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Status Replies posted by Marron

  1. Why everyone gotta be toxic, lowkey I need someone to explain

    1. Marron


      cus they're nerds projecting their own insecurities

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. what's the armour meta and pvp setup rn? need to know

    1. Marron


      Meta for the beta server is spear/mace with plate helm, gambeson chest and mail legs and boots.


      Current meta is half mail half plate w/ longsword, hammer and crossbow.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. Even after all the magics I've rewritten I still ain't gettin' any e-hoes ☹️

  4. Warclaims and Heist applications have been moved to the roleplay applications subforum.

    Applications > Roleplay > Warclaims / Heists

  5. when do we get to do Palestine vs IDF rp on the server? 

    1. Marron


      We already do. Oren is Israel and the Arab League is the Iron Accord. Sedan was the six day war!

  6. How did we get from uncapped 60 man raids every day in the Fringe to eight man cringe fests. Can we bring back old PVP? Stop being cringe.

    1. Marron


      I just want to go back to Vekaro, man.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. what do you guys think of my new character concept: his name is jonathon snow and he's very sad and brooding no he's not from game of thrones, my character is different because i beat women

    1. Marron


      Woman beating is one of the great Haeseni cultural phenomena only just behind Haeseni chess

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. Come on Haense, lets score some FOCKING GOOOOOOOOOOALS

    1. Marron


      Love 'aense

      'ate imperials (not racis just don't loik em)

      Luv me Koeng

      - Simple as

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. what r people doing for fun on this server nowadays

  10. Just had some extremely fun, healthy, and non-toxic conflict RP. That's right, folks, it is possible on LOTC. 

  11. im leaving lord of the craft

    1. Marron


      No one leaves LOTC, they just take long breaks.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hello! I am new to LotC server and I just made my character

    I am in a bit of a pickle though, as I am not entirely sure if they should live in the Silver City of the Elves or in another elf nation that is less 'xenophobic' to the other races

    I have good arguments for both, but I guess I would rather get a community opinion rather then try to make it my own due to others having more experience here.

    The High Elf in question is named Maehir, and is a scholar/mage(?)/studier of history, magic, and all things unknown. He, like other high elves does believe in the idea of purity. However he is not a super purist at heart. He has a fondness for the 'lesser' races of the realms (mainly humans), and seeks to mimic them in the ways they peruse goals in their short lives and isn't a bigot towards them, nor is one to look down at their inherit 'inferiority'. Due to this conflicting ideal he has, I have been rather stuck on where he should live. Should he have home in the Silver City? Or should he live in a different elven realm (do know he was born in the Silver City to begin with, and does follow many High Elf customs depending on what they are)

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