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  1. who gets the better lotc experience: people who join knowing people already, or people who join completely alone?

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    2. Laeonathan


      i had a lot of fun joining alone, a lot of different groups welcomed me. the people in Renatus were very nice

    3. Mannamannaa


      Theres arguments to be made for either side.


      Noob me knowing nothing about the server getting low quality RP bandit group'd on my second day? and later nearly abducted into an Oren ISA uniform (as a freaking ORC!) before actually finding San'Velku? It was both incredibly cursed and also peak LotC experience.



      Getting brought in with a community group already in mind simply means they like and hate who the friends tell them to, usually with no contact between the new player and whatever poor player groups are getting slandered.


      Honestly I kinda wish that pinktags were forbidden access to any realm based discords for their first 3 days after initial log-in.

    4. marikandaperc


      i joined alone and it was fun 

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