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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by PtahWithin

  1. MFW the only thread that is achieving anythign is locked. Good job Telanir, gg.

  2. Does anyone know around what age an Elf would begin to have gray hair?

  3. Leave Gallmore alone, or mah boys gonna whack ya!

  4. Leave Gallmore alone, or mah boys gonna whack ya!

  5. Probably my biggest regret is that I won't live to see our race progress, I want to see hoverboards and interplanetary travel!

  6. Samuel is one fine turtle... even though we had to build him twice. http://imgur.com/t69cRLS

  7. Let's all go to Castle Greywynn, there might be coffee

  8. .... .- .--. .--. -.-- / ... .. .-.. . -. -.-. . / -.. .- -.-- ^w^

  9. http://imgur.com/gFh7oKN ladies and gents, this is the Easter LoTC website skin
  10. 정말 모든 것을 피곤 해요. c:

  11. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  12. Would anyone be interested in a well developed, highly detailed, character driven epic fantasy forum RP? I'm debating whether I should post it here or not.

  13. I need a first name for my new elf. Any suggestions?

  14. What's this about rebellions and overtakings now?

  15. Freedom for Malinor. The day has come.

  16. Hang on a second. /Oren/ is OOCly refusing war attacks? If the irony were any thicker we could make swords out of it. XD

  17. Hang on a second. /Oren/ is OOCly refusing war attacks? If the irony were any thicker we could make swords out of it. XD

  18. Sadly, I can't do it. I tried playing - and ended up logging off after a half hour of not doing anything but walking. I really wish I could get back into the server again, but again, there is just so much missing. I would right a post on how I feel the server could change for the better, but I honestly don't think anyone will care. Maybe I'll try playing again if I see things change for the better. :x

  19. all the fun mmos are gone, maybe I gotta get younger to enjoy them

  20. all the fun mmos are gone, maybe I gotta get younger to enjoy them

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