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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Hiebe

  1. stop unbanning cryers mayn ;)

  2. Im so done with living at home

  3. Screen broke but now Im back.

  4. I dont know about you bit that Alec guy is a pretty cool coder.

    1. Blundermore


      Indeed that coder is some guy.

  5. The hate on htis server is too dam high. Also banned my first person from the forums today.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      My grammar, however, is amazing.

    3. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      I am mediocre at ALL the things!

    4. Stephensj


      Grammar is for noobs.

  6. Why the hell did they remove the VIP perk of always being able to log on

    1. youlovesocks


      I'm wondering the same thing! D:

  7. Got my Hobbit Tickets!

  8. Bad huskey stop poking the dwarves till i take over ;)

  9. Can you change the font color for mobile friendly ??
  10. so tired of dealing with children.

    1. Esterlen


      Father Hiebe hard at work

  11. Lord Yolo Swagster Homie Dawg Homefries Kool-Aid the XXXXIV OF DA HOOD. My new name

  12. So what happens when the server freaks out? Hiebe makes another GM app XD

    1. Austin
    2. Wizard


      The Dwarves cry out, "Hiebe for GM!"

    3. Svengal Ulfhaedyn
  13. Stole it from Tythus

  14. Menarra, What about people saying the world got deleted and there was no back ups? ^.^

    1. Rhisereld


      Read the announcements.

    2. Hiebe
  15. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.1095771 does this look good for a start to a omputer build?
    1. Gunner


      It actually does.

      And looks badass.

    2. ~TheDerpyBeagle~



  16. Goodluck I shall be at work but I bet it will be fun.
  17. Bragging Rights forever as a Dwarf. I beat Godfrey in a duel

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. meg


      I thought you said 'Bald' pelvis. Wat.

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Yes but Hiebe is like 700. Fail.

    4. Agnub


      Pfft, I have a bad back and gout.

  18. Guess who is the proud owner of a drake egg?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bungo


      Bungo Brandybuck.

    3. Tortek


      Hiebe you'r soft for giving one to Deke! >=O

    4. Heero
  19. Trying out the new craftables, got one of 4

    1. Alec


      Who said there are a total of four? >:)

  20. Its so hard not to post on some ban appeals >.

    1. EboBren'


      Can't tell from the picture if that's underground or above ground. If underground then- yes. All the yes.

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