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Dat Meman46

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Everything posted by Dat Meman46

  1. Would be nice if the staff thought of a more original way to unite the players against a common enemy.... The undead were sealed away and even then its a repeat of previous rp... Something new and interesting would be nice.

  2. Back from vacation and now onto a ban appeal!

  3. The answer to your referral is simple: Zimbabwe

  4. Armed old family friend hunting for family members.... This is why everyone needs a gun. (Not a sarcastic remark)

  5. When I finally get unbanned I will make some farms and rent them out to mexican's who will give me a portion of they're crops... Don't call mne racist I never said anything bad about them, In fact I've stated that I prefer they're farming over other etnicities.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dat Meman46

      Dat Meman46

      Try not to burn afk people burk...

    3. steelersfan1221
    4. CTap


      Thats what elves, halflings and wenches are for.

  6. By reading this you have successfully given me the attention I was after by posting this.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dat Meman46

      Dat Meman46

      You gave me even more attention by commenting.

    3. Slic3man


      Attention Given.

    4. Dat Meman46
  7. OMG I su exited 4 tha war on evrythng.... u where s0 smrt 2 thnk of ths!!!

  8. Nothing worse than waiting for a ban appeal to be looked over while waiting for escorts in other games :/

  9. Got all the trolling out of my system on other servers and got around to making a ban appeal.

    1. Korvic


      Glad you're here, just try to be a good boy. ^_^ :P

  10. Banned again :/ Not sure why though... Considering a ban appeal.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      He was doing drugs, please forgive him. He can't help his addictions.

    3. Dat Meman46

      Dat Meman46

      Drinking... Yes.... Marijuana.... Nope

    4. Jay Lenos
  11. Teamspeak blew up again :/

  12. Bass effect... Genious XD

  13. I miss teamspeak :(

  14. We need someone to blame for the teamspeak outage.... I'm going with al' qaeda and religion. Who are you blaming?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Narco
    3. Space


      Jewish. Wait, no, they've been through enough. Romans then.

    4. ek_knight
  15. Yep... its official..... Teamspeak blew up :/

    1. danic


      Because of me

  16. I think teamspeak blew up...

  17. Servers down but on the bright side we don't need to fill out any 3 hour long rp applications.

  18. If the servers down the only thing you can do to help is spam the twitter.

  19. I heard somewhere that all the nerd rage between the orcs and dwarfs is funny in a forever alone depressing way.

    1. awesumninja123


      This is why I chose to be an elf

  20. In order to make the server good all application requirements must be destroyed except whitelist and villain apps.

    1. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      Hmm, what about FMs? They do look after the Forums!

    2. Xeniith


      I kind of agree with this, the excessive amount of apps on this server kind of kill the RP.

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