Castiel Valaker
  • Character Race
    High elf

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  1. The lone mouse limped onwards towards Yong Ping, narrowly escaping the clutches of those who had attacked the unarmed Musin only recently. Time began a blur to the pain of his broken ankle, obtained during his flight from his attackers. Yet as he walked he happened upon the beauty of a bamboo forest, a small respite from the hardships faced before. Onwards he walked towards the gates of the Oyashima, a lone guard manning the entrance. Barnaby stopped hesitantly, having only negative encounters thus far with the giants. Taking a deep breath, his resolve moved him forth to the gate. "Are you quite alright there?" The gatekeeper asked to the limping Musin. "I search for my people, are there any others like me here?" One of Barnaby's ears quipped up hopefully. The guard gave a shake of his head. "I am afraid not, do you not seek entry then?" The lone Musin gave a depressed sigh, giving only a small shake of his head in response before setting out once more onto the roads. Seeing few other options Barnaby snuck onto a nearby canoe, having heard tell of there being other Musin near Talons Port. Setting off without any possessions a storm bore down upon the unlucky mouse, thunder cracking overhead as waves beat against his small raft. Desperately, Barnaby gripped the side of the boat but it was to be in vain as a large wave crashed against his only transport, throwing him into the cold sea. Barnaby gasped for air, his face planted firmly into the salty mud of the jungle. He let out a pained squeak at his broken ankle, his black fur greatly dirtied by his situation. Rising to stand painfully he limped forth, seeing the walls of Talons off in the distance he stumbled forward, whimpering with each step. "You can do this Barnaby." the mouse reassured to himself. "I am Musin!" he declared proudly as he continued onward to the city. To his dismay however the gate remained locked shut and no one answered his cries. Scared and destitute he made his way to a nearby bush housing the hopefully former burrow of some unknown animal. "I won't give up. . ." He murmured to himself, his fur coat now thoroughly matted in mud, filth and hefty dose of seawater. "Think of what the great Musin would do." he tried in vain to remain optimistic as he slowly drifted off into restless sleep.
  2. So this is what Barnaby was whacked over the head for? Nice
  3. I'd be more shocked if he wasn't made admin tbh
  4. Castiel read the missive, a coyish grin planting itself upon his features as he read through. "And the meek shall regale with love, song and dance. Fantasic job Athri."
  5. They gather round the natal bed, the foolish and the wise. They fear the child yet to be born who's voice shall rend the skies.


  6. How can one man, in so few words, say something so intelligent?
  7. I really enjoy the addition of completely flavor, non-combat spells. Telling stories around a fire while the fire plays out the story is such a nuanced detail that adds something beyond killing things dead. “This spell takes two emotes: the first emote is to summon Malchediael’s light; the second emote is to infuse the Templar’s weapon with the light. After that, the Templar may then strike at whoever stands before them to impart the additional force. However, the infused light will not linger forever. Should three emotes pass without the Templar striking at someone or something with the infused weapon, the light will simply disappear. Speech emotes do not count.” This is so absurdly well thought out in so few words, I am legit shocked at how easy and intuitive you managed to make this ability. Does this apply to literally all weapons like knives and spears? Adding that additional power behind a thrust attack would be very powerful, especially against someone in plate armor. +1
