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Everything posted by AstriaS

  1. Mera Camian gave out the quietest hiss of annoyance. "To call this inconvenient would be the understatement of the year," the elderly priestess remarked. "But we must endure nonetheless. Clearly there is a great deal of work to be done to set the ship aright. May Aedan's path be a blessed one in the Father's light." With that, she set a pair of letters ablaze in the brazier of her grandmother's flamebrand, and recited a quiet prayer.
  2. Rævna simply remarked, "Muscular what?" With that, the Svarling woman simply decided that doctors in these lands were, as she suspected, lunatics.
  3. Casimira immediately got excited, and started preparing her special meeting dress. Naturally, of course, it was another exact replica of the same outfit she had been wearing for years.
  4. Casimira had a bottle of wine delivered as a retirement gift, in part because she isn't sure what anyone likes and just assumes that wine is a safe option.
  5. Casimira, who had been relegated to keeping an eye on the situation from afar, gave a singular nod of approval. "All according to plan!" She remarked, before then pointing at one of the beautifully painted miniatures on the table in front of her. "What does this one with the horns do?"
  6. Casimira applauded loudly, only to then remember that she was sitting in her office, alone. The woman then proceeded to lock her door and stew in embarrassment, quite certain that someone down the hall had probably overheard her clapping for words on a page.
  7. Casimira simply remarked, "This whole ordeal has turned into quite the wild ride."
  8. Casimira, who had become quite annoyed with politics in recent days, remarked, "This all sounds... Very messy and complicated." She then paused a moment. "If I am still up to date on the matter, I am related to at least one person implicated here. I am just going to give this one a wide berth."
  9. The Alisgrad Founding Festival An Invitation TO ALL CITIZENS AND FRIENDS OF NORLAND, Though the horrific events of the fall of Varhelm may be fresh in our minds, it pleases us to say that we have weathered that bloody night. For many a folk, such a tragedy would spell the end. For the Norlandic people, however, it is a moment of rebirth. We have been run through the gauntlet of war for almost fifty years without cease, and have emerged on the other end. Though we have been burned, bloodied, and beaten down, we have not been broken. We have, over the course of weeks and months of laborious labor, erected a new home for Norland’s people: Alisgrad, a new city for a new age. In celebration of the birth of this new city, and to put the suffering of the past months behind us, we will be hosting a festival to introduce Alisgrad to any visitors who care to see it. Festivities to be had will include a night of drinking at the tavern, a feast in the Palace hall, and a tournament of martial skill. I. Tavern Revel Persisting throughout the entire evening, the tavern will be opened for its first night of business. Additionally, a contest of fortitude will be held, the winner of which will have the privilege of naming the heretofore untitled tavern. Please note that we will be reserving a veto in case the winner chooses something too indecent to put on a sign. II. Tournament The second event of the evening will be a contest of skill, to be held in the tavern’s sparring pit. The winner of the tournament will earn 300 Mina and the title First Champion of Alisgrad. III. Feast Finally, immediately following the tournament, a feast will be held in the great hall of the new Alisgrad Palace. Food and drink will be provided free of charge for all attendees. All friends of the Kingdom of Norland are invited to attend. Signed, Casimira, Hand of the King OOC: Location: Alisgrad Time & Date: Saturday, March 19, 4:00 PM EST Tournament begins at 5:00 PM EST
  10. The City of It was a cold evening when it happened. As she had threatened, the Svarling warmaiden, Vikne, had led her forces on the capital of Varhelm. The warriors brought all manner of implements, from ladders, to hooks, to great northern mammoths. Coming from the north, they made for the walls of Varhelm where the Norlandic defenders and their allies awaited them. The fighting lasted for hours- ballista bolts tore into the flesh of mammoths, men were felled and burned, and the Svarlings’ sorcerous allies invoked their strange devilry. Though the defenders fought with great valor, however, the foreign warriors managed to breach one of the gates and tear through into the city. Flames rose high into the night sky, and many men were felled defending the city and ensuring the unhindered flight of its residents. The once-proud city of Varhelm had fallen to the Svarling horde after three long decades. That would not be the end, however. As the sound of Svarling war horns faded into the night, and the smoke and flames choked the air, those who had been spared the onslaught of the bloody ordeal found new a new mission to carry out: rebuilding. With lumber, bricks and mortar in tow, even as the old capital burned, the Norlanders set to the task of erecting a new home. A home they would go on to name Alisgrad. PHOTO GALLERY
  11. "At least I don't have to pay them the remainder of the contract, now." Casimira remarked, having found herself in the position of just being tired of being tired.
