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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by chaotikal

  1. Can youf ix my Pex on the forums? I'm diamond VIP



  2. The Ulvegr go way beyond Mournstones. This is meant for people who wish for a nordic / slavic origin and do not wish to step on other people's lore like the Orvar or Darweigin (Aswell as a new heritage for people to base their characters from, a la Aeldin, Ulmsbottom, Skjoldier and so on). Also, Setherien isn't a Dragon per say, he's a Draakar, that means, a sentient corrupted dragonkin, called Greater Dragonkin (Draagar and Draakar). While the Sveldroc might be a Draagar/Draakar, it is unlikely, and thus kept to the consensus that these dragons are simply a horde of lesser dragonkin. The idea of a land where Dragons are the superior race and not just hunting game is something rare, and not present before in the server.
  3. Výranni Land of Dragons _________________________________________ Northbound into the ancient realms lay a small island, its shores, wretched fjords and twisted rocky beaches and the sudden forests that crawl into underwater ravines shroud the mystery within. Sprawling mountains and snowy creaks unveil the shadows within; hardy people who barely leave traces upon the land, and the mighty beasts they fear, respect and wage war against; Dragons. Ancient History First Arrival In the earliest times, a group arrived at the islands, discovering them and marking them; Vikram and his company. Vikram was a knight of Oren, squired under the knight Captain and had recently exiled himself from the lands of Aegis as he yearned for something more than the petty squabbling of the different people, thus he made way with a simple large boat; “The Feared Skull” and enough supplies to last the handful of men and women for just some months, which was all they required. The island at first seemed quiet, the somber chirping of birds and a sudden shuffle in the leaves announced the company coming ashore. They had little left to return; and they counted on the islands being desert, as they had gone into the uncharted areas of the maps. The men intrepidly entered the island, making hovels with whatever materials they could find before splitting the groups into explorers, gatherers and hunters. Thus began the era of settling, they had no intention to return to the lands of the known. The Settling Of Bastagr After the men had begun settling the island, they began knowing it, as well as the dangers it posed. They made their way to find a clearing, and a huge mount that stood above all other ranges in the island. Making their way under its foothills, they assembled hovels, as the lands were flowing with streams and fertile soil. They named the settlement “Vastaron” in their ancient tongue, which was changed as time went on to Bastagr. The now slowly forming families began sharing a bond of culture, slowly creating a breathing world, with Vikram leading them. The animals that could be hunted were varied, from great stag-like critters to rabbits and boars, they, however, knew of something greater that laid north of the island, where the mountains were shallow but covered in twenty feet of snow, deep enough to drown those with shaky pace. They’d travel north to ensure they could call this place home, for their children and the children that came after them. The Dangers Of The Snow Vikram and his young son, Viktor, along with some good hardy men had readied and prepared to go north, into the ice wastes that roared with each passing night. Scouts sent to the northern forests usually came with tales of great roars and wildfires that appeared out of nowhere, great creatures that would freeze a man by just a glance. Even after the glamour of the myths and tales had waned over, the same pattern still remained, a creature of a group of creatures laid to the north, harnessing in some manner the ability to create fire, big enough to roar and shake trees whole. The group would only venture two days quietly into the woods before they found the need to build shelter as a snowstorm caught them off guard. They built a fire beneath a freezing rock, and waited out the storm. It was not to be, though, as the storm passed over, thumping and roars became louder. The group found a deeper cavern from the stone, and took shelter by leaving the camp behind. They’d wait for a few days before coming back out and seeing the camp and the rock it was beneath completely scratched by giant claws, the fire absorbed into embers and ash. Many of the men cowered back to Bastagr, as Vikram and just a handful of his loyal shieldsmen carried on. The Black Wings It’d not come to pass a few days into the expedition that they made the discovery; in the frozen mounts north, laid families and hordes of dragons. Not the smart ones that tales of Aegis spoke of, but animals, monsters. Varied in appearance, they spotted one with pale scales, and white fur over its back seemingly “roaring” orders at the lesser, smaller dragons. Satisfied with the search, they made camp in the most silent of fashions beneath another rock. Lighting a small fire, they soon realized these Dragons knew their lands well; they could hear distant roaring and the shuffling of large creatures approaching fast upon their campsite. They quickly scurried off, understanding that they could sense fire. The company therein returned to Bastagr bearing the news. The Birth Of A Nation Bastagr quickly grew out of its reaches, as families intertwined and years went by, Vikram lead it with a steady, good hand, as he was close to each and every man within his town. However, he was growing old, and he felt that he had not done right by his heir to teach him the reins of leadership. It came to be that upon his death, a small fringe group of people loyal to Vikram and no one else decided to travel out east into thick of the forest, abandoning the foothills and settling somewhere else. Thus began the expansion of the people upon the islands. Languages, culture and traditions sprang a new, people began a belief system based on tales of old Aegis as well as mixing in their own experiences, thus creating a new culture, a new group of people, the Ulvegr.The groups that slowly detached and formed new settlements came to agreement with holding Bastagr as the heartland of the people, a place of primal worship and headquarters for the entire island. Thus ends the