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174 Brilliant


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  1. I have been a victim of severe bullying in my past and it is quite likely many here are/were too. One thug that got me through it is realizing they are similar to trolls. They jut want attention. So I don't give it to them. They call me "gay" I say "cool.". You don't need to provoke them. You'll only fuel them. Thy want to see you map, see you snap back with a witty comment because then they're getting noticed either confront them directly with a straightforw...

    1. 0000


      ward conversation about their behavior or ignore them. *thing *just *they *mad *

    2. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      Don't try talking, only makes them want to anger you...sometimes violence may be the only way though it is not good...

    3. 0000


      Depends on the situation or the bully. Some are better to talk to than others. But violence is never the answer. There's always other ways.

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