  12. A Final Challenge As the everlasting winter of the North grew colder, the skies darkened. A storm drew near, horns rang out from the northern marches, and an army’s worth of ravens had begun to decorate the sky above, like a scattering of black across the clouds. This, as it happened, was an omen accompanied by a message, for in each bird’s possession was a copy of the same note. To the Nordmenn, Many years have passed since our last altercation, a decade and a half to be precise. In that time, my people have become quite fond of their colony, as you might call it. For quite some time, the conflict between us had come to an end. Now, however, matters have changed. Our seers received, some few years ago, visions from the gods- visions which, they say, were a demand for destruction. Your destruction. As is our duty as sworn servants of the Chosen, we must answer that demand. And so, we have spent our time preparing, marshaling our forces. We will march on your city in one half-year’s time. I suggest readiness, for your sake. There is honor in valorous defeat. Signed, Vikne Kjeldsdóttir of Brimnesskógar ᛏᛁᛚ×ᚾᛟᚱᚦᛗᚨᚾᚨ ᚦᚨᚦ×ᛖᚱ×ᚾᛟᚲᚢᚦ×ᛚᚨᛜᛏ×ᛊᛁᚦᚨᚾ×ᛊᛁᚦᚨᛊᛏᚨ×ᛒᚨᚱᛞᚨᚷᛁ×ᛟᚲᚲᚨᚱ ᛁ×ᛗᛁᛟᚱᚷ×ᚨᚱ×ᚱᛁᚲᛏᛁ×ᚠᚱᛁᚦᚢᚱ×ᚨ×ᛗᛁᛚᛚᛁ×ᛟᚲᚲᚨᚱ ᚠᛁᚱᛁᚱ×ᚦᚱᛖᛗᚢᚱ×ᚨᚱᚢᛗ×ᚠᛖᛜᚢ×ᛊᛃᛇᚾᛞᚢᚱ×ᛟᚲᚲᚨᚱ×ᛊᛁᚾ×ᚠᚱᚨ×ᚷᚢᚦᚢᚾᚢᛗ ᛊᛖᛗ×ᚦᛃᛟᚾᚨᚱ×ᚷᚢᚦᚨᚾᚾᚨ×ᚹᛖᚱᚦᚢᛗ×ᚹᛁᚦ×ᚨᚦ×ᛊᚹᚨᚱᚨ×ᚲᚱᛁᛟᚠᚢ×ᚦᛖᛁᚱᚱᚨ×ᚢᛗ×ᛖᛁᚦᛁᛜᚢ×ᚦᛁᚾᚨ ᚦᚢ×ᚺᛖᚠᚢᚱ×ᛖᛁᛏᛏ×ᚨᚱ×ᚦᚨᛜᚨᚦ×ᛏᛁᛚ×ᚹᛁᚦ×ᛗᚢᚾᚢᛗ×ᛒᚱᛖᚾᚾᚨ×ᛒᛟᚱᚷᛁᚾᚨ×ᚦᛁᚾᚨ ᚹᛁᚲᚾᛖ OOC: The Svarling Assault on Varhelm will take place Wednesday, March 16, at 5:00 PM EST
  13. Bill of Sale for Ironguard Hold Issued 6th of the Grand Harvest, Year 67 of the Second Age PREAMBLE As the stronghold previously owned by Clan O’Hara, known as Ironguard Hold has fallen into disuse, the Kingdom of Norland sees fit to allow the land to be repurposed. As such, the following outlines the terms of the purchase of the aforementioned plot of land. The undersigned parties have agreed, with affirmation before a witness, to the following terms of sale. TERMS OF SALE I. The Lord of Catref Mor, John Marsyr, will provide a payment of 1,500 Minas to the Norlandic Royal Treasury. In exchange he will be granted ownership of Ironguard Hold. - Ironguard Hold, as previously documented in Royal records, encompasses the foothills at the base of the Rænr Mountains on the Northern shores of Lake Hakon, spanning from the Lake Hakon Canal to the mountain which separates Ironguard from the Jarldom of Dunrath, as well as the keep overseeing the land described. - As Lord of Ironguard, the purchaser may make any alterations to the land as he wishes. Additionally he may, at his leisure, file a request with the Crown to have the official titles and names associated with the land changed as he wishes. II. As landholders of the Kingdom of Norland, the new residents of Ironguard will be held to the obligations of the position, and will be afforded the privileges associated, including but not limited to: - The responsibility to enforce Norlandic law within their territory. - The responsibility to answer the call to Norland’s defense, should the need arise. - The right to raise a levy for the defense of the holding. - The right to govern the land as they see fit, provided they remain within the bounds of Norlandic law in so doing. - The right to request the garrison and protection of the Ashguard, should the need arise. III. Lord John Marsyr will, for administration’s sake, be afforded the same status as a Norlandic Chieftain, and may therefore sit on meetings of the Chiefsmoot, to ensure the fair representation of his people. Signed, Casimira, Hand of the King Signed, John Marsyr, Lord of Cartref Mor
  14. Rævna, who still wasn't quite used to reading things in Common, remarked "I don't think that's how it's spelled," and she crossed out her name on the copy of the notice she had found, and instead wrote 'ᚱᛇᚹᚾᚨ' above it. Though it was only a single "correction" on a single copy, she felt quite accomplished.
  15. Mera Camian is, as usual, very proud of her son.
  16. Edict of Appointment, 66 SA Issued 14th of the Amber Cold, Year 66 of the Second Age Pursuant to the continued wellbeing of the Kingdom in these troubled times, the following appointments are made, effective upon the promulgation of this document and until the dissolution of Lady Casimira’s government. To the position of LORD COMMANDER OF VARHELM, I appoint Asmund Camian. Effective immediately, any orders given by him are sanctioned by my authority. To the position of LORD STEWARD, I appoint Neriel Aedlock. He will, until further notice, be placed in charge of the collection of tax and the maintenance of property records. A committee will be established with the purpose of planning for the future development of the Kingdom and its goings on. Individuals who will be party to this committee will be notified by letter in the coming days. By the Order of, Casimira, Hand of the King
  17. Admittedly, disconnection/rescission (whichever you'd like to call it) is the section I spent the least amount of time on, as I added it due to its necessity. So I am more than content to revisit it. Are you referring to (as I am assuming) Contrition? That was mostly an attempt to implement what I thought would make an interesting "redemption" mechanic. Though, I do see in hindsight how it could be rather easily abused, so it may be better off being axed, I suppose. If my assumption is wrong, though, and you're referring to something else, do clarify for me. In either case, I'll look into revisiting it, as I said.
