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Kaladin Stormblessed

Ender VIP
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Everything posted by Kaladin Stormblessed

  1. One massive issue I have seen over and over with the system of decision making of the staff here is that the defendant side is NEVER approached and getting a chance to defend themselves or giving a testimony. I literally had few friends that were just banned all of the sudden, and they didn't even know what is it about. If staff wish to ban someone, especially perma bans and ones that are for months, it is the staff obligation to approach the player about this before making a decision. Up until now, I saw several cases that it wasn't the case, and 0 cases that it was the case. I think it shouldn't be even a thing to ban someone for more then a week, let alone permaban, without having the respective staff member approaching them specifically, asking for their input and what they wish to be said for the protocol regarding the case. I have seen it with TOS bans. I have seen it with permabans that weren't TOS. I have seen it when good and valid roleplay was voided by ST members. IMO, it shouldn't be allowed to even ban someone without going through this procedure of giving the person a chance to literally defend themselves. I 1000% agree with this post. Even regarding me, I have been few times already forced to contact staff regarding being all of the sudden banned, or that a book I wrote in roleplay was voided without even being approached, while I have logs and screenshots of every single thing to prove that the roleplay is valid. So many false bans and punishments can be prevented
  2. Got an open slot so looking for a new persona to play basically 1) Please someone that will be atmost 7 years old when I start 2) I prefer the persona to be an elf (certainly not a human), any elvish race would do as far as I care. 3) I'm quite active and persistant player. for the last 7 months I have been consistently active, most weeks playtime of 14hrs-30hrs 4) My timezone is GMT+3, but I can be active basically until 6PM EST, and mostly I log between 11am - 5pm EST 5) One deal breaker (kinda odd) is that I want the persona to be with an active mother 6) Generally active family, settlement/nation and if the surroundings have active child roleplay that would be great 7) If I'm getting roleplay opportunities (AKA not dead family and dead settlement) I can promise to be consistently active, playing the persona every week at the very least for the following year 8) Generally, my idea is that I would like to get the persona to maybe join the paladins, some adventurers guild or learn something like voidal magic or alchemy. But of course, I will go with the roleplay 9) A disclaimer that I am relatively new to roleplaying and the server in general. I joined Januray this year and that's my first experience of a roleplay server My discord is NoOne#3995 if you wanna discuss this further, or msg me in game, my IGN is Kaladin66
  3. Sir George Obediah reads the missive, narrowing down his eyes, as he lift his head back up and contemplating "Every end is a new beginning" he said, and couldn't help himself not to chuckle to his own cringy words "What a fuckin' cliche"
  4. Sir George Obediah nods "A home will be provided. To the men, women and children that suffered from the war. Free from saddening, eternal conflicts, free from hatred and suffering. A new place, for everyone." And with that he concluded, continuing to work alongside the Hopes in order to ensure that the people who are left without a home have a place to go to
  5. Sir George Obediah , a Knight of a fallen Kingdom sighed. "So it begins. And our plans to rescue the few remnants of the people who are now left without a home shall begin. The Duchy of Corinth."
  6. Sir George Obediah nods to the missive. "Your betrayal and madness have left you alone, Gustaf. Even your closest allies and friends have already acknowledged the wrongdoings of your betrayal." The young knight would the sigh heavily, and continue to work for the future of Orenia.
  7. Tbose present in Elysium, could hear a faint melody of the piano being played from the tavern top floor. However, contrary to how he usually play, this one would give off sad, sorrowfull and regretfull sensation, engulfing those that can hear the music. Vaen'lian Odinson, who looks upon at Radvan as an older brother, or even as an uncle. Right now, the boy is downhearted. That his friends, his family, are tearing apart. He wished everyone to understand and love each other; things shouldn't be so complex. He truly believes that Radvan, his father, Nisreen, Leika, Ehrendil and the rest, all of them, they have good hearts, that they should know how to understand each other, to support each other. More then all, to accept and truly love each other. But the real world is more complex then that. Now Radvan and Nisreen have left Elysium behind. George Obedia, at a truly different scene, would observe the missive and chuckle to himself, humming "Huh? Who the heck is that Radvan Odinson. Well, might just visit that peculiar County, things could get exciting." he carelessly said, and went on his usual day, quickly forgetting about that.
  8. George Obedia would read the missive, lightly furrowing his brows, although at the same time, he'd breath in relief "So the shackles of war binds us no longer, and things finally will stop being awkward between me and Thomas' girlfriend." he'd then look up from the missive, towards the thriving city of Vienne "And yet, I wonder if these high elves city was worth for the Haensenis to insist on causing bloodshed for the sons and daughters of Horen. At least, His Majesty Frederick I, knew to compromise and do the honorable thing." A smile would then once again sneak on his face "Well, now surely I got more free time to take care of my private life for once."
