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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Korvic

  1. Busy day today, Portage this morning, Jack's speech/occupational thearpy this afternoon, and a meeting witb Talf tonight....busy busy....

  2. Never have me navigate the seas of Asulon. I ment to end up in the far northeast now I am sitting in the low east in Normandor. It doesn't get any better then this children. Two hours of walking and riding in a boat for a trip I could use fast travel for....

  3. How hard is it to have 2 characters at the same time?

  4. Once 1.3 comes out this server is going to have a LOT more stuff to work with...

  5. Hello LotC, I was thinking of doing a (almost) Daily blog for my character. (Kinda like Journal enteries) What do you guys think?

  6. Hello LotC, I was thinking of doing a (almost) Daily blog for my character. (Kinda like Journal enteries) What do you guys think?

  7. Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, you're power gaming, report you maybe.

  8. Just had coffee and had breakfast. I'm now awake and ready for the day ahead of me!

  9. I feel so boss, I punched chuck norris to death with -100 wrestling :D

  10. K I made the Sky Magic post, check it out and such...really tired now though xD http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/60898-sky-magic/

  11. I feel so boss, I punched a pigman to death with 0 wrestling :D

  12. Any bronies here that like fanfics? Because I wrote one. It's my first, so be gentle ^_^ http://www.fimfiction.net/index.php?view=referrers&story=30179

  13. Arma II? Screw that, I'm buyin' BF3

  14. Solace is looking better everyday.

  15. Life can seem like its a little bit rough but the Tough Ponies Never Give Up!

  16. When you die and your holding full diamond armour and none of your stuff drops. Fuu!

  17. What mods should i add to my modpack?

  18. *stretches*

  19. derp made skin for vardak :V

  20. *stretches*

  21. *stretches*

  22. *stretches*

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