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Posts posted by Deets

  1. +1


    For the last few months, I can attest to Keith being quite focused and driven to provide players with events to help him build up the ability to run larger and more complex events. Being someone who speaks to him a lot, I have noticed that he has taken and adapted to criticism or concerns with these events, and has sought to make them enjoyable and unique to participate in. His events certainly are unique and enjoyable, having had both the chance to aid him in carrying out an event or two, and being on the other end as a participant.


    In the last few months especially he has taken great strides to improve upon and create fresh experiences in these events with how they play out. The adaptability to player agency in the events makes it so that I cannot say that any two events have been the same, which I think is a big plus.

  2. From within the Skies, a now long-passed Waldenian greeted Waclaw with a warm embrace. "I have missed you, son." Karl von Theonus stated with a wide smile as he sought to pull the recently passed Lechian into a bear hug. "You must tell us of all your adventures. We've an eternity to tell tales to one another, and all of us have been waiting. We could not be happier to see you once more."



    Elsewhere within the walls of Vissingren, Konstantin knelt in prayer within the small chapel maintained within the fortresses walls. Although he had not spoken to his uncle in many years, the lessons imparted upon him as a youth had most certainly been retained well into his adulthood. He remembered as well of how in the early days of his regency of the Petran Commonwealth that Waclaw had always been present to offer counsel, and act as a much needed ally in those troubling times. "May you find peace, Uncle Waclaw. This world was better for having you within it. Had it only been for longer, so so much longer."

  3. Konstantin rolled about a cigar about his fingers which Marcel had gifted him some years ago upon the man's return to Reinmar. A sad smile creased the aging knight's features as he finally lit it, knowing now he would not have a chance to share such with his dearly departed friend. "I could not have asked for a better man to have been at my side throughout the Regency. May you find peace in the skies, Marcel." Once the cigar had faded, he began to scribble a letter to the man's son, Mattia.

  4. Konstantin read through the missive, the aging knight pausing upon his good friend's first wish. "I shall make sure such does not come to pass." He said aloud with a glance towards a tome he had begun writing some months ago. The emblem of the Petrine Laurel was affixed upon its leather cover. "It has been a long journey we have shared. Your story will not be forgotten, or cast aside. Nor does it end here, my friend."

  5. "No half measures." Repeated Konstantin to Aimo @ColdestPepsi as the news of peace reached the streets of Vallagne. The now aging Petran knight felt great relief that the conflict had come to a close finally, and that he might now return to his family. With this in mind, he did not linger long within the exuberant crowd which soon began to fill the streets as more heard of the Adrian surrender. Instead, he rode home, finally able to call it such once more.

  6. "Sir Aimo the Bold.." Konstantin repeated quietly as he read over a copy of the missive. This phrase was becoming an increasingly common part of his vocabulary these days.


    August of Abrana scanned the Knight Commander's challenge to the Orateur with a wide grin, pleasantly surprised at Sir Aimo's boldness. "I can't help but agree in spirit. I can understand why the Field Trip was redacted. As for my request for men, it is a plain truth." The Prince-Consort commented to an Ausecan officer within the Red Bastion before continuing on with his day. 

  7. That night within the walls of Vissingren, not a sound escaped the Rose Tower. The usual murmurs shared between the two that escaped its confines had ceased, and its candlelight had been snuffed out. The tower sat eerily silent for the first time in many years, as if devoid of all life. Within it sat Annette's husband, Karl. For the first time in three-quarters of a century, he felt nothing but despair and doom, as if the world held nothing worth smiling for within it anymore. A man of little emotion in recent years, this stoicism was cast aside as the hours went by and the weight of the loss grew with each passing moment. The once proud man was reduced to a tearful mess, as each sob wracked his frail body. Within Karl's hand was held a small necklace bearing a portrait of Annette. He had drawn such for her decades ago, and it brought him a small modicum of comfort to hold such close after her passing, though he knew it would not be enough.


    "I am glad it was you first, for I would never wish this pain upon you."