  18. The Servants of Aeriel [Art by Alexander Mokhov] Origin Long had it been since Aeriel’s great conflicts with the Betrayer. Long had it been since her divine agents, the Ascended, had walked the mortal plane, acting in her name. Long had it been since her gifts had graced a mortal soul. Her influence on the earth- her power- had diminished considerably. And yet the Descendants had persevered. She had seen their resolve firsthand in Korvassa when, threatened by the Host of Damnation, the sons and daughters of Horen, Malin, Krug and Urguan had risen up in blessed, righteous defiance. Perhaps they did not need her. And so did she wait- wait as the shadow of old enemies loomed, ever foreboding with all their corruption and torment. In the endless limbo of Ebrietæs, She spied collections of wayward, wandering spirits, each a disheveled remnant of what they had been in life, warped, twisted and lost in the grey eternity as they were. She sensed that theirs had been tales of agony, of anguish, and she felt something of a sympathy for them, sorrowful and solemn. Yet, there was little recourse for them now, doomed to roam endlessly. Instead, the Caretaker turned her gaze to the world of mortals once more, and saw as their spirits continued to lead a tortured existence, wanting for reprieve. This she found most disappointing, and it struck a chord deep within her being. For too long, the precious souls of mortalkind had been subject to corruption. A woman, her name and birth forgotten to time, wandered the forests. By her lonesome, of course, she was carefree- and perhaps oblivious. She was a peaceful woman, and this was a peaceful wood. There was little trouble that could arise in such a place, after all. And yet, as she knelt by a stream to fill her flask, a burning pain coursed up her left thigh. A viper, brown as the forest floor, had struck her just above the knee, and its venom now burned in her veins. It was a painful end; tear-filled and without dignity. She had thought to make it to the city for care, but she would not arrive. Instead, she was greeted by a great darkness- the final day… or so she thought. As luck would have it, that was not to be her fate. ‘Such sorrow… You will do.’ A voice rang in that stygian shroud of near-death, its otherworldly tones at once comforting and unsettling both. ‘Fear not, my child. You are in able hands.’ The woman, stuck in nothingness, could not respond. ‘I will return you, should you wish for it. Have you the will to stand, if I grant you the chance?’ The woman’s spirit, lamenting her rotten luck, still could not speak. But, she still felt it somewhere inside her- the will to live. ‘I thought as much. You will return as my agent, and will carry with you my compassion.’ stated she, the chorus of her many voices sounding pleased. ‘Go now, child, with my blessing. When next we meet, I hope to welcome you on happier winds.’ The woman awoke shortly after. A fever dream, she thought. She had beaten the venom. Or perhaps she had dreamt of the viper and its bite? Yet that could not be; she had found the scar where the fangs had punctured her skin. In that moment she noticed a chorus of whispers rattling in the back of her mind like leaves in the wind, and she chanced to glimpse her reflection in the water’s surface. Her eyes, once a mundane blue, had taken on a silver glow. Aeriel’s Blessing had returned to the world. The Mission of the Enlightened To be a servant of Aeriel is to be an agent of Her will; to show compassion where it is needed, and to dole out harsh mercies where they are warranted. The Enlightened, as one of those servants, is blessed with powers both curative and harmful- the power to alleviate the pains of the wounded, as well as the power to bring Her enemies to heel. By Her wishes and bound by Her Strictures, they strive to bring succor to the suffering, light to the darkness, and correction to the wayward. Their mission is to defend the purity of the souls that still walk the mortal plane and to further ensure those souls’ unmolested passage to the Soul Stream; to safeguard the natural flow of life and death, and to free the world from unholy corruptions. They do not, however, seek violence or conflict, raising blade and bow only when they must, for to take life is to bring further suffering to the world. Details - Enlightenment is a Deific magic dedicated to Aeriel, the Caretaker of Souls, and takes up 3 Magic slots. - Connection may only be conducted by an Enlightened with a valid TA. - A player may make a TA at T5 after learning the Rite of Consecration. - Enlightenment is incompatible with dark and voidal magics, other deific magics, and cannot be learned by any CA or transformed race. That is to say, original, in-package descendants only. [Art by Marissa Clement] The Covenant Upon entering the service of Aeriel, one will become bound by Her covenant; strictures which elucidate the expectations the Aengul lays upon her mortal agents. These tenets, immutable and ever-binding, are innately known to all of her servants, and as such there is little room for forgiveness when transgressions occur. When one is in violation of the Covenant, they will find their powers weakened considerably. To flout the terms of the Covenant is to draw the ire of a god- however, it is not unheard of for a servant to return to the path, once they have undergone their due penance. The Strictures of Aeriel I. Compassion “One will act with solicitude in the utmost, always. To inflict suffering upon others is to break one’s covenant with Her.” I. The Servant shall never take a descendant life, except in self-defense. II. The Servant shall refrain from engaging in violence, for every soul is sacred. III. The Servant shall not involve himself in the conflicts of the mortal realms. IV. The Servant shall not engage in the practices of torture. II. Sacrifice “One will ever endeavor towards selflessness. To use Her gift to aggrandize the self is to insult Her.” I. The Servant shall not use Aeriel’s gifts for personal gain. II. The Servant shall not ignore the plight of those to those they might reasonably grant succor. III. Vigilance “One will hold duty to Her sacred above all else. To abandon one’s mission is to abandon Her.” I. The Servant shall pledge their devotion to no being but Aeriel. II. The Servant shall turn away from the distractions of politics in the name of duty. III. The Servant shall not cavort with Her enemies, nor render aid unto them. IV. The Servant shall make no attempt to subvert the natural order of life and death. V. The Servant shall not distribute