  8. By popular request I have added more paragraphs into spoilers.
  9. Ye you right, looked a lot better on docs
  10. Key: The Mantra and Laws of the Psion Mind Over Matter The Wise need not concern themselves with a hunt for power, but instead to empower those without. We are but children to this universe that has given us life, we are to give back that gift by guiding those who lack sight beyond sight. Where others seek control, we seek patience. Where others seek domination, we seek peace. We are above matters of the flesh, but we are not above flesh itself. We are guides, not warriors. We are scholars, not conquerors. In our humility we use our gifts to protect friendship, love, culture, freedom, and peace. We walk this path using only the power within ourselves, for that is all we shall ever need. And when it is time to pass on from this life, we accept it with all the grace we have achieved over our life, proving us unspoiled and not afraid of change. The Three Laws of Psionics: Pure Pagh, or Psionic energy, no matter how much one has, is incapable of directly harming the physical form of any entity. The Power of Raw Talent and Selfishness will never surpass Altruism and Hard work. No Psion is born more powerful than another, the door to that power simply opens more easily to them in the beginning. Overview: The art of Psionics extends far beyond simply spells, casting, and combat. It is a set of morals, philosophy and culture that truly define it. While others focus on defending the world from outside threats, Psions instead aid the individuals of the world, helping to prevent moral decadence and philosophical stagnation by guiding people to their destiny, regardless of who they are. A Psion's power is meant to come solely from themselves and focuses heavily on teachings of inner strength and altruism. They, in essence, take their own life essence and turn it into their Pagh, or Psionic energy. This power has many uses though it is inherently non-lethal. Higher Psionics is a [3] slot magic at Transcendence, one slot per tier advancement. Lesser Psionics is feat level. Higher and Lesser Psionics requires a valid MA to use. Higher Psionics can be learned under a teacher with a valid TA. Lesser Psionics can be learned from either a teacher with a valid TA or an ST approved book on the matter. Higher Psionics requires a Greater soul to be learned, Lesser Psionics does not. Being born a Latent Psion or an Empath requires at least one parent with a valid MA in Psionics and an ST supervised roll out of ⅓ where a 1 is a normal Descendent, a 2 being a Latent Psion and a 3 being an Empath. Becoming a Paragon requires a valid MA and must include the virtue they choose. TLDR: By reorganizing the three primary components of consciousness (The Ego, the Superego, and the ID) Psions are able to convert and manipulate energy with the use of their Aura. The ID is either dissolved (giving the Psion access to more abilities) by Higher Psions to allow them to cast and achieve full control of their Aura. Or it is broken and mastered (Preventing greater abilities but still allowing the base abilities to be used with greater precision) by the Lesser Psions. Psion Classification Latent Psions: The most primitive class of Psion; Latent Psions, unlike all over classifications, do not have any abilities from a normal Physical. They are the offspring of at least one Psionic parent. While they possess no mental abilities at birth they maintain the physical changes of someone who has undergone Awakening. They have an inherent gift for Psionics and becoming one carries less risk than if they weren’t. The chance of one being born is ⅓, the other two being born as a normal Physical or an Empath. Death during childbirth is unfortunately quite common for Latent Psions and Empaths due to the increased size of their heads. Empath: Empaths are the most common form of Psion, mainly due to it being the most basic ability. They are born able to use the Empathy ability and are extremely prized by Psionic teachers due to the reduction in their learning curve as compared to other students. Like Latent Psions, Empaths bear all of the physical changes that come with the Awakening. Mentally speaking they differ from other Physicals in that, due to being born telepathically empathetic, they are almost exclusively kind, gentle, and caring people. Unfortunately Empaths rarely live beyond 20 years old as their abilities, untrained, will begin to slowly overwhelm them. Lesser Psions: Higher Psions: Paragons: Redlines Mental and Psychological Changes Physical Changes: Once Awakened, whether before birth or otherwise, all Psions undergo some degree of physical change. This is partially caused by their ability to passively control their bodily functions but what really induces the change is unknown. The changes for all races capable of Psionics seem to be uniform to some degree. A Transcended with their fully developed features. Height is reduced or raised to 5’10 max. Muscles seem to become leaner, though in actuality they are just becoming more dense and compact while maintaining similar though slightly lessened strength. Tusks in orc’s shrink significantly. Dwarves become less stout (IE, they become leaner and slightly taller). Rarely, a halfling can take on a green hue. Ears fuse to the sides of their heads to increase the forward surface area of the head. Eye color becomes much more vibrant. Higher, Latent, and Empathic Psions experience a moderate growth in their skull and brain tissue. This is not so substantial to the point where it's uncanny