    Finally, only after several days locked away did Karl move himself from despair. A resolve filled him as the ancient Waldenian donned his sword belt for a final time. A flurry of letters were written, sealed, and placed upon a desk within his room. For that night, he made ready for a final journey. With the aid of a handful of sympathetic Astorans within the garrison, a horse and saddle were quietly retrieved, and the gates lifted for a brief moment. Casting his gaze upwards, he uttered only a few hushed words before riding South, in the direction of the rose fields outside of Dúnfarthing.


    "I will see you soon, Annie."


  8. In the aftermath of the battle, Konstantin pinned a rabbit’s foot to a charred post which marked the entryway into the burnt remnants of what was once Fredericksburg. “The Rabbits have come. And now look what remains of your wretched realm. “ Konstantin said quietly as he looked upon what remained of Stassion. His voice held a great deal of both anger and sadness as he spoke. With a glance cast upwards to the sky, he spoke once more. “A debt has been repaid tenfold, dear cousin. Those who murdered you in cold blood now lay within the ground, their home turned to ash and timber.” With that said, the name Ghorm was then carved into the post, just below where the rabbit’s foot now hung before the knight departed in the direction of Vissingren.

  9. August read over the missive with a wide smile as he saw what it contained. He had needed no gift from his wife, Queen Catherine, though her actions resonated deeply with the Adunian. Quickly then did he surround himself with work within the palace, preparing to aid her in the governance of the Commonwealth. He would live up to this honor, to this kindness shown by Catherine he told himself. "We shall leave this Commonwealth better than we found it, for all who dwell within it." August said to the poor attendant tasked with organizing the flurry of paper that flew from his desk as he worked. "Not that it was bad before, though." He quickly clarified.

  10. "Justice for Ghorm and Isavella. This is long overdue, they've caused ample harm throughout the Heartlands with their treachery." Konstantin said as the first of the Covenant's forces began to amass within the hinterlands of the Commonwealth. With that, a blue banner adorned with a rabbit's head was raised atop the battlements of Castle Vissingren and flown toward the principality.

  11. Konstantin gripped the reins of a horse that stood at the wayside of the road following the conclusion of the battle. Several lances, and two fine Mardonlander Chargers had been slain under him in the course of the fearsome melee. Leading this newfound steed onwards, he rejoined his good friend, Aimo @ColdestPepsi as they returned towards the main Covenant force as it regrouped, a wide smile held under his helm for the victory in Balian. "I think a Haeseni knight owes a drink after this one, my friend." He said with a laugh before continuing onwards.

  12. Reading over a copy of the new Margrave's missive, the ancient Ser Karl, now almost a centenarian, fumed as he spotted the comment about himself and his wife, Annette. Still very much living, he grumbled and griped to her regarding this line. "Wh-.. He, he... Nein nein nein nein nein! Ich am still very much alive, it is nicht our fault the little goblin does nicht visit us. The nerve, das is not like they are unable come check on us." After a moment of heated talk, Karl's temper cooled, and he realized that he had not been seen exiting from the Rozenturm in the better part of a decade and a half. He decided then that he would partake in the purging of whatever haunted the castle which he had helped build. Thus he began to very slowly waddle down the stairs, a warhammer older than he tied to his wrist as to prevent it from clattering to the ground as he moved. "Ich am coming, schiesseling." He mumbled to himself as he prepared to teach his great-grandson a lesson in the process.


    Elsewhere in the Commonwealth, Konstantin pocketed the missive before beginning to ride back to Vissingren. He too had come to a similar conclusion regarding the odd feeling of the keep in recent times, in no small part due to the keen perception of his wife Regina. A motley assortment of arms was then layed out on the two’s bed after he arrived in the castle, ranging from well-forged blades to the time-tested aurum bar in a sock as he prepared to aid in freeing the keep from whatever was haunting it.



  13. Konstantin smiled as he read through the missive. Recent years had been filled with turmoil in the Commonwealth, though in spite of this, he was immensely proud of the Little Queen, and all that she had overcome. As he stepped down from his prior positions, he knew now the Commonwealth was in capable hands, both of the burgeoning queen as she began her reign in her own right, and of his sister, who would provide faithful council to his goddaughter in the coming years.

