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Everything posted by LordofCabbage

  1. "I promised to tell him the tale of how Sir Gaspard lost his eye . . ." contemplated the hedge knight sadly in a deep state of melancholy. "I will sing it to him in the Seven Skies." he then murmured to Robert, a promise must never be broken, afterall. The freerider thought. Even if death comes upon us.
  2. "All that lives must die, or it was never alive in the first place." contemplated a weary traveller sadly as yet another comrade of yore passes on.
  3. Cant belief Reuben did this, but nice ouroboros formatting
  4. "Tha's good 'nd all, but wat about th' kabbages?" pondered Saint Arijoutsi of Kabestan from his resting place below the earth.
  5. A knight-errant prepared himself for continuation of the struggle with weary yet determined eyes.
  6. "It is sweet and proper to die for one's country." Uttered a knight-errant simply as he prepared himself for prayer and battle.
  7. "A very convincing crazed drunkard told me this is all true. So it must be!" Pondered a certain figure, as he scratched his forehead in thought.
  8. The Testifier bore witness with his very own eyes . . .
  9. A knight who had known Baldwin was filled with intense melancholy upon receiving the news.
  10. The Horse Lord prayed for those that had fallen upon the bloody meadow. Including their foes who had been slain by the sabre and bow.
  11. If you have money you are hereby obliged under gunpoint to give it all to Karim of Mount Goodness.
  12. The knights-errant watched as both Bishop Callahan and his horse Lady Amélie were utterly grief-stricken by the news. Jurkha Faochak himself too was grief-stricken. Yet in this grief he found his purpose and duty renewed with vigor greater than any before. "A thousand curses upon Sigismund."
  13. Jurkha Faochak examined the rondel he had been gifted at the end of their meeting with a certain man. Deep in thought was the knights-errant. "It will not come to it." The warrior uttered to himself as self-assurance. But he was not so sure. "I will make sure it does not come to it."
  14. THE HARVEST FESTIVAL During a large meal with his many guests, Arijoutsi hatched the bright idea of hosting a harvest festival where the brightest and strongest cultivators of the soil across all the land could showcase their hard work. Thus, invitations were sent out by courier to every corner plausible. In the message the following are promised; A stall or tent for anyone willing to showcase their hard work. Merriments such as goat wrestling and a famous clown. Plenty of cabbage. The sharing of wondrous ideas. Everything else is a surprise for later. Invitations are sent by courier to; The denizens of Lemon Hill The denizens of Novkursain The Cingedoz The wee-folk of Dúnfarthing Any good folk of stout heart
  15. CONSECRATION OF HEARTH The Kabbish believe the heart and soul of every house is the hearth. Thus, when a new house is built the hearth within is consecrated in an elaborate ceremony. This ceremony is to occur soon, and the Kareiks has decided that their foreign friends ought to partake with them in the merryment. He has also decided not to reveal any details about the ceremony within the invitations, leaving it a surprise to be found out. Invitations are sent by courier to; The wee-folk of Dúnfarthing Bishop Callahan and friends Lugash and friends Captain-General Gaspard the Bull and his retinue The Cingedoz Uther the Knight and friends All who love cabbages and goats
  16. All credit goes to Mr. Karim for the visuals! I am but a humble writer
  17. ON THE CULTURE OF WYRTMARK-KABESTAN (I have been adviced by my lawyers to tell you that the text below is OOC and not in any shape or form RP and it is simply OOC swindling text to entice you to click the link to the actual lore. As to avoid legal repercussions. Thank you, and have a good day.) Damn, no lore? Where your lore at? Well my good sir or madam, the visual formatting we are using for this post is too GRANDIOSE for the forum page size of LOTC. So to view it, you'll actually have to click this right here link. I promise you - it is worthwhile. Even if your eyes are not satisfied immediatly with art and text. They sure will be in a short moment. Bold words, Mr Valkealainen. You may say. But I will show quick proof for my bold claims. Now ain' tha' a t'ing o' beauty? Now if you still don't want to click the link provided to view the visuals and to read lore, that is fair and dandy. Though why you would do such a thing is beyond me! Why would one not WISH to click a link to a lore post you can flip like an actual book, music plays out for you don't have to click some horrid link to the youtoobs and with absolutely wondrous art provided to you by medieval monks among others. It is truly beyond me, why you would not wish to do such a thing. But every man has his own desires. Now if the lore did indeed hit the right place in your noggin and you would be perhaps interested in playing a character from this culture? Well, this cheap-piece of advertisement text is here to provide you with a solution! Right here is a link to the discords. Now if you don't want to use discord or any such foolish thing, and wish to stay completely immersed? That is fine and dandy too. You can just contact me here on the forums or in game if you have any questions related to the culture or settlement at large. Even if you don't wish to join the culture or settlement, I look forward to roleplaying with you. It will be interesting to see how this culture & settlement interacts around the world surrounding it!
  18. "Alroight, but do t'ey enjoy KABBAGE? As Horen onceh did." The Lord of the Cabbage pondered with his good friend Robert the Stalwart.
  19. Best I can do is ONE HUNDRED CABBAGES for each outfit
  20. A lovely view is it not? However did you know the conduct of WILHELMINA VAN AERT is not LOVELY. There is not a person I've ever had a greater displeasure of meeting, and thus... I declare a bounty upon her. I offer a bounty of TEN CABBAGES and THIRTY MINA for any BRAVE FELLOW who captures the VILE FIEND and brings HER to RECEIVE my WICKEDLY JUST PUNISHMENT. This bounty will not only fuel your stomach, but also allow you to purchase a most splendid portrait of yourself. In similar quality to the sketch above. I would say, a worthy price for any bounty hunter or brave adventurer. So, what are you WAITING FOR? Adventure and reward awaits thee. IN BEST REGARDS TO WILHELMINA VAN AERT AND THE BRAVE FELLOWS WHO VENTURE FORTH TO CAPTURE HER, ARIJOUTSI A FAITHFUL HONEST MAN AND WANDERER BY TRADE
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