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Status Replies posted by Korvic

  1. TIMETRAVEL 2015

  2. Stop using complete caps in your status's 2012?

  3. Why do so many people rp lesbians it wasn't at all common during these times.

  4. Ugh I can't decide whether to just do a perma-death on this one. The emote that killed me was splits head in two with axe so it really bothers me surviving xP but I don't want to die.

  5. Can a moderator change my forum display name to "~Ardene/Celia/Aspect/Jasmine~"

  6. Wait, since when was Mogroka, Kony?

  7. Alright... so if I get a VA accepted, I am making a character sorta like Gollum from LotR. Like sorta a mutated type of creature... any thoughts?

  8. I failed to train my dog to give me a massage and will be depressed for the remainder of the day

  9. Question for LotC... I have been offered a chance to work for a month at a summer camp as a councelor. I have no problem with the job, however I would be gone for a month. I have a GM app up for those who do not know, and to be gone for a month wouldn't be that great. I am unsure if they have Wifi there, but I would probably bring my laptop just in case so I could be on the forums and some time in game while I'm still gone... Thoughts?

  10. *dances around the screen*

  11. *spends 3 hours finding a good deal in the TF2 trade plaza for a rainblower, finds another in an ash pile right after spending 2 reclaimed metal, and 3 weapons in trade....* FUUU-

  12. Just got accepted as a Mori! Yay! :D


  14. -shaved all his hair again- Now I can join Lym in his German "rocker" group.

  15. Question for LotC... I have been offered a chance to work for a month at a summer camp as a councelor. I have no problem with the job, however I would be gone for a month. I have a GM app up for those who do not know, and to be gone for a month wouldn't be that great. I am unsure if they have Wifi there, but I would probably bring my laptop just in case so I could be on the forums and some time in game while I'm still gone... Thoughts?

  16. Question for LotC... I have been offered a chance to work for a month at a summer camp as a councelor. I have no problem with the job, however I would be gone for a month. I have a GM app up for those who do not know, and to be gone for a month wouldn't be that great. I am unsure if they have Wifi there, but I would probably bring my laptop just in case so I could be on the forums and some time in game while I'm still gone... Thoughts?

  17. Question for LotC... I have been offered a chance to work for a month at a summer camp as a councelor. I have no problem with the job, however I would be gone for a month. I have a GM app up for those who do not know, and to be gone for a month wouldn't be that great. I am unsure if they have Wifi there, but I would probably bring my laptop just in case so I could be on the forums and some time in game while I'm still gone... Thoughts?

  18. So I am my dogs chew toy, he is so weak and his bite isn't even strong! Little wus

  19. So project Asulon Healer Hall is ON....at the moment I have a notebook with LOTS of dimensions, and notes....Sarah is beyond excited, this is BETTER than Christmas. Thanks so much Shift and Talf especially. I couldn't hold either of you in higher regard!!!

  20. -shaved all his hair again- Now I can join Lym in his German "rocker" group.

  21. been a couple crazy days, between fourth of july, and a crap load of family time, I haven't had much time for the server. I'm back now though, and excited to be so! Don't forget to vote! http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132329774

  22. *sigh* Why can't my mom understand a laptop needs a power socket to be used longer....

  23. *sigh* Why can't my mom understand a laptop needs a power socket to be used longer....

  24. *sigh* Why can't my mom understand a laptop needs a power socket to be used longer....

  25. http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132329774 did you know, that by clicking this link and voting,,, it will increase your lifespan :D
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