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Everything posted by Lomiei

  1. Thomund Bishop is glad for the pope, he sends some prayers up to Godani in the 7-skies for sending back his vicar. "Danke, big mand!"
  2. idek wym. Re-count it, its clearly just your brain tricked you by thinking it WASNT spelled birth wood Sometimes our brains dont work as well as they should, but its ok to be incorrect yk.
  3. Thomund Bishop let out a sigh as his House's first faction war had ended before it started. He was nevertheless content for his friend the Baron of Renduzzo, who he greeted with a particularly powerful pat on the back due to his unconscious sadness. "Dobry day, freund." -+- "Time for some drinks, ja?" Thomund pointed to his new friends by proxy the Galbraiths "lets get zhem to come as vell." @sergisala Aurik Bishop wiould have only slightly cared if he knew this was a thing..... didnt though, innit
  4. Aurik Bishop, upon his and Fallon's next meeting, forthwith handed her a written application for the position of Narrator.
  5. Thomund Bishop unrolls the scroll hastily handed to him by his son, a copy of such a piece as this. As Thomund's eyes make their way down the claims, quotes, and verifications of the Thesis, a small teardrop falls onto the page near the red ink of the signature "m-- ... mein son.." He could not help but smile at the sight, looking up to the eldest of his fruits, he motions the boy in for a tight fatherly hug. Aurik Bishop doesnt care The late Ser Erwin Bishop widens his eyes at the preparation of another Bishop-Bishop. He stands at rapid pace from the chair in which he sat to then kneel down and begin a prayer 'Godani in zhe 7-skies... please dont let zhis von drown his cousin'. @bugbytes21 @sashimichopped
  6. you know, I think some of the things on the main urguan road have some wool parts, ja? SHUT UP
  7. this man has achieved transcendendance nvm i change my mind, **** birch
  8. 1- inactive.... is the st waiting for ME to go over there and start digging for treasure or was he just gonna leave that there until someone else did maybe an advert or a lore post is in order 2 - ow come they gotta remove the wall to my farm before the RUINS OF A CITY I NEVER HEARD THE NAME OF UNTIL A FEW MONTHS AGO!!!!! 😪🤬 I mean ****, give someone 100 mina to take it all down and thats fine, but they would rather just kinda.... txx people for a wall 3- I noticed you didnt comment on #4.... sussy...
  9. The uhhhhhhh... th- the you know the uh- *clears throat* So like... like the wood that has all the little... the lil things that that like.... *** The Birh you know the lightwood from the.... woods? eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh I mean like you find grass, you go out there and stand on it... in most places where youre standing on grass, allyagottado is look up. you see trees. The berk tree is the won im refering to of course, and its a type that should be used more often. OBjectively. OH I KNOW THAT ONE! rumor has it if you fall off the side of the floating island in lobby (lore-breaking btw, its the subject of my next post), and you just kinda keep falling for exactly 3 hours and 44 minutes... turn your head to the west and cough, you may just find my will to go on. (Birth Churth)
  10. Aurik Bishop is unaware of this poem's existance, but if he was, he following would be his throught. "zhis ist ein gutte poem... qvite intriguing und accompanied by soozhing imagery." Aurik pats a finger on the edge of the paper in approval, smiling.
  11. Birth wood is great. I cannot believe the recent hate and rumors ive been hearing about it and its gotten to me personally. You. Need. To. Stop. Look. while the logs may be absolutely ass-ugly on somehow every texturepack that exists, no one really USES berch logs. My issue is with the damn planks right, because burtch planks are absolutely beautiful in every texturepack you can install. AND WHO THE **** DOESNT LIKE CONTRAST? . AH! so bland, so drab, so dark. Bring some of godani's light to lotc in the way he intended, through fine architecture and strong, beautiful color. Bro world team is gone yall can stop cringing and crying about every starter-house thats apparently a landscar (UNLIKE the following images. Thanks world team, honestly yall should be dissolved). CLOWNS, I CALL YOU! No taste having, No birtch liking Meanie-Bo-Beanies. Like seriously though, like seriously- seri - no. Like honestly tho bro, why does the midieval world have to only use 2 kinds of wood that are only 1 hue setting apert from eachother? like comeon, surely there was Birtch wood back in the 12-1700s right? Like im not just crazy and all lightly-hued trees (the ones that arent blue and come from hell) were just made up by some dude in a patent office last year. Ok ok, for sure, we can all agree that Birch exists, lets get to why no one uses them. Simply, Lotc hates birch wood because you ALL know that a full grown bertche tree could kick your ass. Youre scared. You should be.
  12. "vhy arent knights ein higher status zhan counts und vye-counts und stuff?" he asked to Ser Walton, looking up at him humorously. "Ve're SO much cooler!"
  13. Aurik Bishop leaves his favorite spot in the church to ride out to vidaus, letter in hand. Arriving to the keep and finding the Lord Ruthern, he holds the paper up in the air "IST ZHIS TRUE MISTER DUKE?!?!?!?!" the pre-teen seemed much distraught "Du cant be on zhe QVEENS council, its full of GIRLS!" -+- "ZHEY HAVE COOTIES! DU VILL DIE!" @indiana105
  14. Aurik Bishop points at a map "its richt zhere? dont du see?"
  15. MC Name: Lomiei_ Discord: lomiei#5456 Image: Description of Image: Falcon 1 Dimensions: 1x1
  16. @Hermit_JackIve taken your computer away son.