but it is noticeable. The pinky finger on both hands (if one exists) will begin to degrade and painlessly fall off once Enlightenment is achieved. Some of the more foolishly arrogant Higher Psions believe this to be the peak form of any race but this is untrue. Oddly enough Orcs seem to lose the ability to enter a blood rage after Awakening. The most interesting change however is to their reproductive system. Quite simply, Psions cannot reproduce the “traditional” way after Enlightenment. For male Psions; when they have decided to conceive offspring they will quite literally sever a portion of their life essence and give it to their partner. This is reversed when it is a female. Simply put, they “think” a child into existence within. To Higher Psions, intercourse is very primitive and unnecessary. Redlines: Mental Changes: It is within the mind that most of the changes take place. A vast majority of Psions who undergo Awakening find themselves able to recall every memory of their entire life in an instant. Those who do, obtain a near perfect photographic memory. However, between Lesser Psions and Higher Psions, the latter get the worst end of the bargain, as their ID will often be dissolved, whilst the Lesser Psions will often take pride in their flawless memory. A Greater Psion who fails to manage their ID dissolution, will find that their ID will begin very slowly reforming itself in an uncontrolled manner. When this happens, they will become a Descended. This is characterized by the Psion acting on many of their impulses, whether this is reckless disregard for life or consistent overuse of their abilities and frequent Psionic Overflow scenario’s. This will only get worse as the Psion finds themselves unable to resist random urges and impulses as their ID continues to reform. This can be rectified by either a Lesser Psion or a Transcended who will need to use a very strong form of Soul Joining to redissolve their ID, this cannot be done by the Descended, it must be done through outside means. For Lesser Psions this is a more risk free venture. Often teachers and Tomes on becoming a Lesser will go into length on logic philosophy and altruism. These are actually ways in which Lesser Psions break their ID, by subconsciously shifting it away from suggesting impulsive actions and instead working alongside the Superego to form a linked yet partially separate consciousness from the Ego. The Murder and Disconnection Clause: Due to their strong connection to the universe and the nature of their transcendence; murder is not only frowned upon but actively leaves a mark on the emotional Aura of the Psion. For a Psion to commit murder is for them to go back on everything that their gifts have taught them. In this context murder refers to the intent and success to slay another life form for a reason other than sustenance. For these reasons a Psion is subject to having their Psionics taken away or regressed by their peers. This is done through a form of Mind Link that disconnects the Psions ability to produce Pagh, effectively making them a normal Physical. If the offending Psion actively tries to avoid this they will slowly turn into a Fallen and will be treated as such by their peers. Until judged or a verdict is reached and the Murder stain is removed the Psions emote chain will be reduced by half, down to 3 emotes. Redlines: Learning and Casting Choosing students: The process of becoming a Higher Psion must begin young. There are rare instances where an adult can learn as well but due to the mental requirements this is both unlikely and difficult. Regardless, Psionics requires a specific headspace and mindset to be learned effectively. As a result a Psionic teacher will rarely teach anyone above the age of twenty. In fact the average range of Awakened Psions are as young as 5-10. Certain races as well learn much faster and efficiently. These being High Elves and interestingly, Wood Elven women and Dark Elven males. The learning curve however is one of the steepest for any ability in our world, at times taking well over 20-35 years to achieve transcendence. The process of learning is a tedious and extremely personal one. In many ways the teacher is raising a child at the same time, causing a much deeper bond between teacher and student. Once the level of Enlightenment is achieved however the learning process becomes much easier due to telepathy now being usable between teacher and student. For lesser Psions the process is more straightforward and easy going than Higher Psions. It is in fact possible to learn entirely by oneself how to become a lesser Psion through reading tomes on its teachings. Though Lessers often prefer to teach in person due to the philosophy they follow which states “There is a point in one's mastery where a being becomes stagnant, the only way of which to escape is to pass on what they have learned.” Teaching Overview: Risks: During the first four years of their training the teacher will need to keep a close monitoring of their apprentice. Constantly inspecting their mental state with Deep Telepathy (The student of course will be informed of this and their consent to view inside their mind given prior.) This is very important as this is a delicate time for a Psion. They have very limited control over their active mental abilities and even less understanding of their passive ones. These things put them at risk of extreme Psionic Overflow, meaning they could quite literally overthink themselves to death. So long as the teacher is nearby and able to use their abilities this risk is easy to