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Kaladin Stormblessed

Ender VIP
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Everything posted by Kaladin Stormblessed

  1. Sir George would unsheathe his sword for the first time in ages. After a long period of time, he would come back to the call of arms and adone himself in Lotharingian Company armour. The time has finally come, and he will follow Frederick to every battle he shall face.
  2. Baldrum Colborn is ready to donate another bundle of 18 horses
  3. Vaen'lian would see this missive quite late then the rest. He smiles "Ooh- That's lovely!" he then sighs, knowing that he may have missed a lot of the current events at Vikela during his late time spent at the Mother Grove
  4. "Mediate peace by disallowing other Canonist nations to prevent the bloodshed of a civil war." Said a faithful Canonist with a sigh, furrowing his brows "The church shouldn't be corrupted by such favouritism due to Political interests" he concluded with a shake of his head
  5. Baldrum Colborn looks towards his betrothed with a raised brow "Want to visit there?" @Lmcfc
  6. Baldrum Colborn nods to his fiancee as the missive was published "I bet this joust will be epic. I want to see my BSK friends coming along to win some minas."
  7. Baldrum Colborn would stumble upon the missive, reading it thoroughly "Twenty-two years of service hmm? That's quite the accomplishment, and being quite successful as a treasurer may I add" he mumbled to himself, continuing to read as his eyes widened slightly and a smile appeared on his face as he came to realize his father is the new treasurer "Aye fadir! He became the new Royal Treasurer! I am sure he will do a great job."
  8. Baldrum Colborn shrugged "Well, Charlie did storm out of the room..." he mumbled to himself, not really particulary surprised
  9. Baldrum Colborn lets a roar of victory "FAMILY THROUGH FIRE! Ja! We did it!"
  10. Baldrum Colborn rolls his eyes "Who the faen are these random people?" he mumbles out in confusion. Then shrugging, he opens his weapons chest, searching between the various weapons for ones that fits, nodding to himself "Well... I guess there's going to be some action soon." Sir George Obediah laughs "Of The Carrion? The Prince of Calamity? Guest Of Dreams?" he chuckles "Yes. Definitely darkspawns." he said, and with that discarded all of his thoughts regarding this subject
  11. Baldrum Colborn lofted a brow "So they think changing their nation name and having some new rules will allow them to ignore the rules they promised to follow." he rolled his eyes "Idiots."
  12. Sir George Obediah chuckled. He certainly wasn't surprised "Honestly, what did he even think? Of course they'd do that. Acreans just being Acreans, after all."
  13. Baldrum Colborn shrugs in response "Well, GOD knows that something of the sort is precisely what he needed." he commented, humming momentarily "Well, lets see how he manages to do this year"
  14. Sir George Obediah chuckles at the irony. "There is no king but us..." He mumbles to himself, perhaps mockingly. "Bullshit. the death of two men, Gustaf and Hannes, is all it took for Acre to become the very thing they swore to destroy." He clicks his tongue "So their goal, their ideals, everything they fought for and won — all are meaningless" — "We shall see if the Prince of Alstion will be able to overcome their rebellious tendencies against authority." He said, and with that, he crumpled the missive that he stumbled upon, a frown appeared upon his expressions "No king but us... Your late leaders are rolling in their graves"
  15. Sir George Obediah would read his invitation "Hmmm, she's married to an Haenseni." he chuckles "Heck, haven't seen this kid in forever. She must be all grown up to get fuckin' wed, hell! Well, I might as well just come"
  16. Baldrum Colborn would look over the missive, he chuckles "Ja nice. Mik kusin is getting married so that means party and foods. At least I hope so."
  17. Sir George Obediah would laugh out loud at this "Outrageous!" he exclaimed in excitement "This is just bullying at this point!" he said, and gives it another laugh before taking care of the Obediah Company. Baldrum Colborn would read the missive and nod "Honestly. What did they even think to attack Balian, our allies. They deserve all that they shall face for being such an idicracy" he said, and with that kept roaming the north, riding on his horse Ryshadium
  18. Sir George Obediah would hear the rumors about the passing of the Baron of Acre. A light frown appears on his face, and he contemplates. The man that he had admired, then despised, and then come to a realization. Everyone fight for what they believe in. For Hannes too, that was his family. How silly of him, to hold hatred in his heart for such simple reasons. He sits down "We never saw eye to eye. But you indeed were GODs man. For that, you too deserves to rest in peace."
