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Status Replies posted by Turbo_Dog

  1. So how would i go about changing from a wandering soul to an actual player, i already did my application, *help please*

    (edit) so that have being said how will i know when its done/happened, will i get an email, a notification on LoTC.com or do i have to just login to the server? (edit 2) and where do i check to see if i got accepted? Like what are the steps

  2. I wish there was a way to opt out of having to rp with child characters.

  3. 1.18 texture pack recommendations pls

  4. I am not a prophet for I do not guess the correct path, I am the correct path.

    I have partaken in bargains with the occult spam posters to secure my future as Moderation Administrator.

    I am coming for you, itdontmatta.

  5. would people pay mina for the big boi roleplay bios?


  7. Want to see innocents burned at the stake? LIAR'S SALT!



  8. Random question I just thought of: If you take a load of FTU skins and tape them together in a skin editor, could you call it your skin?

  9. qotd: who is a player/character that's helped mold or influence the development of your own character, for better or worse?

  10. You guys should like, make an epiphyte, would be quite cool of you

  11. Any Musin Looking for hire to sell hats
    Why Musin?

    A. They are good salespeople
    B. Because Musin

    The benefits of this are for every person who you send to me to buy a hat-
    You get 25% of the profit for that sale.
    Not much money but you do it at your own pace.
    And if not want the money... we make you a free hat for every sale.

  12. Soon Alchemy won’t be an FA but just common knowledge 🥲

  13. We're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu


    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu



    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu



    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu




    That's right, we're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu
















































  14. I’m going to make a persona that looks entirely female right but has a super deep voice (but is mute) and is a male… the ultimate femboy, I will trick everyone.

  15. I’m going to make a persona that looks entirely female right but has a super deep voice (but is mute) and is a male… the ultimate femboy, I will trick everyone.

  16. Question!

    How many of you wonderful people would be interested in reading an Orc produced  newspaper on occasion? What might you like to see in one? Please give me more ideas I want to make this happen.

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