Her gifts unduly. Contrition (See: Rite of Contrition) In the event that one finds themselves in violation of Aeriel’s covenant, they open themselves to the possibility of being stripped of their gift. Compassionate as She is, however, the Aengul will allow Her servants a single opportunity to redeem themselves. This is, in all cases, achieved by partaking in a ritual of penance overseen by a masterful Enlightened, known as the Rite of Contrition. Firstly, the ceremony must be performed in an established Sanctuary, where Aeriel’s influence is at its most tangible. Then, the Penitent must confess to their transgressions and violations of the Strictures, after which the pair conducting the ritual must lay their hands upon them. What follows is a painful process in which the casters channel their Echoes into the Penitent's form, and burn a permanent marking into the skin, depicting their wrongdoings upon the flesh. This tattoo will glow a faint silver at all times, and cannot be removed; a constant reminder of the Penitent's failings. This rite will only work once, however, and some transgressions will never be forgiven. Should the Rite be attempted more than that by the same Penitent- or to repent for a sin beyond Aeriel’s forgiveness- they will instead experience a horrific shock, causing them to convulse and fall unconscious. Consecration (See: Rite of Consecration) To be consecrated is to be connected with Aeriel’s blessing- to be raised to the station of one of Her mortal servants. Not just anyone may receive the blessing, of course, as not only will Aeriel refuse to bestow Her gifts to those corrupted by darkness, but She also will keep it from any who are not descendants, or descendants who have parted from their original mortal vessel. Though She is a compassionate goddess, She is a strict one as well, and will not accept those who do not abide by Her will. Connection to a deific power is, in no small degree, a life-altering process, bringing change and otherworldly influence into their very soul. Firstly, it must be performed in a Sanctuary, where Aeriel’s influence can most easily reach Her aspiring servant. The Enlightened performing the Rite will begin the ritual by lulling the aspirant into a deep sleep, from which they may not be awoken by normal means. As they slumber, then, they will experience a vivid, striking dream, while in the waking world their form is enveloped in a shroud of Her essence which suffuses their being entirely. Within this dream, they are greeted by a motherly voice as they wander through a cold, blank place, which grows progressively more vibrant and warm as they move further through the vision. Finally, they arrive at the base of a hill, atop which sits a great tree of silver and porcelain. Here, the motherly voice imparts to the aspirant the strictures of Aeriel and accepts their oath of service in turn, after which the aspirant will awaken, forever changed. Rescission (See: Rite of Rescission) In those most unfortunate cases where one of Aeriel’s servants has strayed too far from the path, has disobeyed Her tenets and forgone their oaths, their fellows may choose to invoke the Rite of Rescission. A deeply unpleasant ordeal for all involved, it is naught less than a punishment from an exacting mother. Requiring two masterful Enlightened with knowledge of the Rite to perform, the ritual begins with the Accused being restrained by whatever means the casters choose. Then, as the officiants recite the Canticle of Lament, and dictate the transgressions committed against the Strictures, the Accused will find their form wracked with pain and the air around them will grow unbearably hot. The Accused’s skin will begin to blister, and they will feel a searing pain within themselves unlike any imaginable as Aeriel’s blessing is quite literally ripped out of them. What will remain after the Rite’s completion is nothing but a constant sense of cold and desolation which never fades; the sensation of being abandoned by a divine. Echoes of Compassion To fuel their gifts, the Enlightened draw directly from the portion of Aeriel’s essence that has taken root in their souls- an ever-active mote of divinity, akin to the Living Flame of the Ascended in its own way, though markedly different. It is this source that gives rise to the changes to Her servants’ appearance, as well as the metaphorical ‘battery’ that allows them to channel Her blessings. Its presence is constantly felt by the Enlightened- a ceaseless chorus of whispers in the back of the mind, nonsensical and unintelligible yet comforting, like the whispers of a loving mother. Many struggle with the ever-present nature of this white noise when starting on their journey in Aeriel’s service, but in time become inured to it. It is because of that whispering that the Enlightened have taken to calling their wellspring of power the Echoes of Compassion. Drawing from that essence, the Enlightened can mend the injured, give succor to the ailing, and bring ruin to Her enemies- and as one progresses to mastery, the well deepens. Yet, easily spent, the Echoes also present an obstacle; a limitation. Though they will passively regenerate over the course of the Elven Day, should one expend their capacity, they will become exhausted and be unable to cast until they have recuperated and regained their Echoes. Should they attempt to cast despite their exhaustion, the spell will fail, and they will most certainly fall unconscious. Tier # of Echoes Tier 1 6 Tier 2 12 Tier 3 18 Tier 4 24 Tier 5 30 When called upon for spellcasting, the Echoes will manifest in the wielder’s hands as a condensed ball of light, growing in size as greater quantities of energy are drawn forth. This light will take on a color specific to the caster- notably, the same color as the constant, dim glow of their eyes. This color most often is silver or occasionally a pale blue or purple, or in rare cases a light emerald hue. After being spent, Echoes will, as previously stated, slowly regenerate at a rate of 6 Echoes every 6 Elven hours, meaning a total of 24 may be regenerated in the course of one Elven Day. The Echoes are called upon for all feats an Enlightened uses their gifts to perform, but their most direct, simple use is the harnessing of their raw power. Evoked Echoes: Combative | Tier 1 By gathering a sufficient charge of Echoes, the Enlightened can launch a bolt of raw energy at a target, albeit with little to no spectacular effects beyond simple, blunt force and the sensation of a mild shock. Body, Soul and Mind Following connection, the being of the Enlightened