prevent. Once the student achieves Enlightenment there is far less risk. From this point of the sole role of the teacher is to teach their apprentice how to best utilize their abilities. This includes ethical and moral concerns, risks, and most importantly, power temptation. The student is already fully aware of what they can do once they are Enlightened, it’s what they do with those abilities and how they use them that matters. Training Higher Psions: Teaching Lesser Psions: Lesser Psions are, at their core, a people based in logic. As their philosophy differs from Higher Psions they’re teaching methods do as well. A prospective Lesser Psion does not have nearly restrictions on age, race, or mindset as Highers but certain mindsets are considered more preferable. This mainly includes a logical mindset not dictated by emotion or impulse, rather than calm deductive reasoning. Due to their limited Aura, Lesser Psions often use the Soul Joining ability to teach their students. Because of the very intimate and personal nature of this ability Lessers are somewhat reserved about just who they teach, often choosing individuals they know well and trust deeply. Unlike Higher Psions, Lessers do not make use of any major Psionic aid during learning. This results in a slow arduous phase of philosophy lessons and mundane mental control techniques. Aura Theory: Redlines: Casting, Consent, and Psionic Instability: For a Psion, casting one’s abilities is a two step process mentally. Think about what they want, then make it happen; thought is far more efficient than casting spells though spells carry significantly more power overall when put side by side. Psionic’s however, by its very nature, is not oriented around a need for more power. It is a tool for interacting with the world around the Psion. To begin, a Psion first molds their Aura to be more conducive to the task at hand, whether it is stretching out their Aura to make contact with something across a room or conjuring forth Psionic constructs; they must be done within the confines of the Aura. Like most magic it is very difficult to move very much during use of most Psionic abilities. Unlike most magic a Psion is able to cast their abilities far more frequently. The Psion must maintain a certain degree of mental serenity to cast, drawing on their positive emotions to focus themselves. For Higher Psions this is a difficult step to learn, constantly fighting down more dominant emotions like fear, love, rage. In this context serenity is the state in which all of their emotions have blended into a concise and stable hierarchy, contentment being at the top. The casting process for Enlightened and below abilities is very discreet, the only indication of casting being the solid hum of their Aura. Transcended eyes will glow no matter what ability they use, this being due to their high Pagh. Certain abilities as well are not discreet like Psionic constructs which require various hand movements and gestures and creates a great deal of light. Some abilities on the other hand like Telepathy have next to no indicators of their use. Many abilities by their very design are meant to be used in conjunction with other abilities, some even require it as a prerequisite or to achieve their full use. (Below is the more important paragraph.) TLDR: Psions have a max emote chain of [6] emotes, these emotes can be dedicated to any ability. After the six emotes the Psion must dedicate [2] emotes to mentally resting and cannot cast during this period. If the Psion is in an emergency they can reduce the resting emotes to [1] emote but this will reduce the chain to [3] emotes and the next rest will require [6] emotes. Failing to rest will stun the Psion for [3] emotes upon casting their [7th] emote. Consent: Consent is likely one of the most important things that limits all Psions. Much like a vampire asking permission to enter a home; Psions require consent to enter or prode the deeper more intimate parts of an entity's mind. To attempt to enter without such leaves the Psion incredibly vulnerable and at the mercy of the target. The subconscious of any entity is very defensive about what goes on within that mind. When consent to enter is given the Psion must be extremely clear about what they intend to do, why, and how. Doing anything outside of these things will instantly set off alarms in that person's subconscious and will almost undoubtedly lead to the Psion being punted out. Should the Psion be thrown out they will quite painfully enter Psionic Overflow. For this reason almost all Psions will refrain from any non consensual attempts to enter another's mind. In the case of people completely incapable of giving consent the limits change. A Psion in this situation may lightly tap on the target's emotional Aura to make their subconscious aware of their presence. If the person is in need of aid their subconscious will likely allow them inside in a limited sense. At all points the Psion must continuously reassure the target's subconscious that they are there to help. Instability: Pagh, or Psionic energy does not like to remain in the physical world. It prefers its natural state in a non-corporeal form. When a Psion casts thusly, they are forcing their Pagh to do as they command. It will always take some degree of mental focus to maintain the existence of whatever the Psion has brought into creation, this applying to their passive abilities as well. This means that certain abilities like Psionic Constructs will slowly become unstable over time. This instability is characterized by spells becoming more