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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Korvic

  1. I hear people are getting agitated and arguing with eachother,. I offer an alternative, strok my beard and let all your troubles wash away~

  2. Dat Avatar and Sig, courtesy of Korvic :3

  3. heyy gang! need some help. what is a good website to customize skins, and get a great 3d view of the character. not minershoes, but its something else! Anyone have ideas?

  4. heyy gang! need some help. what is a good website to customize skins, and get a great 3d view of the character. not minershoes, but its something else! Anyone have ideas?

  5. I just made that calculus test my *****.

  6. School year is finally over!LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET's PARTEH!

  7. Still tweaking the new links on the main page. Hope it adds to the theme. Mr. Native is requesting a darker toned wood, who agrees?!


  9. Anyone have any links to race skins? I need them to update the screenshots of the races on the History of Asulon page.

  10. Anyone have any links to race skins? I need them to update the screenshots of the races on the History of Asulon page.

  11. is forever alone.

  12. is forever alone.

  13. Is anyone interested in play a child to a -very- prominant high elven family?

  14. Why do me and Ned have Fancy Fedora? Tis fate? or simple luck?

  15. Some guy in my year just made a status on facebook about him having to go to hospital again because of cancer, and 2 people liked the status! What the hell guys!?

  16. Just burnt 18,000 diamonds. Some girls just wanna see the world burn, huh?

  17. Apparently people refer to me as Queen of LOTC?

  18. Simonbane stole the App I was answering after >:(

  19. I wish HBO could just let us watch Game of Thrones for free. <.>

  20. Procrastinated a year-long project into a mere three days, and received 100%. I feel like dying contently now.

  21. Apparently people refer to me as Queen of LOTC?

  22. I'm currently drinking a half gallon of G2 series Gatorade. Why the heck does it taste like mouth wash...

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