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Status Updates posted by Shiredom

  1. Cruel and Cold.

    Like winds on the sea!~


    Will you ever

    return to me?


    Hear my voice...

    Sing with the tide...


    My love, will never die.


    Over waves, and

    Deep in the blue!


    I will give, up my

    heart for you...


    Ten long years,

    I'll wait to go by.


    My love, will never die.


    Come my love!

    Be one with the sea!


    Rule with me!

    For eternity!


    Drown all dreams,

    so merselessly! 


    And leave their souls,

    to me.


    Play the song,

    you sang long ago!


    And wherever the

    storm may blow!


    You will find!~

    The key to my heart!~


    We'll never be apart...


    Wild and Strong!

    You can't be contained!


    Never bound!

    Nor ever chained!


    Wounds you've caused,

    will never mend!


    And you will never end!


    Cruel and cold...

    Like winds on the sea...


    Will you ever...

    Return to me?


    Hear my voice...

    Sing with the tide...


    Our love will never die...





  2. 𐎢𐎯 𐎼 𐎢𐎯 𐎿𐎢𐎼 𐎼

    Ud rēa, ud sura rēa

    In those days, in those distant days.


    𐎴𐎥𐎡 𐎼 𐎴𐎥𐎡 𐎲𐎠𐎼 𐎼

    Ngi rēa, ngi bara rēa

    In those nights, in those ancient nights.


    𐎸𐎢 𐎼 𐎸 𐎿𐎢𐎼 𐎼

    Mu rēa mu sura rēa

    In those years, in those distant years.


    𐎢𐎯 𐎢𐎾 𐎵𐎴𐎥𐎯𐎢 𐎱𐎠 𐎢𐎠𐎲𐎠

    Ud ul ningduē pa ēaba

    In those ancient days all things had been created!~


    𐎢𐎯 𐎢𐎾 𐎵𐎴𐎥𐎯𐎢 𐎷 𐏀𐎡𐎯 𐎯𐎥𐎥𐎠𐎲𐎠

    Ud ul ningduē mi zid duggaaba

    In ancient time when all things were given their place!


    𐎢𐏁 𐎣𐎾𐎠𐎸𐎶𐎣 𐎴𐎡𐎴𐎭 𐏁𐎢𐎠𐎲𐎠

    Eš kalammaka ninda šuaba

    When bread was first tasted in the sacred shrines of the land!


    𐎡𐎸𐏁𐎢𐎼𐎡𐎴 𐎣𐎾𐎠𐎸𐎶𐎣 𐎵𐎴𐎥𐎫𐎲 𐎠𐎣𐎲𐎠

    Imšurinna kalammaka ningtab akaba

    When the ovens had been lighted!


    𐎠𐎴 𐎣𐎡𐎫 𐎲𐎠𐎭𐎲𐎠𐎼𐎠𐎲𐎠

    An kita badabaraaba

    When the Heavens had been separated from the Earth...


    𐎣𐎡 𐎠𐎴𐎫 𐎲𐎠𐎭𐎿𐎢𐎼𐎠𐎲𐎠

    Ki anta badasuraaba

    When the Earth had been separated from the Heavens...


    𐎸𐎢 𐎴𐎸𐎾𐎢𐎾𐎢 𐎲𐎠𐎴𐎥𐎼𐎠𐎲𐎠

    Mu namluulu baangaraaba

    When mankind had been established...





  3. I'm just going to be that guy who plays nothing but chess while I wait. Someone please play chess with me.



  4. Istanbul was Constantinople
    Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
    Been a long time gone, Constantinople
    Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night


    Every gal in Constantinople
    Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
    So if you've a date in Constantinople
    She'll be waiting in Istanbul


    Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
    Why they changed it I can't say
    People just liked it better that way


    So take me back to Constantinople
    No, you can't go back to Constantinople
    Been a long time gone, Constantinople
    Why did Constantinople get the works?
    That's nobody's business but the Turks


    Istanbul, Istanbul

    Istanbul, Istanbul


    Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
    Why they changed it I can't say
    People just liked it better that way


    Istanbul was Constantinople
    Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
    Been a long time gone, Constantinople
    Why did Constantinople get the works?
    That's nobody's business but the Turks


    So take me back to Constantinople
    No, you can't go back to Constantinople
    Been a long time gone, Constantinople
    Why did Constantinople get the works?
    That's nobody's business but the Turks



  5. Let it be known that not even god can hold me back.

    Team Fortress 2 Smile GIF by MOODMAN

    1. CorweenieTheJedi
    2. satinkira


      Are you saying that because your application got denied

  6. A Madlad’s right hand man.TalkMemeJermaine.thumb.png.38ee929be622426312dd8106ffc65bfd.png

  7. 1 Month and 25 Days till I've been in this hell for two years. Should I just make my 2 Year AMA now or wait.

  8. 2000 AED Western Union RIGHT NOW!!111!

  9. Add back the downvote button.

  10. Also on another note I would like to happily announce I am working on a Hoi4 Mod based on the start of Almaris. Please hit me up with ideas.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Space



    3. Hiebe


      Need to have more civil wars than kaiserrich

    4. Zolla_


      divorce battle between uhtred and peralien 

  11. Am I based and redpilled.

    1. Bigman31


      This question is posed by the negation of reason, one against the meaning of ones life. It is with this question that comes the great responsibility of if I, an individual, should come to answer. If I answer, I may be mortified, humiliated, even hated. So I will refuse to answer this question as it goes against everything that is stood for in my individual flame. 

  12. As an American Citizen you must pay your taxes to the IRS, do it, do it now.

    1. satinkira


      they cant make me

  13. Awake, brother.

  14. been a pretty good 24 hours

  15. bring back oren

  16. Bro thinks he's Father Hughes from Hit Show 'Peaky Blinders'



  17. Burn in hell.

  18. Can all of you just upvote this so I can get my idiotic rep to 200?

  19. Coping Harder

  20. Daily reminder that ILY all.

  21. Do you miss Nyx and Jynx also?

    1. LobsterLilly


      so much man ; 0 ; the good ol' days of rping and having fun with Nyx and Jynx

    2. Shiredom
  22. Do you whole-heartedly support Mug Root Beer over higher standards than the slums where Barq's and A&W are produced.

    1. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO
    2. Shiredom


      God it's you.

    3. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      @NeosFavGremlinmakin’ bank and poor ******* scream!

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