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Status Replies posted by Korvic

  1. As of now we've officially hit 200 responses to the survey :)

  2. 'ere comes the cow!

  3. "It was an Oren victory" *Thread locked* Who gives a **** who won? honestly? It doesn't matter. It gets neither side ANYWHERE. They could have smashed through the gates of the dwarves and killed everyone and they would still not be able to take the city because no one will make a damn warclaim to end this bs.

  4. I think I may actually be back to stay a while this time. So... Hello!

  5. somebody needs to step back.

  6. You're all such drama queens.

  7. I was really bored so I decided to make a Pokemon remix. My first song I ever composed I was bored so I made this remix. First time making remixes though. https://soundcloud.com/codecynthetik/pokemon-blackwhite-route-12-13-remix

  8. I immidietly lose all respect for you if your character has a direct reference to LoL, GoT, or LoTR.

  9. lotc question of the day. 1+1=?

  10. We have unbanned Aislim. We r anonymus. Feer us. Amonynus.

  11. Be honest with me since I'm not the greatest builder. So. This is my first attempt at making a tree. I made the tree wide enough to be a living space for over 2+ characters. Here's the base of the tree here: http://gyazo.com/a845ac343d1252fb40486b4bdcbf2fbd

  12. We crai errytime. Do you crai errytime?

  13. Swedes.. We lost a good man a couple of days ago.. Stay strong though, our moose is still strong in him, and his way will be lit by the beams of our northern lights! För kung of fosterland, landsmän, för frihet, Emenzi!

  14. can you +1 my comment please

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