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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by PtahWithin

  1. I shall make an Orc Chain Restaurant.

  2. I am now the Viking of Malinor.

    1. higgsyy


      I look foward to eating this new type of character of yours.

    2. shiftnative


      What's a viking of malinor?

    3. Mithradites


      I would presume it's some variety of sea-faring bandit who resides in Malinor. Just goes to show the riff raff the council lets in these days... *sips his tea.*


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PtahWithin
    3. Cracker


      sun devils = fun devils

      crazy party school, enjoy yourself :D

    4. PtahWithin


      >applied for incredibly prestigious astrophysics program

      >sun devils = fun devils

      >everything went better than expected

  4. I laughed myself ****less at your oxford comma.

    1. Amicus Adrianne

      Amicus Adrianne

      Hey well, I hear they're not educating people with the Oxford Comma anymore. Just wanted to point out that's what I learned. In 2nd grade when my teacher said, "You can have 'eggs, cheese and ham' OR 'eggs, cheese, and ham'" I was like "Pshh, I want that second one. I'd rather have eggs...cheese...and ham rather than eggs...CHEESEANDHAM!!!!!!"

  5. I do have an elf character, yes.

  6. Gevadeat Saditen!

  7. Now we really understand the true power of Skippy.
  8. Teutons! Bring down the corpse emperor! Become Chaos Space Marines!

  9. MC Name: PtahWithin Character Name: Ptah Remneal Age: 153 Race: Half Human, Half Elf Skype: PtahWithin Weapon of Choice: Sword Short Biography (2-5 sentences) or Ambitions: Ptah served High King Syrio for most of the history of Alras, rising from recruit to eventually Major and Earl Marshal. He fought the Undead in Aegis, and played a large role of managing and commanding the armies of Alras during Asulon. For a time he lived in Oren, before recognizing it as a mocking shadow of the old Kingdom of Oren he saw and remembered. Ptah is now dedicated to the regaining of the dignity of the human race and its ideals which have been crushed under the weight of the Arethor aristocracy. VA besides 1a, 3, 4a/b (recommended but not required): None.
  10. 7/10. I moderately have heard/know of you.
  11. We've reached #15. http://i.imgur.com/VO31H.png

    1. EmeraldStag


      Why are we not number 1 yet? Isn't evurwun voting???

    2. Zebanamana


      Yeah but everyone on other servers are also voting and we aren't as big compared to some of these newer servers

    3. PtahWithin


      The point is, we get our video now.

  12. The timing of frestorms of drama on LOTC is so periodic and regular that I could set my watch to it.

    1. Raptorious


      Still better than tv.

  13. Anyone else get some weird message about handbags

  14. "I am undefined, son of ambiguity."

  15. Downvoting removed? Then let them eat +1's!

  16. ((Quite frankly, we already have so much stuff copied from GOT that it is getting ridiculous. The entire political system of Oren, the old settlement of Winterfell, names of characters, etc. I am more of the opinion that people should come up with brand new original ideas on their own rather than copying them from a popular book.))
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