immediately undergoes a mild transformation as Aeriel’s newly-rooted influence alters certain aspects of Her new servant’s appearance. Most notably, the eyes change in hue and take on a faint glow, swapping either to silver or, in less common cases, any number of blue, purple or green pastels. This glow and color change is mostly superficial, and yields no particular benefit; however, it does brighten when the Enlightened channels his or her abilities. Additionally, some Enlightened may find that, as their mastery of their gifts deepens, their hair slowly fades to a stark platinum color, though this is not the case for all. Unlike their Aerielian predecessors, the Ascended, these servants are not granted the gift of immortality, nor an immunity to poison. They do, however, benefit from a sort of spiritual fortification which protects their soul from harm, and prevents them from being transformed into, among other things, corcitura or fjarriagua. But the Aengul’s influence on the soul does not end at the metaphysical, of course. It also has a profound impact on the mind of the servant. As Aeriel’s Strictures engrain themselves into the very foundations of the mind, the Enlightened progressively comes to feel their pull near-constantly. A greater sensitivity to emotion, for example, drives the servant to act with greater empathy, and an innate draw towards duty keeps one focused on the greater mission of their patron. Some, of course, view these passive reminders as more of a constant nagging, and may become irritable until they find a suitable distraction. Additionally, as they become more focused on their duties- more caught up in the morbidity of it- they often become emotionally detached, and somewhat cold in demeanor. [Art by Phil Byers] The Sanctuary (See: Create Sanctuary) Aeriel’s sanctuaries are blessed land; places where Her servants have allowed Her presence to be felt most keenly. Created by the Enlightened to facilitate their works, the Sanctuary is a place of peace. Within its bounds, one feels a constant sense of calm that can soothe even the shortest of tempers, and the Enlightened are able to more effectively make use of their gifts, uninterrupted by strife. To establish such a foothold requires no small amount of energy, and no small quantity of Echoes besides. Firstly, of course, a location is needed. To create a Sanctuary requires an area of decent size, ideally a structure where it can be protected from the elements and those who might disturb its peace. A single Enlightened is capable of creating a Sanctuary that is 15-by-15 meters in size, and a fellowship of five Enlightened is capable of creating a large Sanctuary measuring 45-by-45 meters. In any case, once the location has been chosen, an altar must then be erected in the center of the space, and all participants in the ritual must focus their abilities on it. Over the course of several minutes, the gathered Echoes of the Enlightened will solidify, forming into a small, crystalline tree- of a sort, anyway, as crystal formations are hardly reliable and can grow in unpredictable ways. This crystal structure, glowing with pale, shifting chromatic light, acts as the anchor of the sanctuary, and is the source of its power. Should the crystal be broken- a difficult but certainly possible task- the Sanctuary will become dormant and need to be reestablished. For this reason, Sanctuaries are often carefully guarded. Wards of the Enlightened One of the greater benefits of the Sanctuary, the Enlightened may, periodically and for a significant cost, activate a boon, the effects of which are felt everywhere within the boundaries of the blessed ground. These boons, though not the most potent, are quite practical, and clever servants of the Caretaker of Souls can use them to great benefit when timed correctly. These wards, as they are called, are activated by providing a given amount of Echoes to the Sanctuary’s anchor. Though any amount of time can be taken to collect the necessary charge for a given ward, its effects will not be felt until the full cost is met and the ritual completed. Once the ritual begins to cast a new ward, the ward in use will be deactivated. Splendor Unwavering | Cost: 40 Echoes || Duration: Indefinite This ward envelopes the Sanctuary in a pale, argent glow, keeping the area illuminated as though lit by a full moon, piercing even through the deepest of conjured obscurements. A thin, flowing mist, as well, will gather and spread across the ground in outdoor areas, and will spill inwards over the sills of open windows. Mender’s Mercy | Cost: 50 Echoes || Duration: 3 Elven Days When under the effect of this ward, those taking respite within the affected Sanctuary will find their wounds healing slightly more quickly, and their pains reduced by a gentle numbing sensation. Enlightened within the Sanctuary, meanwhile, will be able to cast restorative abilities for half the Echo cost while the Ward is active. This ward is particularly useful when the Enlightened of the Sanctuary must heal a significant volume of patients. Inhibition | Cost: 75 Echoes || Duration: 3 Elven Days A boon for controlling chaos within the Sanctuary, this ward targets those practitioners of other magics who attempt to channel their abilities within its area of effect. Small, ephemeral orbs of light will float harmlessly through the air, and when connecting, casters will be met with a sudden, stunning jolt to interrupt their concentration. This has diminishing effects, however, and any given caster will only be interrupted a single time before becoming inured to further shocks. The Alleviation of Torment There is no task more important to the mission of the Enlightened than ensuring that the souls of the living remain uncorrupted, that no darkness might take root in them and warp that precious gift. To that end, Aeriel’s blessed are granted the ability to remove such taint from mortalkind, and cleanse their souls of unholy torments; the ritual of Alleviation. Performed within one of Aeriel’s Sanctuaries, the ritual begins with the subject being brought before Aeriel’s altar where they will be directed to lay upon whatever surface is available. As the spell is charged, the target will be enveloped in a shroud of silver, akin to a moonlit mist, and their limbs will seize once the charge is released. In the moments following, a cold unlike any other will take hold as the darkness within is scrubbed from the soul. When the ritual has concluded, the newly-cleansed individual will be left numbed but terribly exhausted from the ordeal. Alleviate: Non-Combative | Tier 3 There comes a time in the career of Aeriel’s servant where they may be asked to free a victim from a curse or similar ailment. The Enlightened has the power to oblige such a request, but it comes at a significant cost to cast and requires no small amount of endurance on the part of the subject. In the process of being liberated from their torment, the subject will be temporarily paralyzed and will experience a most taxing ordeal. Absolution Just as a damaged painting may be beyond restoration, so too are some souls corrupted beyond the Enlightened’s ability to cleanse. In such an event, Aeriel has revealed to her faithful a most drastic course of action: the Rite of Absolution. Requiring the combined effort of multiple casters, the Enlightened may enact a final mercy upon a corrupted enemy. The casters, first, form a circle around the restrained target, and begin to channel their abilities. Once the casters have contributed the requisite Echoes to the ritual, a column of stark, silver light will surround the target’s form. The following moments, then, are perhaps an act of abject cruelty from some perspectives. To Aeriel and her servants, however, it is considered a mercy without equal. As the column of light brightens, the subject begins to slowly be pulled apart piecemeal, atomized and reduced to a pile of colorless dust over the course of several agonizing seconds. The ritual, ideally, will remove the tainted soul from the mortal plane, but it is not a perfected practice, and those with a talent for averting death may very well return. Rite of Absolution: Non-Combative | Tier 5 In the ultimate display of a harsh mercy, the Enlightened may enact a rather drastic, ritualistic execution to excise corruption from the world. Due to the high casting cost and extreme results of the ritual, however, it is rarely invoked. The Tolling of Eternity In their worship of their divine matron, the Enlightened additionally pay due reverence to Her silent servant in the world beyond, Sokar. To Aeriel’s most faithful, this guide of wayward souls is emblematic of the more solemn of their duties: the silencing of the fallen, and the assurance of the finality of death. Souls must not remain in the realms of the living, and those that linger must be ushered out- forcefully, if necessary. To this end, and drawing inspiration from Sokar’s bells of legend, the Enlightened conceived of a new way in which they might utilize their gifts: by fashioning bells of their own. These enchanted instruments, wrought of silver and blessed with Aeriel’s merciful light, allow Her servants to act as shepherds themselves, in a manner alike to Sokar’s own ways. Bell Creation: Non-Combative | Tier 3 To enact the sacred tones of the Bells of Sokar, one must first fashion a Blessed Bell for themselves. Using a bell of silver which has been properly prepared to accept the Enlightened’s blessing, Aeriel’s servants can create an instrument whose chime can both rally the spirits of comrades and sow dread in the bones of the enemy. The Bells of Sokar Through the use of the Blessed Bell, the Enlightened may direct their will and their Echoes into it to create resounding, haunting knells in an invocation they reverently refer to as the Bells of Sokar. Though it is viewed as a single ability, it would perhaps be more apt to think of the invocation as three separate techniques, all falling under one umbrella. An homage to the bells wielded by the eponymous shepherd herself- Astaerel the Weeper, Kibeth the Walker and Saraneth the Binder- the invocation can create three different tones, each of which bears its own effects on those who hear its toll. The Sacred Tones The Toll of Astaerel: Versatile | Echo Cost: 7 Echoes Sounding as the clarion chiming of a chapel bell, the sound reaches out to the very souls of those gathered around it. When the bell's chimes have sounded thrice, those who stand without darkness in their being will find their spirits rallied, while those who have averted the finality of death will feel a sense of dread tug at their forms; a reminder of the grim inevitability of its cold embrace. The Toll of Kibeth: Versatile | Echo Cost: 15 Echoes Ringing with the high-pitched hymn of a handbell, the third chime of this toll will call a sense of order to all around it, be they pure or impure. Affected individuals will be, for a time, stripped of their voice, and be unable to lift a weapon without the skin of their hand boiling and blistering. In this moment, an Enlightened may find the opportunity to mediate and avert undue loss of life. The Toll of Saraneth: Versatile | Echo Cost: 20 Echoes When invoked, a deep, thundering tone will resound, its rolling echo felt in the gut of every person and creature in its range. On the third peal of this sepulchral call, lingering phantoms will feel a strong tug at the core of their being before being pulled out of the mortal coil and into Ebrietæs; banished, for a time. Corporeal undead, meanwhile, will feel the forgotten sensation of pain, their joints aching, what remains of their skin burning; the feeling of their being attempting to break away from the world. [Art by Tamás Patkós] Abilities The abilities of the Enlightened are easily split into two broad categories: restorative spells, and utility spells. Restorative spells are those that use Aeriel’s blessing to mend what is broken- to stitch wounds, and to give respite to the ailing. Utility spells are those with a more practical purpose, such as combative spells, or the Rites of Consecration and Rescission. Restorative Mend: Non-Combative | Tier 1 Mending is the ability most associated with the restorative arts. With the proper application of their skills, the practitioner can heal injuries and wounds with relative ease. Naturally, the more practiced the caster, the greater their curative powers become, allowing those who have mastered the art to heal the harshest of wounds. Cleanse: Non-Combative | Tier 2 For those ailments that take root beneath the surface- sickness and toxin- the healers of the Enlightened at first thought their abilities to be lacking. Yet with time and patience, they found that with some dedication, they could stave off fevers and even draw venom from wounds. Fortification: Non-Combative | Tier 3 Useful for defending allies who do not share in the same blessings as the Enlightened, this spell allows an individual’s soul to be shielded from warping curses for a time. Inviolate Shroud: Non-Combative | Tier 3 To ensure the sanctity of the dead, and ensure that their remains may never be corrupted by