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Status Updates posted by Taiga

  1. Protesting for PIPA and SOPA. I don't care if minecraft's down, SOPA and PIPA had better be down!

    1. CosmicWhaleShark


      +1, had a little chuckle at this

    2. MuffineyGoodness


      Yes! I totally agree! xD.

  2. Taiga


  3. Lazy people gonna be lazy.

  4. If I see one more status about Mori, I'm going to kill you.

    1. Coconuta


      -creates status especially for you about the mori=

    2. Taiga


      -Violently kills Rio-

    3. Coconuta


      Problems, officer?

  5. Yep. I had to shorten the application for the IO. Its ridiculous seeing how people can't bother filling out a character viewpoint essay... http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/32975-—☼—the-society-of-illuminus-obscura—☼—/

    1. Eledyr


      I liked the old one better, it was a challenge and it was the best app Ihad ever seen

    2. blindmind


      Better to overwrite than to underwrite, at least.

  6. I need to add something to the dictionary: SiimonBane : To make everything overly long and confusing through complex context and a long application.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Taiga


      Just shortened my form for the IO.

      It was proving VERY difficult for some people.

    3. VonEbs
    4. Taiga


      I can guess why people are lazy...


  7. I do enjoy how lazy people dare not to fill out an application for the Illuminus obscurum. I have to admit, it is pretty damn long as an application...

    1. xmrsmoothx


      Maybe later.

      I have much too much to do with Anna as it is.

    2. Danny


      It is a rather long application...

    3. KarmaDelta



      For a rather long, enjoyable time :3 After all it has Simon in it~

    1. Ever


      Really interested in seeing how this turns out for ya, Simon. I know you put A LOT of effort into this and I hope it brings some very interesting RP to Aegis 2.0 :P

    2. Taiga


      It had better >_<

  8. I'm on a boat. I'm on a boat. Take a good hard look on my Aegis to Asulon boat!

  9. The nether attack begins...

    1. Swgrclan


      And so it ends.

      Good event.

  10. Doing homework. Can't stay on the forums for long... >_

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Taiga


      Thanks ^_^

      I take pride in all the children's lives I have ruined. Marilyn, Elros, and Eowehn...

    3. Dante


      Get back to work! NOW!

      * cracks whip *

    4. Faeyin


      >:I *winds up having to take care of basically all the childs afterwards.*

      Bad shepherd! Naughty!

  11. I don't usually post status Updates, but when I do, they're meaningless.

    1. impymut


      Well, I disagree. The hidden meaning in this status is so... Beautiful. Moving, even.

  12. Yes~! FM's get the shiny icon too~! ^-^

  13. I say, Hey~Ey~EY~EY~EY, HAY~ay~aYYYY. AH SAY HAY. WUTS GOIN' AWN~!

    1. Jingeh



      GOIN ON?

  14. I would have DEFINITELY be arrested.

    Luckily, I can talk about the BH infront of a platoon of them, and STILL kill them all.

  15. Just deleted a Spam Post. In. Ten. Seconds. Flat.

  16. Come back to us~!

  17. *Crosses Fingers* Let Aegis be destroyed today...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. VonEbs






    3. Dash_Rogers
    4. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      /munching on an orange face

  18. Crossing my fingers for a new world.

  19. I see you have accepted it...

    Take as much time as you wish. I have no set time limit.

  20. For all those who are supporting Ebo and Freya, I will request you to post "Stay Strong, Ebo and Freya" as your statuses in the last day of support.

    1. Raptorious


      there's a last day? I thought this was an ongoing thing?

    2. Taiga


      It is. The event was to be seven days and seven nights.

    3. Taiga


      It is. The event was to be seven days and seven nights.

  21. /Facepalm So much rage in the forums today.

    1. Eledyr
    2. Taiga


      We needed a fire extinguisher there... The heat was unbearable.

  22. Who else hopes for the update to come tomorrow? I know I am.

    1. Eledyr


      I am :D

      (I was accepted as new dark elf :D)

    2. VonEbs


      We all do.

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