difficult to maintain, loss of matter cohesion, and a headache who’s intensity corresponds to the level of instability present. For these reasons, casting with a high instability is generally considered ill-advised and very dangerous, even the most simple of spells causing Psionic Overflow as a result of the hubris of the Psion. There are two main causes of Instability, the Psion themselves and environmental factors which will be detailed down below. Psion Caused Instability: Environmental factors: Redlines: Abilities Abilities Key Lesser abilities: Aura Manipulation (Active/Passive, Non-Combative, Combinable): “Our Aura is the tool to create our wonders, it is a part of all living things.” The ability of Aura manipulation is the most fundamental of Psionic abilities, covering two distinct actions. The act of enlarging one's Aura and of molding it. By default, certain Psions, notably Lesser Psions have much greater difficulty conjuring an Aura let alone manipulating it. Mechanic’s: Tier Progression: Redlines: When accounting for a combination with other abilities, the absolute max range of a passive Aura is 6 meters with a max casting range of 30 and a pinpoint range of 32. It is impossible to go beyond that limit for a single Psion without succumbing to Psionic overflow. Empathy (Passive/Active, Non-Combative, Combinable): “Empathy is our most basic way of interacting and understanding the plight of others. Psions are simply more adept at reading another’s Aura.” The ability to sense the emotions of other entities is a very fundamental experience of being a Psion. For Empath’s it is a greatly cherished gift that almost becomes a defining part of that person. Unlike most abilities Empathy deals in the reading of other entities Emotional Aura and, therefore, do not need to surround the target in their willful Aura to read the person's surface level emotions. Mechanic’s: Tier Progression: Due to its very simple and weak nature most Psions, including Empaths are capable of using Passive Empathy to its full extent. Active Empathy shares this but it cannot be used by Empaths or Lesser Psions. Redlines: Bodily Management (Passive, Combative, Combinable): “Our minds are everchanging entites. Our body’s are our minds temple and therefore we must maintain it. ” By exploiting the placebo effect a Psion can achieve greater control over their bodily functions than a Physical. This results in Psions being able to control their metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure, etc. Many changes, like hair color and bone structure take time, sometimes years to complete, others are more instant. The depth of their control is quite deep in more advanced Psions, some even able to put themselves in and out of a coma at will. Mechanic’s: Tier Progression: Mental Healing (Active, Non-Combative, Combinable) : “The mind in many ways is just like the body, it is able to be infected and become sick. And just like the body there are medicines to fix such illness, though they lack physical form.” By using their advanced understanding of the mind a Psion can help to make repairs to a mentally ill individual. Whether the illness was inherent or caused by some outside source the Psion can effectively undo them using metaphysical interaction with the targets mind. This ability is also the sole treatment method for Psionic Overflow. Mechanic’s: Tier Progression: Redlines: Clairsentience (Active/Passive, Non-Combative, Uncombinable) : “The sight of the physical form is far too limited for me to achieve my goal, as such I must look beyond my physical senses to see the world as it truly is.” By infusing their ID into their Aura and shutting off their vision a Psion is able to gain awareness of everything within their Aura’s radius. This view is omni-directional though it is not very good at picking up movement and complex objects can be very disorientating to the point of nausea. This opens the door to the first Psionic traps; traps that are meant solely for certain Psionic abilities. Mechanic’s: Tier Progression: Redlines: Soul Joining (Active, Non-combative, Uncombinable) : “My mind to your mind, with our souls we join and become one. We are not alone.” Considered the most intimate and close two beings can get on a metaphysical level. Soul Joining is not for the faint of heart, it has quite literal life-long effects. It deals in merging the Ego of two or more people (Though doing it with more than two is somewhat dangerous as this leaves the potential for a battle for dominance to occur which will be expanded upon in the Mind Guild ability.). This merges the entities memories, thoughts, beliefs, fears, wants, and feelings into a singular new entity. This ability is used only for the most major mental damage as a sort of mental reset and as an intense bonding experience between very close people. Because of this, Soul Joining is very seldom used by any Psion. Mechanic’s: Tier Progression: Redlines: Reincarnation (Passive, Non-Combative, Uncombinable): “For us Psions, death is only another part of the path.” By their nature, Psions are to some extent, detached from their physical forms. At the point of death they are able to fully detach their consciousness from the physical form. Giving the Psion two options, Phoenix reincarnation or Total reincarnation. Both can be chosen though there are circumstances that make total reincarnation the only option or prevent reincarnation altogether. Phoenix Reincarnation Mechanic’s: Total Reincarnation: Tier Progression: Redlines: Meditation (Active, Combative, Combinable): “Patience and