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Status Replies posted by Korvic

  1. I just read the debate topic about if suicide is right or not....just made me remember about an old friend -le sigh-.....I'm sad today..

  2. On a website where you essentially ask for things and give things away, saw a post saying 'Long shot, but looking for a Minecraft account for my little boy' I awwwed

  3. Ok so I am getting ready for a 15 hour car ride xs any good songs/albums you would advice?

  4. *spends a good hour making amazing hooded skin* . . . *deletes*

  5. hello can someone help me how to get whitelist ?

  6. FFXIII-2 is pretty awesome...

  7. I don't see how Romance can be like brushing your teeth to people! It is imposssible for me to understand!

  8. Just to make skippy feel akward, with your support, I'm only 900 profile views away from 30,000

  9. So my character might get hung for trying to protect a fellow warrior... shucks D:

  10. Just made a serious post... I feel dirty.

  11. Cant believe project wandering skin is finally ready :), I feel so lucky~

  12. You must listen to the whole thing or suffer the pain of death: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWAdb1vgoik&feature=fvwrel

  13. why does everybody hold their silverware like a pencil?


  15. *Sniffs £805 in cash as he lies in bed after a hard days work

  16. I just thought, what will happen to Asulon if the undead come again?

  17. LOTC 3.0 TRAILER OUT! http://goo.gl/Dd2C

  18. Just got no rp killed for sitting in the same chair as someone... shammmme

  19. Just got no rp killed for sitting in the same chair as someone... shammmme

  20. Just got no rp killed for sitting in the same chair as someone... shammmme

  21. Why are so many of these people so mad about loseing these days...it RP not about winning/loseing !!!!!

  22. I want to know if I'm crazy- I was rp like normal, and some one tried to glich me out of a chair- I told him not to, then I punched him so I wouldn't glich out or die. I warned him again, and once more, I then killed him... he then says "NO RP KILLING" An is trying to get me banned. am I crazy for this or am I right?

  23. I want to know if I'm crazy- I was rp like normal, and some one tried to glich me out of a chair- I told him not to, then I punched him so I wouldn't glich out or die. I warned him again, and once more, I then killed him... he then says "NO RP KILLING" An is trying to get me banned. am I crazy for this or am I right?

  24. at work today, I'll have to see all my lovelys when i return. don't miss me too much :P

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