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Status Replies posted by PtahWithin

  1. If I could give Magic colors to any race, I'd say that High Elves are White-Blue-Black

  2. If I could give Magic colors to any race, I'd say that High Elves are White-Blue-Black

  3. Good dark elf female names... GO, GO, GO.. Please...

  4. What kind of books would you like an in-game bookstore to stock? Need some ideas of what to write.

  5. What kind of books would you like an in-game bookstore to stock? Need some ideas of what to write.

  6. In an unhappy mood tonight

  7. Anyone know where latin stands in the lore? I've heard different things.

  8. Anyone know where latin stands in the lore? I've heard different things.

  9. Female Dark Elf Name?

  10. Female Dark Elf Name?

  11. So, looking at the playerbase of the humans and other races playerbase I've got to a pretty rough idea. ¿What if LoTC was an only human RP server?

  12. So an Entire nation gets a 100x100 plot...Anyone see the problem?

  13. Tell me again why we have to talk to people before reporting them, even though most of them know what they did wrong and should be punished for their actions?

  14. Nosebleeds. 24/7. Haulp.

  15. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who wrote Nature's Gift?

  16. Capitalism will prevail! >:D Let the world be run by a monopoly!

  17. Ya' know what? Don't vote. Screw this mainstream stuff, I'm a rebel!

  18. Thinking of writing some Dragon Lore. I want to be able to raise a dragon. Anyone think I should? I will have to come up with a way to not make them OP like.... Wild dragons grow big and more deadly where as Tamed house dragons grow to be the size of 1.5 horses?

  19. I just wiped all my mc files and replaced them and LoTC still won't work.

  20. If you have a milkshake and I have a milkshake and I have a straw and my straw reaches across the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!

  21. So, you know how some people have changed their names in the past on the forums? Mine has always been Meguzara. I've never changed it. Ever. Weird, huh?

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