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Status Replies posted by PtahWithin

  1. I wonder what it would be like to take the old aegis map from the beginning, go back to the first days of the server, and let it redevelop from there with new leadership. I wonder :I

  2. I wonder what it would be like to take the old aegis map from the beginning, go back to the first days of the server, and let it redevelop from there with new leadership. I wonder :I

  3. That feel when you're watching videos about procrastination rather than stopping procrastination. :/

  4. A haiku for my birthday: Turned fifteen today/Existentialism/Are my thoughts today. Think that's right.

  5. I know I'm late to the punch, but Tennant was waaaaaay better than Smith. :I

  6. Why do people bring such serious manners into the holy domain of off-topic? It is meant for general discussion and what not...

  7. Must. . . resist. . . urge. . . to advertise!

  8. Is ANYONE writing a magic lore on manipulaiton of velocity within a specific region? No? Good. Because if you are, I will grab you by the hair and throw you into yellowstone lava.

  9. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone thinks they are special when they use the French or Spanish languague in roleplay. I don't think there is any lore for either!

    1. PtahWithin


      Jesus Christ. We already had a forum thread about this.

    2. (See 52 other replies to this status update)

  10. People are celebrating Margaret Thatcher's death by throwing parties - what has this world come to, absolutely disgusting.

    1. PtahWithin


      As unbelievable as it may seem Danny, humanity is on the whole the most peaceful now it ever has been.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  11. So who won the battle earlier?

  12. That feel when GMs/Admins decide to rig a fight in Malinor's favour....

  13. Help me pick a last name for my halfing, taking all suggestions

  14. Alright guys, just your general opinions of a concept. Song magics. Where you sing a song and something happens, basically it would be the charms and incantations of LotC. Rather than closing your eyes and thinking really hard about fire.

  15. When the elves rebuild the Malinor Vineyards: http://z0r.de/4133

  16. Dark elf or Wood elf?

  17. Beware of the #3992 !

  18. Walk this way.

  19. Im finding it really hard to get back into rp here ... Any suggestions?

  20. Telanir-Your work could become obsolete 0.0

  21. Contemplating working on Wood Elf lore... Realizes he has no idea where to start.

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