settling age and began the modern age of Výranni. Bastagr in its early days, looking out to the Grýveð River Modern History Visiting Old Faces It was the reign of Pyedzwé that his second son, Balégren (Balerion) unearthed tales of the Descendants, his ancient Ancestor’s people. He became infatuated with the idea of settling there, establishing communication with these forgotten folk, thus he arranged a boat, and using maps from shipwrecks, he mapped the way to Anthos, and brought over men and women. Arriving to Anthos, he made his way to the old allies Vikram once had, House Silverblade and House Blackmont. Both gave the man and his people land, and he began settling under the Empire of Horen V. Slowly learning the language of the people within, the small collection of Ulvegr grew. A Brisk Departure It came to be that Horen V had prepared a departure, briefly leaving with most of the Empire, leaving Balerion and his family stranded to a shattered land, with Carrions and Chivay fighting over the throne. Disgusted at the fragments of the Empire and their petty squabbles, those who were to follow him sailed to Výranniel, leaving behind only those who wished to see the empire out. Arriving a few months later to the distant island, Balégren arrived to a stark different Výranni. The Overlords Pyedzwé laid dead, and Bastagr a lonely wreck with merely a few survivors; the Dragons that took shelter in the forests and wastes of the north had decided to remove the invasive Ulvegr from their home. Snuffing out every last one flame the people had done, they had resorted to using a substance found in the mountain-walls; lime, and water, to create warmth. Balerion would begin leading the remainder of the Ulvegr, as the tragic era of darkness dusked upon the people of Výranni, which carries on into the current day. The Dragon The Sveldroc The main threat on the Výranni island is the threat of the Dragons, creatures that appear intelligent enough to form social strati, but don’t appear to communicate in any other way but roars and grunts. They mostly stay within the North, but have since the start of the tragic era begun moving south. They appear to be able to smell and sense fire, which is why the entire culture of those living within the island utilizes other means of warmth, and have wrapped the concept of cold around their society. The dragons appear to have the ability to breath fire for a limited time, and they are quite sizeable, usually being able to tear down a house in a single swing of one of their claws. They seem to be lead by a different breed of dragon, whether this has been the same dragon throughout the ages or not is not known, but it is known he is black, with a thick coat of gray fur sprawling on its back and yellow piercing eyes, he is commonly known as the “Sveldroc” and has been adapted as a form of boogeyman into the folk of the Ulvegr, the symbol for evil. The Ulvegr The Ulvegr The hardy people of Výranni, groomed over centuries of isolation. Tall and pale, they are usually recognized by their defined features. The men usually sport long beards while the woman braid their hair in distinctive and complex patterns. Originating from Vikram’s group that sailed from Aegis, these people share little in heritage with the common Descendants, as identified by their weird manner of clothing; several thick layers of fur arranged hastily over leather basic clothing, with little ornaments of any kind, and the way they speak, the Skanni language is a language forming from Old North, which Vikram spoke since birth, and the very creation of the people throughout the ages. The Ulvegr are specially adapted to the cold, as their entire social interactions have suppressed the use of fire in fear of draconic retaliation, instead utilizing vases filled with lime and water, creating a form of “magic” fire. The Ulvegr call the people who craft such sources of warmth the “Fjyldirsýnge” or Fire Singers, for they chant the power of fire into flameless. The Ulvegr however, have little in the way of magic, and no use of magic has been known in Výranni, aside from the isolated case of self-taught rogue mage who learnt from books stolen from shipwrecks. The religion they follow is rather simple, and animsitic. They believe in separate states of beings, spirits, gods and that in between. They believe Dragons are collections of evil spirits bound by the fire of darkness, thus they usually see fire as something that bodes evil. They are polytheistic, but mainly worship "Odwég", who appears as a man with long goat gorns upon his forehead, and a staff made of living, breathing wood. Other Gods within the pantheon are usually shrouded in mystery, very localized depending on the weather of the region they are worshipped in; "Owýr", God of Joustice and Kinship, "Glýnfréda" Godess of Love and War, "Belýgr", God of Thunder and Snow. These gods make up the main pantheon, and they are considered by the Ulvegr to be real manifestations of nature and a divine will on the land. They perform ritualistic sacrifices to them, usually involving animals or harvest. Closing Statement This is part of the “Homelands” project that moogle ran a while ago. A late entry, and mayhaps inappropiate given my removal from the team, but I still wanted to put in Výranniel into it, given that I created it back in Aegis, groomed it in Anthos (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/92454-house-mournstone-recruiting/?tab=comments#comment-821899 ) Also big creds to Dibley, whom without, this would've never happened. (cheeky breeky, tony, cheeky breeky.) TL;DR for Lore masters who know what to expect or lazy readers; Land nooorth of everything, old Aegis people came over irp, formed their own civilization parallel to the descendants, mashup of scandinavian cultures and slavic cultures, aswel as its own fantasy turn on it. Dragons exist north. After some of these people came to Anthos, the Dragons descended south, pretty much taking control of the people by not letting them use fire, where they had to form their own culture around the cold and alternative sources of warmth in the cold environment of the island. People can roleplay as coming from this island, as I am writing right now some roleplay story of my character along a large boat arriving to Axios in search of new life, unbrindled by the grip of Draconic forces.
  4. H U L K   O U T   W I T H   Y O U R    B U L K    O U T