    Go outside and play in the sandpit for a while.

  17. Hello everyone! this is jack's mother. I am so incredibly disappointed in my son, that he would lie and tell people online that he has permission to use my credit card. Please stop sending me money from the names 'uwubear', 'keklolz', and 'poggersgorilla', I have had to call my bank 12 TIMES IN THE PAST WEEK BECAUSE OF THIS SILLY CHATROOM!! You can be assured that my son will no longer be playing minecraft and talking to strangers on the internet for a while. Enjoy your day everyone... And make sure to tell your mothers you love them... THEY NEED TO HEAR IT SOMETIMES
  18. {A Letter to His Majesty’s Royal Duma ❄ On the subject of military wages} The subject of military wages in general is one of the utmost importance. This is true even moreso for a nation who’s military is one of the driving factors of Haeseni cultural and geographic superiority. It should therefore be regarded as necessary that the discussion of the kingdom’s compensation to it’s armed forces, navies, auxiliaries, and mercenaries, is kept open and honest - for the benefit of both the crown and it’s citizens. The military tribune then presents the following questions to His Majesty’s Royal Duma on the subject of Military wages; How often should this topic be discussed? In all my lifetime - or even just that of living in haense, I have not often heard public discourse from the nation’s leaders regarding how much the soldiers are paid. In all of that time, the economies of many nations (and to our memories, entire nations themselves) have risen and fallen. Reasoning follows that at one point or another, the soldiers may or may not have been paid their worth, or being paid too much - which is equally erroneous. Are the wages of each rank in His Majesty’s army fair? Both compared to the wages of the ranks adjacent to them, as well as the proportion of the kingdom’s treasury that is set for military wages? The following sub-inquiries would be ideal for the Lord Treasurer (@louislxix) and Lord Marhsal (@Buffsanta) to answer, who I would wish to summon upon the next meeting of His Majesty’s Royal Duma, if I am allowed to do so. Does His Majesty deem the current fraction of his treasury paid for the BSK’s wages is fair? What factors may he need to consider before raising or lowering the fraction of the treasury for that purpose? Is the kingdom’s income stable and consistent enough to ensure that this amount of wage always stays proportional with that of the kingdom’s total income? Additional questions and sub-inquiries may appear on the list as time goes on before the next session, but I presume that these questions alone are sufficient to develop the duma’s stance on the subject. Signed, Thomund Bishop, Military Tribune, Master of the Hunt
  19. Aurik Bishop cheerfully waddles around his father's estate eating grapes. He is blissfully unaware of the situation. Thomund Bishop smirks at the paper in his hand and goes to hype up his big dawg par'ner Drako Darkwood (@HIGH_FIRE)
  20. THANK YOU VERY MUCHHHHH!!! <<33333333333
  21. Thomund Bishop smiles and takes out a piece of paper to draft his upcoming speech! (:
  22. Thomund Bishop - Just A Soldier Of what is great, one must either be silent or speak with greatness. Greetings, Haeseni soldiery. Upon the release of this document, Sergeant Thomund Bishop, myself, announce my candidacy for Military Tribune of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl. From a lowly and illegitimate birth, I have been trained in the marshal profession since a boy of 9 years. In addition, the love of Haeseni Government notably runs through the blood of my House, and I as such, am bound by tradition - and desire to serve the crown - to volunteer my time and energy to see the BSK’s interests codified in legislation. Platform My task on this sitting of His Majesty’s Royal Duma will be to bring to light some of the ideas that are yet in infancy between myself and the Koeng’s Lord Marshal. There are a surprising number of operations & plans upon both of our desks, that are unknown to even the rest of the officer core - my plan is to turn these stacks of paper into action for our glorious Haeseni forces. My 2nd task is to inspire the youth of our ranks to its leadership. My own 3 young sons are the catalyst for such a goal. And in my raising of them, I would see it a poultry act to not attempt the guiding of my youngers alongside my own blood. We are all brothers, after all. Endoresments Should the majority vote not rest with myself, I shall myself nominate Felyx Colborn ( @Draketonic ) for the position of Military Tribune, and wish for my votes to be counted alongside his. Signed, Sergeant Thomund Roserhold Bishop
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