  9. George Obedia hums as he seriously considers this offer regarding someone, so he keeps a copy of the missive to himself.
  10. George Obedia would hear the rumors of the death of Evelyn. He lets out a heavy sigh as he understands the circumstances of the death "How ironic..." he mumbled to himself, as he took a moment to consider their last conversation, pondering.
  11. A certain Elysian child from Odinson clan cried as he was told that his favourite piano was destroyed during the siege.
  12. IGN: Kaladin66 I have gold VIP rank, and I used the /auth command to authenticate my account. Of course, downloaded 2FAS app and saved the backup codes. However, when I was asked to authenticate my account with the codes, it didn't work, and also the backup codes didn't work. Right now I am locked out of my account and I can't really authenticate. I'd appreciate if anyone could help me remove this authentication of my account. My discord is NoOne#3995
  13. Iolas Valro, for the last time, packed his sword, medical herbs and some food for the road. The herbs did not mean a thing. It was simply a natural instinct for him. Knowing that he will never see anyone he ever loved, knowing that he will leave his fiance and his son alone. The flowers around Elysium were blossoming, such a beautiful flowers, almost as if the world itself is mocking him. Almost as if he was born only to suffer. As he was walking, he thought of his last moments with the people he knew and learned to love. Elend, the magnificant sword that he made him, that boy truly is talented Radvan, a dear friend that will one day become a paladin. I am certain that he will Plume, the most joyful boy that he met, and a charming boy Alex, a dear friend that was there for him after Hileia's death, his former fiance Luthriel, a dear Orenian friend that had helped him getting his first horse Solomon, the father of his former dead fiance. Only now, he understand the true meaning of Solmon's words. Only now, he knows he Solomon really felt Suika, and aspiring druii that he wished to study to be a medic under her. Such a shame that he will not be able to Cole, his Haenseni friend with whom Iolas had shared many times a drink and a good conversation Rose, Hileia's youngest sister, she must have grown into a kind grown up lady Madoc, an aspiring shaman that has saved his life, he was thankful for him saving his life Andora, that is going through a tough time right now. Such a shame that he can't be there for her as she was for him Arwen, she is currently studying Bardmancy. I am sure that she will become an amazing atrist Laura, with whom Iolas did not speak for a long time Nesithra, a proud mother of a healthy child, and the one that is married to Orin Togrim, with whom he shared the first time his experience at the voidal pits with Nim'Bur Ellathor, the one that must carry the burden of handling the mess he left Ehrendil, that was too busy and concerned with his work Isaac, that is hopefully going to propose to his current girlfriend Sera Faeviel, that just got married with the person she loves Keishara, that was warded under a noble family, and a dear friend Emiko, the midwife that was helping him and Neveah with their baby. Almost in an instant, al these thoughts went through his mind. A single tear accompanied them. I don't want to die. Another tear accompanied the last thought. I have so much else to do. People I wanted to meet, things that I wanted to study, family that I wanted to have. Iolas would then get away from the road. Looking for a quite place, to be in peace at his last moments. The forests at the west were so beautiful. The green trees, many exotic animals, some of them dead, their corpses helping others to survive. This is the lesson you wanted to teach, isn't it Suika?. The thought would go through his mind, passing quickly. He would then think of Nym. He barely even managed to say a proper goodbye. I am sorry my dear son, please be strong. A picture of the young polite boy formed in his mind. The first time that he took Nym under his care, almost as if it happened yesterday. A young boy was sitting, trying to eat a moldy lone piece of raw meat, a homeless child that did not know the love of a parent. After the death of the child Neveah carried, he could not find his son anywhere. I love you, my dear oem'ii. Your maln will always love you. But none of this mattered, the elf would just keep walking, finding a quite ravine with a river. The river can wash away my body. Then, he thought of Neveah, the woman he loves. He had given her the worst thing that could be done. As he was saying goodbye, the baby died. After 5 months of pregnancy, giving birth to a child that simply cannot survive. He was not breathing. Few other tears dropped slowly from his face, as he went down the ravine. Our unborn child died, because of me. Because of me that you are now infertile. I am sorry Neveah, I love you, I am sorry for causing so much pain. The frustration, the agony. It was unfathomable. Leaving her like this, his heart would scream in pain and agony, tearing him apart. I never wanted to leave you, but he left me no choice. I wanted to live, to create a family with you, Neveah. Why was he forced to leave this way? Not even getting the comfort that his fiance would give birth to a healthy child, why did