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Status Replies posted by Respiren

  1. Hm, seemed I was banned IG again.

  2. Hm, seemed I was banned IG again.

  3. What's wrong with some good old PVP? Sure, RP fighting 1vs1 or 2vs2 is AMAZING but, we have a skill system set up to make PVPing(along with many other things) fair and interesting, why not use it?

  4. He added me as a friend

  5. Just thought I'd post this here. As a villain, I do not want to deliberarely give players the upper hand. They have to EARN it. By using their heads. I remember a VAT member saying that I can provide RP in that way. I should not have to spoon players the upper hand. Because where's the fun in RP if you can't use your head and think?

  6. Just thought I'd post this here. As a villain, I do not want to deliberarely give players the upper hand. They have to EARN it. By using their heads. I remember a VAT member saying that I can provide RP in that way. I should not have to spoon players the upper hand. Because where's the fun in RP if you can't use your head and think?

  7. Just thought I'd post this here. As a villain, I do not want to deliberarely give players the upper hand. They have to EARN it. By using their heads. I remember a VAT member saying that I can provide RP in that way. I should not have to spoon players the upper hand. Because where's the fun in RP if you can't use your head and think?

  8. Would I need a warclaim to say... Burn down a taverm?

  9. Would I need a warclaim to say... Burn down a taverm?

  10. Would I need a warclaim to say... Burn down a taverm?

  11. Just thought I'd post this here. As a villain, I do not want to deliberarely give players the upper hand. They have to EARN it. By using their heads. I remember a VAT member saying that I can provide RP in that way. I should not have to spoon players the upper hand. Because where's the fun in RP if you can't use your head and think?

  12. Just thought I'd post this here. As a villain, I do not want to deliberarely give players the upper hand. They have to EARN it. By using their heads. I remember a VAT member saying that I can provide RP in that way. I should not have to spoon players the upper hand. Because where's the fun in RP if you can't use your head and think?

  13. I hate when people say Oren is all based off of Game of Thrones. Has it EVER occurred to you that this is how a REAL Medieval society worked?

  14. I hate when people say Oren is all based off of Game of Thrones. Has it EVER occurred to you that this is how a REAL Medieval society worked?

  15. It's rather unfortunate when you apply for App Team, and then find out none of your friends are online to support you. I feel unpopular..

  16. Who here knows what this roleplaying term means? : Godmodding (Keep in mind I know what it means, just checking if others do)

  17. Who here knows what this roleplaying term means? : Godmodding (Keep in mind I know what it means, just checking if others do)

  18. Who here knows what this roleplaying term means? : Godmodding (Keep in mind I know what it means, just checking if others do)

  19. added some OOC information to the Healing Hold info thread, it's big but still lots more to add....I know I am thorough...

  20. added some OOC information to the Healing Hold info thread, it's big but still lots more to add....I know I am thorough...

  21. I've lost approximately 4,000 minas, a diamond sword, and 44 redwood saplings [for the forest of Varivik] due to the server dumping me in the Void - _-

  22. I thought appeals were to say you're sorry for your actions, no restate the reason why you're banned and give excuses for behaviour :/

  23. Hmm, from the ban appeal section. "Where players may disputr their bans through appeals or arguments" serms that your not allowed to do the last part

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