    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      you must interview sandk1ng the destroyer of humans

    2. LatzMomo


      toxic player toxic player smh =/

  6. maybe next map, definitely not a new race, but maybe event-only creatures.
  7. behead flamboyant, kill lore team



  8. Yeah, it's a cool language. I've actually used it in my own Culture.
  9. Seems more scottish than welsh in terms of celtic themes.
  10. 129f4dc8d4.png


    my new internet is p nice

  11. Goat. Sorry, sounds too alike other guilds, brings nothing new to the table and there's a bazillion inactive ones exactly like these, and 200 barely active ones. It's uninspired, to put it bluntly. Go back to the drawing board and grab something that's interesting and eye-catching if you want a good response (from me at least)
  12. @drfate786 why dont u call me im worried bout u

  13. Can you give the slight chance at least for events, that a Greater spirit's real name is used in the same way?
  14. need a mod to teleport me out of this pain of existence, this part time job and this meaningless relationship

    1. cj_scout


      ...Who hurt you?

  15. @DontEverAsk better pay up fool gc0dt.jpg?a415920

  16. did u guys know merrymoogle removed me from lore team because i posted menarra's kickstarter on the LT chat?


    yeah, merrymoogle, dude who got permabanned more than once for harassment. yeah, that one.

    1. chaotikal


      the irony of the man who pleads for forgiveness, but shows none even when the situation itself was clearly accidental

    2. Esterlen


      why would you even say that's accidental

      that ******* video is hilarious i'd have done it on purpose

    3. ScreamingDingo


      LOL you probably got removed because you were an aut. not because of the beauty of the journey of the black rose.

  17. They'd probably have to check with the current OP of Adunian culture, unless they weren't around, or had left LOTC, at that point I'd assume the culture would become open for editing once more, if noone would step up to take it once more. If someone writes an addendum to Adunians it, in my opinion, should be added to the Original Thread, or in a new thread with the new information and the old information added.
  18. Welcome to the CULTURES Forum What is this forum? From the fabled Adunians to the more recent Waldenians, Cultures are at the heart of LoTC, defining some basic patterns of behaviour, and defines some of the core values of civilizations within this world. It’s beautiful when a culture shows through, because it adds that much depth to roleplay as any well developed character is. Culture is also, logically, the basis for characters and their interactions within the world and between themselves. Thus this forum is borne of the ambition to recollect and orderly display the deep and intricate cultures, and also groom players, rooting them and urging them to create even more cultures for this forum, which was created not so long ago, even if cultures within the server have existed since it’s conception. How do I join a culture here? Usually, a culture will be adhered to a nation, like the Waldenians, for example, but some are departed from any nation, tied down only to the characters that make it up, therefore you can usually join any of the cultures listed below by simply joining by your own will, or shooting a PM to the creator of the thread, the latter usually proving more respectful as they can either help you join their group, or at least advise you in the creation of a character under the culture. In the nation-tied cultures, the same stands, shooting a PM to the original poster of the thread usually proves the quickest and best way to join a culture. How do I make a culture? A culture should be comprised of categories which describe behaviours, festivities, language, history, and so much more; from architecture to clothing, the choice of what you display in the thread is truly yours. Settling your culture within the history of LoTC is the best way of making a legitimate and valid culture, that will be accepted in the eyes of the rest of the server, as making random cultures that spring out of nowhere might get you some side looks. You can follow this template too, loosely based from one of my earlier cultures, the Andael Name of Culture: (What is it named?) Introduction to the Culture: (Summarise what the culture is about! What your goals are with it, just give us a short TL;DR!) History: (Where was it born?, How did it develop across the maps? How is it still alive today?) Language: (Do they speak a language? If so, make a few phrases they’d say, or link an entire dictionary of words if you made it!) Common Traits: (Do they have a specific ethnicity? Share some of the key points that separate them from the rest of the descendants!) Society: (Explain what their societal hierarchy is like!, do they have nobles? How are they usually lead? Are they matriarchal? Patriarchal? Explain away.) Behaviour: (How do they behave day-to-day?, Maybe put in how they interact with other cultures in this very forum, or how are they different from other cultures?) Festivities: (Do they have any specific festivities? If so, explain them here.) Clothing: (Do they have specific clothing customs?) Architecture: (Do they build in a specific unique way?) Religion: (Do they worship a specific god? Explain what the cult of this god is like.) Military: (Do they have a specific unique military? Describe it here.) I hope you’ve enjoyed this brief introduction to the Cultures Forum, and are ready to hop in and read through the users submissions, which are all greatly appreciated! As a closing note. What should be posted here? Cultures What shouldn’t be posted here? Anything that’s not a layout of the culture, all threads pertaining to actual roleplay should belong to, you guessed it, the roleplay forum in general.
  19. You've gained all this rep, use it wisely, darling :amenable:

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