  19. Sir George Obediah narrows down his eyes as he reads the letter, the news hit him in shock; but not grief, as he was not close friend with the Jazlovieckis. "Will I be damned..." He only muttered
  20. Vaen'lian Odinson would be sitting in one of the trees at The Mother's Grove as the bird come to deliver the news. Another one dies. All of the sudden, his family and friends slowly start to die out. He only could sob. Sob over the brother, the one that everyone called 'mad' or 'cruel'. He only remembered his brother. He only remembered how Radvan taught him how to use the bow, how to fight, they sat down, laughed and talked many times, the one that was there since his childhood. And he was gone too. "Why... Why Rad too, Plume and Elend weren't enough?! I don't want it anymore! That's too much! Please... Please someone make it stop..." he could only sob, alone, in the dark. That's not the first time, and that probably wouldn't be the last.
  21. Vaen would wander around the mothers circle, admiring the beauty of the nature as the bird delivered the letter to his hands. Seeing that the letter is from Plume; his trusty friend with whom he grew up with, loved and admired, he smiled brightly. "Oh its from Plume! I wonder how she's doing!" It didn't take more few seconds. The tears started falling down his cheeks, "No..." his legs lost their strength to carry his body as he fell onto his knees "No..." . Almost as if his fingers went numb, the letter left his hands, peacefully it fell on the ground in front of him. Almost as if the universe itself enjoyed to mock him, the letter fell idly in front of him, still open, the words still readable "No...". Her feature appeared in front of him, the fruit of his own imagination. Beautiful and bubbly person, a wide kind grin, a flower tucked behind her ears. The mossy features of her body as an epiphyte. Between the sobs, he cried out her name "Plume? Is that you?" he spoke with a broken voice, stretching out a hand, only for it to touch thin air, and the feature quickly disappeared, only an illusion created by his own mournful mind. Then he cried. Screaming, quickly covering both his eyes with his hands, sobbing like crazy "Why her? Please! Please!" he begged. Perhaps for the aspects. Perhaps for her to hug him one more time, to speak with him one more time. Perhaps to someone to comfort him. He didn't know himself. His voice was broken, "Plumeeee!" the stream of tears couldn't possibly stop. Their experiences together flashed through his eyes. The five year-old boy he was, scared of his own shadow. He remember how he played as a child with Plume and Eilika. He remember the countless of times when he conversed with her, when she encouraged him. The last time they've spoke in the Vale. How he just the other elven day met her sister Juniper. "Plume! Pleased no! It can't be!" For the next hour or two he just curled and cried to himself. For him it felt like an eternity. Standing up feels like an impossible task right now. Plume is gone, and he has to deal with it.
  22. Sir George Obediah would laugh out loud as stumbles upon the missive "they're not resting aren't they? And the Rex is forced to go onto a war with an alliance thrice as strong as Krug." he said, grinning, walking down the streets of Sedan "Well, Almaris certainly needed some interesting developments. Things have been boring recently."
  23. One massive issue I have seen over and over with the system of decision making of the staff here is that the defendant side is NEVER approached and getting a chance to defend themselves or giving a testimony. I literally had few friends that were just banned all of the sudden, and they didn't even know what is it about. If staff wish to ban someone, especially perma bans and ones that are for months, it is the staff obligation to approach the player about this before making a decision. Up until now, I saw several cases that it wasn't the case, and 0 cases that it was the case. I think it shouldn't be even a thing to ban someone for more then a week, let alone permaban, without having the respective staff member approaching them specifically, asking for their input and what they wish to be said for the protocol regarding the case. I have seen it with TOS bans. I have seen it with permabans that weren't TOS. I have seen it when good and valid roleplay was voided by ST members. IMO, it shouldn't be allowed to even ban someone without going through this procedure of giving the person a chance to literally defend themselves. I 1000% agree with this post. Even regarding me, I have been few times already forced to contact staff regarding being all of the sudden banned, or that a book I wrote in roleplay was voided without even being approached, while I have logs and screenshots of every single thing to prove that the roleplay is valid. So many false bans and punishments can be prevented
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