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Status Updates posted by Pancho

  1. guys I need to know where to get horses pls

    1. inshadowofyou


      Buy one ,or find one(they are rare)

  2. I love you Maso.

    1. masodapeso


      Well first time posting here in a while, love you to Me Pancho. Steal some loot from some rpers for me- “Everyone’s favourite bandit”

  3. how will the lotc economic crisis affect the canadian housing market? we shall see.

    1. HogoBojo


      Houses are already way out of the price range of most Canadians... :(

  4. Why are we questioning Paladins existence now? Pretty straight forward if you ask me

    1. Agy


      NUH UH!! eheheh

      Nope, just asking what they do when there aren't any Darkspawns around. Just that, it is literally the first thing that I make clear that I am not asking for anything to change about them, paladins have continued to exist for the entirety of the server's history so they are clearly doing something right and THAT is what I wanted to know..! Okay I am going to sleep now... bye

  5. Fellas, is it gay to not want lung cancer? Settling an argument 

  6. Anyone have the projections for $HNSE for next quarter?

    1. woke


      I sense that there may be turbulence in the market during the next quarter. You may ask me why? Well, it's due to the recent scandals involving King Aleksandr II, including rumors of a deal with a lich. It's doubtful the market will respond favorably to such news. Though, I'm here to observe how things will unfold for $HNSE.

  7. Don’t free Clocky 

    (balancing out)

    1. sam33497


      Shur up!!!!

  8. i want to pvp and kill braxus

    1. Gavin_


      Yo homie! >:^(

  9. bro werewolf why couldnt i be the half god :<<<

    1. PhilosopherBear


      Should use your reach hacks to get it, smh

  10. Who knew the lotc addiction ran that deep..

    1. TeawithFrisket


      You don’t even know the half of it

  11. #LockThatWudUp

    1. _Jandy_


      what. the ****.

  12. I can't wait to MRP on Main

  13. the skin walkers are everywhere man… EVERYWHERE

  14. I am aware of the situation I have created. I have made a severe and continuous lapse in judgement, and for that I am sorry. I apologize to all those I have upset, the pasta debate wasn’t one to become international. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

  15. +1 if I should apply for one of the staff teams and -1 if you want to be cool (cache 22). Oh and everyone who comments gets cookies.

  16. Cracka, please.

  17. It’s jover bros

  18. Honestly at this point I’m questioning itdontmatta’s crack dealer

  19. Rest easy, soldier. Your duty has been done.

  20. He was under the influence of lust

  21. Nvm, undid the hide

    Edited by Pancho
  22. “Interesting…” a man from nowhere in particular stated towards Squak’s remarks!

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