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  1. Just because RP shouldn't be forced doesn't mean to go right ahead and rez your character under every circumstance. Sometimes you need to take the responsibility upon yourself and say "does this really make sense? Am I too attached to my character to give it up, or is there a valid reason for his survival?" Imagine being ripped limb from limb, half eaten and half thrown into lava. You cannot be forced to permakill.. but it would make little to no sense.

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    2. Jhaax


      Amen brother. I will permakill Dera when I can imagine a monk looking at her body and going, "F*** this."

    3. everblue2er101


      Monks have great experience in reattaching limbs. Being half eaten is a minor setback. And lava is no worse than a hot bath.

    4. Sargeblub


      I do agree that is doesn't make much sense but, then again, it's not very nice to put someone in the position to have to kill off their character.

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