  14. 3 minutes ago, ColdestPepsi said:

    Sir Aimo looked over to his long time battle brother Konstantin. "A long way to go still, ne? This still does put a grin on my face though, does it ne for ye as well." Aimo couldn't help but grin at the thought. "Ne half measures my friend, ne half measures."

      Reveal hidden contents


    The Guardian of the Commonwealth stood alongside his dear friend Sir Aimo within the ruins of Breakwater Keep, his eyes scanning the destruction wrought upon the fortifications and those who had taken up arms to defend it. "We've cracked the rock this day, and too many have already fallen for it to be for naught." He stated as his eyes fell upon the fallen, intermixed from the fierce melee which had occurred once the Covenant had breached the walls. "No half measures." Konstantin repeated.

  15. The foundry of Vissingren within the Margravate of Marignan blew smoke high into the air, the sound of hammers striking the anvil resonated across the Mardonlands. Dozens of smiths labored away forging blades, suits of plate, and munitions for the coming Covenanter campaigns. In the midst of this stood the Petrine Regent, recently returned from the battle-torn city of Whitespire. He too aided in the Vissingren Foundry’s efforts, handing finished blades to Mardonlanders who had begun to coalesce within his father’s keep as the banners of the Commonwealth were called to war. “For Ghorm.” he thought to himself, a rallying cry which brought some comfort as the enormity of what was to come sunk in. All bliss he had felt in the aftermath of the great battle in Whitespire had disappeared, replaced by unease and trepidation at the prospect of war, though he knew full well of its necessity. The survival of the Commonwealth, and the Heartlands was at stake, and thus he resolved to steel himself to see it through. Dipping his head in prayer, Konstantin could only remember what he had uttered upon taking the mantle of the Guardian of the Commonwealth some years ago, God save the Queen. God save the Commonwealth.”

  16. Konstantin set about summoning the men of the Mardonlands, preparing them, and he for what was to follow in the coming months. As he donned his plate, he knew would not falter, nor would the resolve of the Commonwealth. A curse upon the Heartlands needed to be removed once and for all, and the Covenanters would see this through, no matter the cost.

  17. Konstantin strolled through the streets of Whitespire at the conclusion of the battle, accompanied by a small contingent of Mardonlanders who had made it through the bloody battle in the streets. As he gazed upon the corpses pilled into every street, alleyway, and building, he could not help but smile beneath his battered and bloodied helm as he saw burgundy under the plate of the majority of those slain. "The debt is not yet settled, Ghorm." Konstantin murmured with a glance upwards to the sky. "There is much work to be done still, Rabbits. I pray your sword arms have not tired yet." He stated to the ever-familiar men in blue cloaks before continuing on in search of any surviving foe.

  18. Within the Red Bastion of Vallagne, Konstantin held a missive within either hand. Scanning yet again the account of the barbarity inflicted upon one of his cousins, he felt naught but disgust for his family’s neighbors just across the border of the Mardonlands. His cousin Ghorm had not been present at the first altercation, the only present from his family had been a Flame-Haired Hedge Knight, who had not struck the blow into the hand of the man who most certainly was a bandit. A senseless act of barbarism was inflicted upon his cousin he thought, no different to those already common to any denizen of the Heartlands. As he thought further, his mind drifted to several events, some not listed by his god-daughter within her own response. Of his good friend being stopped and harried just beneath the Langkette by men of a similar description, of several elves mutilated and hung across the border with Aaun by men falsifying their identities, and of the sordid tale of one who escaped the senseless massacre. After a moment, this first missive was crumpled, cast aside into the nearby flames of a fireplace. He held this second, newer missive closer before heading to the nearby church within Vallagne, praying for the soul of yet another so senselessly slain by wolves in sheep’s clothing.