training can only advance us so far. At times we must instead step back and examine ourselves and the connections that surround us.” Mediation has been used by various cultures and even other magics as a way to hone the mind and soul. For Psions this is no exception, they use meditation to hone their abilities and in times of crisis, find solutions that they would have otherwise missed. In this state they are completely helpless. Their abilities however become mildly strengthened and honed for a short time afterwards. This ability is also a prerequisite for some more advanced spells and combinations. Mechanics: Premonitions: Redlines: Enlightened Abilities Mind Link (Initially Active, Passive otherwise, Non-Combative, Uncombinable): “Great minds think alike, for Psions, that statement is literal.” Considered to be the lesser form of Soul Joining; Mind Link acts as a bridge between minds rather than merging them. The soul distinction between the two abilities is the retention of one's individuality while being linked. Some abilities require this as a prerequisite, especially ones that involve more than one person. Mechanic’s: Tier Progression: Redlines: Psionic Blast (Active, Offensive, Uncombinable): “Psions by their very nature are pacifistic, unfortunately, the world is not.” Psions are able to manipulate their Pagh to the point where it can now be condensed into a ball of pure Psionic energy for combat purposes. Due to the first law of Psionics this ball does not actually harm the target, rather it can either sap the strength and energy of the target or for the more cruel Psions; be used as a method of inflicting artificial pain. Mechanic’s: Tier Progression: Redlines: Telepathy (Active and Passive, Non-Combative, Combinable): “The primary function of my abilities is to allow me to connect with others on a level I could previously only dream of.” By using their Pagh to interact with the Emotional Aura of other entities a Psion can communicate with them on three distinct levels of information transfer. These being Surface Telepathy, Shallow Telepathy, and finally, Deep Telepathy. Typically a Psion will converse with Physicals using verbal communication as it is mildly strenuous to use telepathy with them. With other Psions this is not the case and they can commune with one another without much effort at all. Mechanic’s: Tier Progression: Redlines: Psychometry (Active, Non-Combative, Combinable): “The universe is full of mysteries and odd anomaly’s. With Patience and training however, we can make some of those mysteries easier to understand .” This ability is similar to the Lesser ability Clairsentience in some respects. It allows the Psion to gain information on the physical world. The difference is that Psychometry also views into the metaphysical as well, merging the two sights into one, giving the Psion truly unprecedented sight. This means a Psion could view the very essence of another being, their soul. This is far more dangerous however as there are things both in the physical world and the metaphysical one that are not meant to be seen or comprehended by mortal eyes. Mechanic’s: Tier Progression: Redlines: Telekinesis (Active, Combative, Combinable): “The physical world is far more fluid and malleable than most would expect.” By influencing both their Willful and Emotional Aura to work in sync the Psion is able to manipulate the physical world through the addition of pressure upon an object's surface. Fundamentally this form of Telekinesis is worlds different from the voidal magic’s of old. Namely because it is unable to generate the momentum needed to actually throw objects with much combative effectiveness at all. Psions can shove people and with great difficulty lift them with this power but due to its lack of ability to add or change momentum effectively it is not a primary ability to use in Combat. Mechanic’s: Levitation: Tier Progression: Redlines: Psionic Constructs (Active, Combative, Combinable): “Imagination is a doorway to the fantastical and beautiful.” For a Psion, especially the Enlightened and Transcended, the difference between energy and matter are minute and flexible. By condensing their Pagh they are able to form physical objects. These can be anything though notably these constructs are very fragile and most interestingly; while they can be made to look completely real. All entities will instinctively know that they are not. Being hit by a Psionic construct on its own has been compared to a gentle summer breeze upon one's face. However, combined with certain other abilities a Construct can be used to create non-lethal weapons. Mechanic’s: Tier Progression: Redlines: Psionic Force Field (Active, Combative, Combinable): “A sword and a shield is a sign of a warrior, a man who only holds a shield clearly only wishes for the fighting to stop.” Unlike a steel shield held by a warrior, or a magical one made by a mage, a force field is not a solid wall that deflects attacks. It instead works by creating a consistent area of outward kinetic energy that causes attacks to bounce off instead. This Force Field is not perfect and is quite weak to piercing attacks from low-surface area objects like arrows and spears. Mechanic’s: Tier Progression: Redlines: Subconscious Infiltration (Passive, Non-Combative, Uncombinable): “The Subconscious is the mind's first and only defense against outside influence. But any defense, no matter how stalwart, can be worn down over time if one is patient.” In many cases where a Psion needs consent to aid a patient but said patient is unable to give it one must