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Status Replies posted by Lym

  1. Are you my elf and dwarf friend I met in the Urguan throne room area? We talked about a hissing suit of armor. Contact me, friend! http://gyazo.com/28a1e7e7875dab32f6fe06fe56151108

  2. Daily Trivia: What elf became High Prince/Princess after Native stepped down?

    1. Lym


      Shar'ku is right, some spend the whole day in mines :^)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  3. Welp. I'm happy and found a way to revise Latin: Read The Hobbit in Latin and write down any words I learn. :>

  4. Stick it in ze boot

  5. I want to be a high elf so I can research Phaedrus

  6. I saw Islamic State recruiters in the city centre today... 2spooky.

    1. Lym


      Friend, we got a self-proclaimed "Sharia Police" over here. Get on our level (and bash these ****************** with us :'D)

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  7. Thank you Korvic for your service.

  8. No one sodomizes the German language as well as whoever's doing the Aesterwald translations. Teuton Prison Island in Asulon is laughable compared to that :D

  9. Cheers, friend.

  10. Shouting "Halt" doesn't mean you can instantly attack someone..

    1. Lym


      This simply reflects on the quality of road banditry.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  11. Is there an english word that rhymes with "Volkswagen"?

    1. Lym


      As someone who pronounces Volkswagen the German way, this sounds horrible to me :c

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. "If perchance on the morrow Germany should beat us at our national game, let us take consolation from the fact that twice we have beaten them at theirs" English editorial before 1966 World Cup. I'm saying this because Angela Merkel is about to declare the EU as the 4th reich you heard it here first

  13. Is there an english word that rhymes with "Volkswagen"?

  14. Is there an english word that rhymes with "Volkswagen"?

  15. Thanks MrGreene and Chikachu for your hardwork.

  16. Feed me clichés about Germany pl0x

    1. Lym


      Danke, using this for an english homework

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  17. love community surveys. the banter goes flying

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