he have to steal away her happiness? The woman he loved. The agony, the unfathomable agony. Oddly enough, Nim'Bur did not pass through his mind at all. Only the people he loved, not the one that stole it all. But he could not help it, he knew that he would never try to risk the lives of his fiance, the lives of his son, the lives of his friends, of the citizens of Elysium. And so, Iolas sat there, his back to the river, he pulled out the sword, and turning it, so the blade would point at his own chest. He got ready to thrust the sword... And then the thought hit him. He thought of Hileia. Who died years ago, his former fiance with whom he was in love so much. Daughter to Solomon, nephew to Isaac, sister to Rose. Her face took form and were clearly visible to his eyes, almost as if she was there again, sitting in front of him, giving him a smile, a warming smile, the smile that always relaxed him, the smile that was only hers. Hilly, I am coming. I am coming to see you, I am going to reunite with you soon. He never stopped to love her. This was the small comfort that he could find, a very small light in a world of darkness. And then, the blade thrusted in. The life disappeared from his eyes, as he fell onto the river, only to gaze at the sunset, the beautiful forest, with a blade deep inside his chest. As if the world frozen in place, the thought hit his head, in a moment of desperation. I don't want to die, damn you Nim'Bur, damn you demon, damn you cult. Someone will eventually stop you. And with that, the elf finally died. He did not find peace, but rather agony, unfathomable agony, for him having to die. For his child to die. For his son to disappear. For his fiance to be infertile. For his life to be lost. The young elf, found his end at the age of 30. The life of a kind man, the life of a loving father, a friend, a spouse ended at this moment. Iolas Valro met his tragic end. With his last breathes, he defied the cult. He has chosen to reveal them, he has chosen to reveal the truth to Almaris. This was his choice, and he did not regret it.
  14. Iolas Valro would then read the missive, letting out a light sigh. Then, he'd put it in his pocket, intending to later show it to his fiance. Walking up the stairs at his house, then proceeding to sit at his work desk. "The ministry of education is asking for scholars..." He then opened his book, revealing some math formulas "Perhaps there might be other Elysians that are ready to hear about the beauty of mathematics."
  15. Iolas Valro was at his house. He packed some set of sweets and tea, heading towards Oren, to surprise Hileia with a date. And so, he blew his whistle, and started riding. It was then, that he would notice the post. He fell to his knees, unable to lift his own body, quickly caught his chest with both of the hands. At this moment, it would seem to him that his heart stopped moving, the world became dark. He breathed heavily, for a long minute, he could not do anything, grabbing his chest tightly, wishing that this is a nightmare that he is soon to wake up from. Iolas did not wake up. It was the reality, sitting on his knees "No..." he would let out a broken whisper "No..." he repeated. He looked to his right and left, a dark world, devoid of happiness. Tears begun eyes, he would keep breathing heavily, his grip on his chest is still tight. He would burst out crying, sitting on his knees, "No... No... No..." he just mumbled with a broken voice through the tears
  16. Kaladin Stormblessed


    Born at Haelun'or as a Mali'aheral, from his birth Iolas has been taught the way of high elves. The pursue of knowledge was a common thing in his society, and family. Born as the only child to a family of pure high elves, a scientist father and artist mother, there have always been high expectations of him. He was given education from age zero, and he especially excelled at the fields of mathematics and science, but reluctantly to the studies of the ways of war - which wasn't less important at his society. Iolas grew as a gifted mathematician, which caused him to develop ill manners, to his parents' displeasure, this has caused him to grow up without friends his age. After all, he was too invested within his studies, gaining knowledge. While growing up at Haelun'or, he always thought of his race's obssession of purity as an oddity. High elves valued logical thinking, so give certain people special treatment because of their so called pure blood wasn't supposed to be a thing, after all, Iolas thinks, that objective criterias and measures needs to be taken. He took it as far as wondering if it is possible to mathematically create the perfect evaluation system of someone's worth. Thats who he had always been. When Iolas grew up when he was between 15-18, his goal on mind was to study at Healun'or college. Of course, his pursue of knowledge wouldn't end there. He wished to extend the Eternal Library, the heart of Haelun'or. And according to Iolas, the heart of the world. After all, high elves mostly lived isolated at their nation, away from the world. Iolas always wondered, what is there to learn beyond his nation, how much more knowledge can this world give me? Now Iolas is 19, torn between going to study at Haelun'or college and exploring the unknown.
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