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Status Updates posted by chaotikal

  1. I demand an explanation as to why my main 3 characters are all Dark-Skinned Dwarves. I DEMAND IT!

  2. Just heard Availer left... Why would you come on, give hope to the server, then leave? It's not odd, nor suspicios, I just feel wrong about it, seems like he's actually hiding a secret... Or maybe he's just back in college.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. aron.


      The moment availer leaves, the DDos attacks start occuring again. Didn't we raise the money a few days ago? when are we getting the anti ddos software?

    3. Cyndikate


      Didn't the DDoS attacks stop when Avalier was doing that fundraiser?

    4. danic


      Nikias, all the money to Shift's paypal, so it would he couldn't even have access to it.

  3. But that's Silvanthil's skin D:

  4. Anyone intrested on Role Playing a Golem owned by The Doomforge [Dark Dwarfs] ? PM Me.

  5. Hey... You should click on this. http://tinyurl.com/9lyby8m

    1. Volutional
    2. danic


      D: My soul

    3. chaotikal


      "Stop it now"

      Is that a threat? Oh wait, it is.

      *cowers in a corner, grasping his souls tightly*

    1. Wizard


      Why would you post that! You have doomed us all.

    2. chaotikal
    3. Idioticozzy


      I was scared, now I am souless..

  6. Doomforged's thread posted today. People like it! :D

  7. Rawr! VA Accepted!

    1. Thrym


      Look out everyone, dis one is scary

  8. Applied for a VA. :3

  9. So; What are your thoughts on DoomForged?

  10. Doomforged, Pissed off Dark Dwarves...Watch out.

  11. WHAT are your stands on cannibal women?

    1. Praetor


      I'm one. My stand is that we're sexy, and we're obviously awesome.

      ((Was one more like it.))

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