unholy tampering, the Enlightened may use this spell, surrounding the form of a fallen descendant in a protective shroud. Gentle Departure: Non-Combative | Tier 4 When cast upon a person on the verge of passing, this spell will numb their wounds and ease their mind, granting the mercy of a peaceful death even to those felled by the harshest of wounds. Upon completion of the spell, the recipient will find their limbs entirely numb, their pain replaced with a gentle warmth, and their breathing steady. Utility Resplendence: Combative | Tier 2 A spell designed to ward off agents of decay and illuminate darkness, this power allows the caster to create a sphere of blessed light overhead. Radiating out from this sphere comes a pleasant, cleansing light which causes pain to nearby dark enemies, illuminates shadows, and imparts a comforting sense of peace to those of untainted soul who gaze upon it. Remonstrance: Combative | Tier 4 The proverbial ‘shot across the bow’, this spell’s primary function is to serve as a warning of sorts. Releasing a charge of energy, a wave of force and pulsing light radiate outward in a radius around the caster, singeing and briefly disorienting those caught in its area of effect. Create Sanctuary: Non-Combative | Tier 5 This ability is used to establish a foothold for Aeriel on the earth; a place where Her followers may more easily tap into Her influence, and where Her enemies fear to tread. Rite of Consecration: Non-Combative | Tier 5 A ritual which all Enlightened have seen firsthand, this rite allows a master to bring their student into the fold as one of Aeriel’s servants. Rite of Rescission: Non-Combative | Tier 5 When drastic measures must be taken, two masterful Enlightened with knowledge of this rite may strip the Accused of their blessing, casting them out of Aeriel’s service permanently. Rite of Contrition: Non-Combative | Tier 5 A ritual for seeking forgiveness, this spell allows an Enlightened to undergo penance for violations of Aeriel’s Strictures. When complete, the Penitent will be marked with a glowing, silvery tattoo as a permanent reminder of their failings. Tier Progression Tier 1 + Evoked Echoes + Mend 6 Echo Capacity Achieved upon MA acceptance. Tier 2 + Cleanse + Resplendence 12 Echo Capacity Achieved after 1 week. (1 Week total.) Tier 3 + Alleviation + Fortification + Inviolate Shroud + Bell Creation + Bells of Sokar 18 Echo Capacity Achieved after 2 weeks. (3 Weeks total.) Tier 4 + Gentle Departure + Remonstrance 24 Echo Capacity Achieved after 6 weeks. (9 Weeks total.) Tier 5 + Create Sanctuary + Rite of Absolution + Rite of Consecration + Rite of Rescission + Rite of Contrition 30 Echo Capacity Achieved after 7 weeks. (16 Weeks total.) Purpose This was written primarily as a passion project of mine. For a while now, I have been interested in the idea of an Aeriel-centered magic, and so this idea has seen a few iterations in my Google Drive. This particular write, however, is quite different from other versions I’d concocted. I struggled, initially, with the task of setting it apart from Paladinism, which covers a rather broad domain as far as holy magic goes. However, what I came to in the end, I hope, strikes an interesting narrative niche. The Enlightened have been written with two primary goals in mind: firstly, to fill more of a priest or monastic type of aesthetic, and secondly, to produce something that, while being a successor to the Ascended, remains distinct from it. Relatively pacifistic and rather lacking in the way of offensive capacity, they are designed more in the vein of a support class, focusing on healing and protective abilities over combative ones. In deliberate efforts to distance the magic from Paladins and Templars, I avoided knightly or warrior-archetype inspirations, and instead tried to create something more akin to, as the phrase went when I was pitching the concept, “Grave domain cleric meets Priest of Meridia.” Ultimately, the hope was to create something that was thematically appropriate to Aeriel which also stood apart and was distinct from other holy magics. Credits Astria - Writer Hyperdron - Proofreader, Suggestions, Respectable Englishman Valannor - Idea Spitballing TheBlackBobRoss - Idea Spitballing Nikophos - Feedback, Many Suggestions, New(er) Player’s Perspective, uses the word ‘chutzpah’ Askuzai - Proofreader, Suggestions VictoriaMinaj - Feedback, Suggestions, Unironically sent me the phrase ‘live, laugh love’ DixieDemolisher - Timed me out of Discord chat for DMing him the google doc. Non-LotC Friend Alena - Provider of Bias-Free Ideas Lore Referenced: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/141038-aeriel-aengul/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/178233-shelved%E2%9C%93-the-ascended-the-tears-of-aeriel-rewrite/?tab=comments#comment-1676784 https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/159076-shelvedthe-agents-of-the-archaengul-ascended-rewrite-ii/?tab=comments#comment-1505111 https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/154494-%E2%9C%93-the-patron-of-endings-sokar/
  19. [!] The following letter is delivered privately by courier to the varying holds of Norland, each addressed specifically to the Barons and Chieftains of the land. Summons to the Norlandic Clans Issued 2nd of the Deep Cold, Year 65 of the Second Age In the months passed since the issuing of the Lake Eada Resolution, a great number of developments have become apparent in the world in general and in our Kingdom in particular. As such, it is the wish of Lady Casimira to summon the chieftains of the Clans of Norland so that she may address her many concerns, hear those of our people in full, and lay out her plan for future endeavors. Those Chieftains or other landed men of the Kingdom who are unable to attend are requested to send a representative in their place. By the Order of, Casimira, Hand of the King OOC: Time & Date - Thursday, Mar. 3, 5:00 PM EST Location - To be Announced
