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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Korvic

  1. *stretches*

  2. *stretches*

  3. Drinking chocolate milk leik a bau5!

  4. Drinking chocolate milk leik a bau5!

  5. *Facebook notification* ''Oh goody!'' *clicks globe* ''_______ has sent you a request in FarmVille''.


  6. Well done High Elves. You should be proud.

  7. I just burnt my finger opening the hood of a car. ._. Freaking 100 degree weather.

  8. I'm sick - Won't be on for a few days. ;-;

  9. someone put me out of my misery D': I can't do anything with this pile of junk

  10. Bronies... >.

  11. *Le sigh* Got to process the RP medals and do activity checks for the 12th fleet, THEN I can re-jig Katherine's bio, and also begin her journal....starting with her encounter with orcs last night in Arethor!! *wink*

  12. I am a bit disappointed no punishment was given to the person who killed with PvP when it was no noted to happen. Tsk tsk. Guards.

  13. ... Well. Bye LoTC. I made a foolish mistake and responded to someone's flames. Seems I'm getting banned. :|

  14. Now children, let's stop argueing and get along.

  15. Well. Somehow Ive come to 20 some ought rep? o_o Thanks? I didnt know I was a nice/good person :3

  16. In the middle of watching B Gata H Kei, after I have finished with the current episode I shall update the anime list with possibly 10 more anime.

  17. ... Well. Bye LoTC. I made a foolish mistake and responded to someone's flames. Seems I'm getting banned. :|

  18. Got a mysterious facetime call from a random email...kinda scared.

  19. What would you do in a life without Bacon? Go.

  20. What's the coolest name for a world, EVER?! I think it's "A world filled with pumpkins and rainbows, CRAFT." :P?

  21. -Activate signature organisation mode-

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