  19. Konstantin sat comfortably in a chair within the halls of Vallagne as he wore the new outfit. As he read over the notes of Marisol and the accompanying descriptions, he could not help but grin as he noticed the notes pertaining to the cape. Often one who needed to run across the Commonwealth or beyond, he greatly appreciated this attention to detail on Marisol's part for it would be a tragedy he thought should he fall on account of his a cape. "Well done, Mari. You've been nothing but a boon to the Commonwealth since your arrival." He murmured to himself before going about the rest of the day.




    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    in the year of our Lord 1949



    In recent times, it is undeniable that there has been a rise in the number of darkspawn hiding within Canonist realms, tainting the land with their presence. The Commonwealth is a vast realm, which prides itself on having peoples of all different walks of lives and cultures living within her borders. This, however, does not render it immune to the issues that plague many of our neighbors in the Heartlands and beyond. Thus, in tandem with the Diocese of Citrea, the Commonwealth shall initiate a set of mandatory testing for vampirism amongst the ranks of the nobility. With reports and accusations no longer being few and far between, it is imperative that we take the initiative to root out anything untoward within our midst lest it fester and cement itself within the fabric of the Commonwealth. 


    Members of the peerage and their family members are thus summoned to submit themselves to testing for vampirism to be overseen by Mother Rhosyn of the Diocese of Citrea, and any other man or woman of the cloth she deems necessary in presence. In the unlikely case that any are found to be afflicted with this curse, they shall be offered the chance to repent and be cured of this illness. Testing is to occur within Vallagne, at a place of Mother Rhosyn's choosing.


    Within a Saint's Week of the publishing of this missive, it is expected that the households comprising the nobility of the Commonwealth send correspondence and arrange for the testing of their household with Mother Rhosyn. 





    I. Peers of the Realm and their adult family members are summoned to Vallagne to be tested for vampirism.

    i. While it is expected that the head of each household arrange for the testing of their ranks within the year, given the responsibilities that a peer may hold, it shall be at the discretion of the First Prior of the Monastery of St. Juli’el as to when exactly their members shall be tested.

    ii. As the curse cannot affect children, they are to be exempted from the process. Children below the age of sixteen are therefore to be exempted from the summons to testing.

    II. A list of all members of the nobility who have been tested shall be kept and maintained by the Diocese of Citrea through the clergymen of the Monastery of St. Juli’el to ensure confirmation as to the innocence, or guilt, of those tested.

    i. This list shall be kept up to date as the process of testing continues, and shall be made accessible to both the authorities of the Crown of St. Emma and the Church of the Canon

    III. Should a member of the nobility be found to be afflicted with this curse, and refuse to repent and accept the cure to this affliction, the Holy Mother Church may render punishment in accordance with Canon Law. 




    Her Majesty, Catherine I, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Protector of Dogs


    His Excellency, Sir Konstantin von Theonus, Guardian of the Commonwealth, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Hero of Faubourg


    Her Excellency, Thérèse Amorie von Theonus, Vice-Chanzlé of the Petra, Deputy Defender of Liberty


    His Grace, Callahan Bishop Citrea


    Mother Rhosyn, First Prior of the Monastery of St. Juli’el


  21. Konstantin sat at his desk for several hours upon the writ being published across Aevos. The newfound Guardian of the Commonwealth had spent the time in reflection, praying for Queen Renilde, the newfound Queen Catherine I, and most of all his dearly departed friend, Adrian @Zaerie. A determination filled him, a promise made so long ago to care to care for his god-daughter, to keep her safe with what life lay ahead for her. Konstantin determined then that he would not falter, nor would he waver. He would earn the moniker bestowed upon him some years ago during his knighting. "God save the Queen. God save the Commonwealth." These words resounded in his head, a rock upon which he anchored himself for the future of the realm.

  22. From within a tower in the Commonwealth, Karl prayed for his friend as the news of his passing reached him. Opening a bottle of wine, he idly swirled a filled cup as he thought back on the numerous adventures and tribulations he had undertaken with his departed friend. Most of all, he remembered their first conversation within the city of Neu Brandthof, regarding his family joining the Waldenic Diet decades ago. "May you rest well, Ottomar. You were one of the best of our time."

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