  20. A Feast of Remembrance Issued 5th of the Deep Cold, Year 65 of the Second Age It was exactly thirty years ago when the warbands of Svarland first arrived on Norlandic soil. In that time, recurrent conflicts with their warriors have claimed, by conservative estimates, at least twenty percent of the Norlandic population, including our former King, and my own grandfather, Halvar Edvardsson. And yet, though they still inhabit our northern frontiers, peace- albeit uncertain- exists between us, and men and women of Svarling blood have even come to call Norland their home. However, despite this peace, we do not forget what they have done; the lives they have taken, the blood they have spread across our streets. In commemoration of those lives lost in the conflict, and to honor those who survived those bloody days, we have decided to hold a feast for any to attend who would like to. Let us raise a song for the fallen. The following groups are extended a personal invitation: All citizens of Norland All warriors who fought against the Svarling Warband The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and her citizens The Princedom of Fenn and her citizens By the Order of, Casimira, Hand of the King OOC: Time & Date - Friday, Mar. 4, 5:00 PM EST Location - Varhelm Palace
  21. The Varhelm Contract, 65 SA Issued 11th of the Amber Cold, Year 65 of the Second Age Articles: -Defensive Contract -Duration ARTICLE I: Defensive Contract Signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding a contract for mercenary services: The Ferrymen Band will, in the event of a direct attack against the nation, render their services to the Kingdom of Norland. In exchange for these services, the Kingdom of Norland will give an upfront payment of 16,000 Mina, and an additional 4,000 Mina upon the contract’s completion. For the duration of the ongoing Tripartite conflict, this agreement will only be called into effect in the event that the Kingdom is the direct target of foreign aggression. Otherwise, the Ferrymen are under no obligation to render assistance. ARTICLE II: Duration This contract shall remain in effect for a period of eight years, after which point terms and requisite payments will need to be renegotiated. Signed, Casimira, Hand of the King Banjo, The Captain of the Ferrymen, Savior of the Common and Free People, Pillager of Elvenesse, Liberator of Man, The Bringer of Equality, Capturer of the Bastion, Defeater of Racism, Debearder of Grand Kings, Sailor of the Seas, 2x Mr. Almaris, Emperor of the Roads, Lord of Shipwreck Keep, Occupier of New Providence, 40 Star General, The Greater Lobster Fisherman, Premortem Saint of Epic Ballads, Protector of the Farfolk
  22. The Lake Eada Resolution, 64 SA Issued 1st of the Deep Cold, Year 64 of the Second Age In light of recent threats to the Kingdom, from the war in the south to the ever-present tribal threat on the domestic front, His Majesty’s Council has elected to invoke special administrative powers, to be bestowed upon Casimira Edvardsson, Hand of the King. Until such time as the threats against our fair nation have been dealt with, she will be invested with the following powers: The authority to conduct diplomacy as she sees fit. The authority to appoint and dismiss her own advisors and administrative assistants. The authority to utilize the funds of the Royal Treasury as is necessary for the defense of Norland and her people. The authority to mobilize and issue orders to the soldiers of the Ashguard, with the assent and oversight of Marshal Ragnvald Eiriksson. By the Order of, Casimira, Hand of the King
  23. A Final Adventure Sylvia awoke that day with something of a slow start. Then again, most mornings were slow, at her age. As of that morning, she had been alive for one-hundred years, plus a few more. She had little care to keep counting after triple digits came into the picture. As far as she was concerned, after all, she had lived a full life. But now, she was beginning to feel it; that beckoning call of death. Though she had long attempted to prolong herself just a few more years- just long enough to finish her precious work, and to complete her collections- she had now, in that moment, come face to face with the only truth. Death, she realized, was inevitable. Even if she had managed to squeeze a few more years out of herself, it would still find her eventually. ‘All things have an end, just as they have a beginning,’ she mumbled to herself, running the tip of a heavily burn-scarred thumb over the cover of a locket which she held in her palm. Its engravings were worn, and a very antique-looking patina had come to color its faces- a state not unlike herself, Sylvia mused. That little piece of brass, simple and altogether unimpressive, despite appearances was perhaps her most prized possession, a gift from her beloved husband from an age past. She had worn it when, in her youth, she joined her comrades-in-arms in raising blade against the Inferi, and when she joined the first Norlandic expedition to Almaris. She had worn it in battle with a terrible drake, where she received her most prominent feature: the burns that covered her left arm and her legs. And now, in her old age, she wore it through an age of seemingly endless war. Sylvia stared at her adored little locket for several moments. Precious moments, beloved memories, terrible strife and utter chaos. She really had been through it all. A life of adventure, really- a good life, worthy of a storybook, in her opinion. And though she had lost her youthful vigour, she had not once hidden from her love of the escapading spirit. To explore, to learn, to see- and sometimes to put oneself in peril- that was the very essence of life. For that reason had she resolved to embark on this final journey. As she looked back over the stern of her vessel, towards the fading coast, she smiled and stepped to the side to pull the cover from an old birdcage. With a gentle coo, she beckoned the aged bluebird within to perch on her finger, and raised her avian companion to eye-level. ‘You and yours have been a delight, dear,’ the elderly woman whispered, giving the bird a final kiss atop its little, blue head before releasing it to the sky with one last message to be delivered. Having said her goodbyes, tearful as they were, Sylvia would not be returning to Almaris. She knew this, as did many others. She paced, slowly and with a pleasant smile on her face, to the front of the departing ship, staring at that infinite horizon as it drew nearer, but remained forever beyond reach. So ends the story of Sylvia Camian, a storied life punctuated with one final adventure into eternity.
  24. Velsyni Indoren was quite pleased with her contribution to the day's activities: the banner of Clan Indoren that now decorated the wall of the city's bank! By the age-old rule of flags- particularly in regards to their use in marking territory- the Indoren Matriarch proceeded to claim that she now owned all of the Silver State's money. Granted, she had no means of enforcing this claim, but she claimed it nonetheless. "Indoren, Forever Prosperous!" She chimed out with her favorite motto.
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