coerce the subjects subconscious to where it is more conducive to the task. Subconscious Infiltration is considered the most intrusive ability in a Psions arsenal. It allows the Psion to gently influence the subjects subconscious by chipping away at the defensive layer of their Emotional Aura. This is a last resort ability due to it being a very slippery slope for a Psion. They will undoubtedly be tempted to use it to influence others. Something that must be routed out early on in the Psions training. Mechanic’s: Tier Progression: Redlines: Transcended Abilities Psionic Projection (Active, Non-Combative, Combinable): “Detachment from worldly needs and needs of the flesh are basic teachings for any young Psion. Detachment from the flesh itself is the sign of a master.” Through patience, meditation, and training, a Psion gains a better understanding of the universe, but more importantly, themselves. Psionic Projection is the act of separating one's conscious mind from their Physical bodies. The resulting projection is able to move completely freely so long as they remain within the Willful Aura of the Psion. This has various uses as the projection is non-corporeal, though it leaves the Psion utterly defenseless. Mechanic’s: Redlines: Psionic Avatar (Active, Non-Combative, Combinable): “My family often says I am a handful, I wonder what they will do with two of me?” The formation of a Psionic Avatar shares many of the same inner workings as Psionic constructs. An Avatar however is not an object, it is a fully sapient entity that a Transcended commands. They can move and interact with the physical world and are largely independent from the Psion though they are fragile and limited to the confines of the Aura. Mechanic’s: Redlines: Psionic Beam (Active, Offensive, Uncombinable): “There are times when negotiations fall through. Luckily a blast of essence draining sand paper is a good plan B.” A higher form of Psionic Blast, this spell is very powerful and very taxing on the user. It is a consistent beam of Psionic energy that is fired from the eyes of the Transcended. Mechanic’s: Redlines: While this ability is painful, it is not painful enough to knock a mage out of casting. Mind Palace: (Passive, Non-Combative, Combinable): “The mind is a vast and fantastical entity, perfect for hosting parties!” A Mind Palace is a metaphysical location that represents the interior mind of the Psion. This ability is an amalgam of multiple different abilities and allows other entities to enter the mind of the Psion. Mechanic’s: Redlines: Special Abilities Mind Guild (Active, Non-Combative, Combinable): “There is believed to be a realm of pure thought that is the conjoined culmination of all sentient consciousness. What we are doing here is creating a far more simple yet powerful version of that.” This ability is the Psionic version of mage circles yet is distinctly unique in many respects. It is used for tasks far too great or complex for a single Psion. Mechanic’s: Redlines: The abilities of the Mind Guild are restricted to the confines of their combined collective Aura. God Mode (Passive, Offensive, Combinable): ”This fleshy form cannot contain me any longer, I must ascend to the realm of gods.” The final. . . most powerful spell a Psion has at their disposal. To become a god for a short period of time and bend our realty to their whim. Mechanic’s: Tier progression Interactions with other Magic: Voidal Magic: General Redlines: Lesser Psionics is a Feat, Higher Psionics is a three slot magic, one slot for each tier of ascension. Psions are not inherently more intelligent than non-Psions nor can they become smarter than the max for their race. No matter how advanced a Psion is; the act of generating an Active Aura takes some degree of concentration that can be broken given enough effort. This of course corresponds to the skill of the Psion in question. A Psion that generates an equal to greater amount of Psionic energy to their own life essence will be plagued by Psionic Overflow. Psionics is not compatible with Voidal, Seer, Shade, Siliti, or Animii. A Psion with a TA may train a maximum of [4] students at a time. It takes a grand total of 32 weeks irl to go from Awakening to Transcendence. Psions are just as susceptible to Illusions and Mental magic as any other descendent. At best the most powerful Psions will feel odd but not to the point that they feel the need to act on it. Psions have the same armor restraints as voidal mages though they have slightly more leniency, allowing them to wear selective plating over either their torso or extremities but not both. Psionic Blast, weapons and beam, while unable to actually damage an entity can affect quite a number of entities with its signature energy draining capabilities. (When using this in an event please consult the ET/St in charge beforehand to come to a consensus about how these abilities would effect a specific event entity.) Super duper very ultra important redline: The abilities Empathy, Telepathy, and Psychometry when used to get a better understanding of a person can only be used to better grasp the overall “vibe” that the person playing the character is trying to give off. These are NOT intended to be used to understand any ulterior motives the character has. This is especially applies to when someone views another's soul with Psychometry, it only shows precisely what the person playing that character wants to show, nothing more. Purpose:
  11. The Empire is going to have a very explosive party when this is accepted
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