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Kaladin Stormblessed

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Everything posted by Kaladin Stormblessed

  1. Ser Baldrum Colborn readies his Scyfling Waraxe to slay Nakaas the Mori'Quessir
  2. BOGATYR TRIAL COMPLETED Published from the Viscounty of Venzia ISSUED ON THE 7TH OF JULA AG PIOV, 472 E.S. O’ GUD, VOR HJELP I GYNE ERE, To the mountains I was sent by The Oracle, with the goal to slay a monster, one that hides itself in the peaks and sneakily hides. With my sword and polearm at the ready, I set out on the arduous journey, resolute in my determination to complete my trial and emerge victorious. undeterred, I continued on, deep into the heart of hte mountain where only the light of my flaming sword could reach. Finally, I came face to face with the beast, a serpent-bodied creature with the head of an elderly man and the size of an adult male. I unsheathed my sword and engaged the monster in fierce combat, striking it multiple times until it finally fell. With the creature defeated, I claimed its head as proof of my triumph and returned to Karosgrad to present it to Ser Vladimir. And thus the Bogatyr trial was completed. SKRALI VOR GUD, His Lordship, Baldrum Carr Ingvar Colborn, Captain of the Colborn Company, Lieutenant of the Brotherhood of St. Karl, Squire of the Order of the Crow
  3. "Two fronts. Mori and Adrian heretics." Spoke Baldrum Colborn, followed by a chuckle "Should be easy enough."
  4. Baldrum Colborn stands before his collection of weaponry "The Adrians will see what it means to turn eymr back to GUD"
  5. Baldrum Colborn, who did not change his outfit since he was fifteen years old, would read the elaborated missive and wonder to himself "Perhaps I should wear something other then uniform or a red shirt.."
  6. An old Obediah man, former Knight belonging to the past would read the missive "Verily, the Heartlands doth screams of pain, yet we are deaf to their cries."
  7. Baldrum Colborn would stretch his hands as he looks over his sword "This bunch of Heretic followers will be dealt with."
  8. Baldrum Colborn nods to the missive, taking specific note of the Goat Milk and Honey Mead "Goat Milk is simply too gudi, right after Carrion of course."
  9. Whatever you may do, PLEASE limit the amount of minas that can be generated daily or weekly. We don't want to have an inflated market.
  10. House Colborn: Succession - Carolus Published from the Viscounty of Venzia ISSUED ON THE 11TH OF WZUVAR AG BYVCA, 468 E.S. O’ GUD, VOR HJELP I GYNE ERE, Six long years have gone by since the passing of the former Viscountess of Venzia and my beloved cousin, Dame Ada Natalya Colborn, of whom I still think often to this day. Since then, I have taken on the task of leading House Colborn and have accomplished it to the best of my ability. However, such days belong to the past, and the time for the new generation to show their prowess has come. Therefore, with Godan as my witness, I hereby cede my position as Patriarch of House Colborn, including all of the House’s landed titles, to Carolus Ivan Colborn, effective immediately once this missive is published. House Colborn has always been proud of the meritocratic system used in the choosing of a new Patriarch. Carolus has proven himself capable beyond any doubt, and I trust that he will lead this family to greater heights - more than I could have accomplished. Even through my abdication, I will remain here to support the new Lord of House Colborn in any way I can, and I will continue to serve dutifully in His Majestys Brotherhood. SKRALI VOR GUD, His Lordship, Baldrum Carr Ingvar Colborn, Captain of the Colborn Company, Lieutenant of the Brotherhood of St. Karl The Honourable, Carolus Ivan Colborn, Viscount of Venzia, Baron of Bethlenen, Lord of Vorenburg, Protector of Scyflings, Her Ladyship, Anabel Elia Colborn, Keeper of The Book, Scribe of the House of Colborn,
  11. "She glued a hat to his head? That's pretty funny" said Baldrum Colborn
  12. Baldrum Colborn would open the doors to Vorenburg's kitchens within Venzia in a dramatic fashion "Attention everyone, all garlic will nejt be used for cooking from now on. Start filling our wagons with the garlic." He announced in the same dramatic fashion. "We're heading to Karosgrad!" He announced, looking over the wagon full of garlics
  13. Baldrum Colborn frowns lightly "Trial? They're having fun, but these children need to know when they have nejt authority to arrest and give trials to people" He sighs heavily, reading the banishment and the accusation against Guy de Savoie "Children surely will always find a way to surprise me."
  14. what are the things you're looking for a new character? And happy birthday!
  15. "We should send these Knights to wars" exclaims Baldrum Colborn
  16. Yes, it was fun and fit the character concept I built for vaen
  17. Vaen is very enjoyable for me, and will forever offer me an experience that I doubt to have with any of my current, former or future personas. I think I will keep Vaen for a very long time, and yes, he does give me the experience I expected; Wholesome fun roleplay without political shenanigans or anything else of the sort. I just showered ): Fantastic, but I will use this question as a catalyst to say that during my time so far in the server, I have met many people that I have became friended with, laughed, roleplayed and planned stuff with them.
  18. Baldrum Colborn smells a contester for his Horse business "Well, gudi horses indeed"
  19. Januray 21, 2022 was the date when my whitelist application got accepted. Since then, well, it has been one hell of a year. Ask me any question that you may think of and I will respond with utmost seriousness
  20. Baldrum Colborn clenches his fists. The forest of Dobrov has taken too much from him, he thinks of his dead cousin Ada Natalya Colborn, signing the Lorraine. "Nej more. Nej more victims to this cursed forest, dear kusin."
  21. OPENING OF THE SCYFLING WORLD Published from the Viscounty of Venzia ISSUED ON THE 2TH OF JULA AG PIOV, 462 E.S. O’ GUD, VOR HJELP I GYNE ERE, Far away in Vorenburg, the craftsmen of the Scyfling House of Colborn have been hard at work in recent months preparing for the opening of The Scyfling World shop within Karosgrad. It is the will of the Viscount of Venzia, in congruence with the remainder of House Colborn, to share the rich Scyfling culture and aptitude with the world. Succeeding the purchase of Sigismund Street I in the bustling streets of the Capital, Karosgrad, culturally significant goods have been put on display for purchase. Furthermore, other commodities produced by the prolific inhabitants of the Viscounty have been given their own spaces inside the store. For instance, the first floor is to be dedicated to the sale of expertly forged weaponry, items of rarity, and other miscellaneous items recovered in the walls of Vorenburg from the continental far and wide. The second floor shall be harbor to the illustrious and anciently-sourced literature department, accompanied by scarce herbs gathered from remote locations, and skilfully brewed potions of varying degrees and effects. Lastly, the summiting floor shall host the popular baked goods, beverages, and other enjoyable foodstuffs inherent to the chefs and maidstaff of House Colborn who hold the secret and ancient Scyfling recipes. Thus, the House of Colborn officially declares The Scyfling World open to the public, and looks forward to sharing its history and culture with a wider breadth of the Haeseni population. The shop is located on the address Sigismund Street I. SKRALI VOR GUD, His Lordship, Baldrum Carr Ingvar Colborn, Viscount of Venzia, Baron of Bethlenen, Captain of the Colborn Company, Lieutenant of the Brotherhood of St. Karl Her Ladyship, Anabel Elia Colborn, Keeper of the Book, Scribe of the House of Colborn Her Ladyship, Amelia Ceciliya Colborn, Custodian of The Colborn Library
  22. Baldrum Colborn is fascinated by Marius' game "His Highness got the best game, top notch rizz that shall be known all over the continent"
  23. TO PROTECT THE REALM Issued by The Brotherhood of Saint Karl On this 8th of WZUVAR AG BYVCA of 462 E.S. The Brotherhood of Saint Karl and the Order of the Crow are to expel the Evil that looms in the dark. During the recent years, multiple reports of people disappearing in the Staalmarsh; the swamps of our Eastern borders. Soon after, a group of Brotherhood Soldiers were sent to investigate, finding evidence of excessive undead corruption of the lands, as well as managing to capture an alive Ghoul, which was soon after questioned. The captured demon has spilled valuable information. Thousands of undead looming in the far lands of the Staalmarsh, preparing to attack the realm and its citizens. The Haeseni people will not succumb to the forces of Evil, forces have already been sent to investigate, finding the keep of the forces of Iblees. With the help of GOD, the forces of the Haeseni people will soon begin to march to that keep, by joint effort of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl and The Order of the Crow, and will unroot evil. This is a call to arms. Soldiers and Knights of the realm, to show our strength and willingness to protect this realm from the forces of The Betrayer. By the will of GOD, we shall end up victorious and save the realm and its citizens. Signed, His Lordship, Baldrum Carr Ingvar Colborn, Viscount of Venzia, Baron of Bethlenen, Captain of the Colborn Company, Lieutenant of the Brotherhood of St. Karl Baldrum Carr Ingvar Colborn His Excellency, Ser Conrad “The Bulwark” Barclay, Knight Paramount of Hanseti-Ruska His Lordship, Felix Weiss, Bossir of Zvaervauld, Lord Marshal of His Majesty’s Brotherhood. Felix Weiss His Lordship, Ser Sébastien “The White Sun” de Savoie, Deputy Palatine and Meyster Knight of Hanseti-Ruska
  24. Baldrum Colborn shakes his head in disappointment "Atilan, eym silly man"
  25. Lieutenant Baldrum Colborn offers a salute to the now resigning Lord Marshal "It was an honor to serve alongside eym"
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