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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by argonian

  1. For some reason I can remember Alk'hazar a lot better than Arethor.

  2. hey gms pls ban for breaking real rules not "unwritten" ones that no one knew existed.

  3. The True Faith is a heresy. Their holy language is the same as the one the Undead spoke. And they don't recognise Augustus as a Saint.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. empirerebel



    3. bungo


      u r saint for fake heretical de rosean not for tyrion, tywin, jamie, or cersei de rosean u scum

    4. argonian


      Flay is yay in the month of May!

  4. Mr. GMs, am I like Fancy Fedora or Breezer under the VIP tag? If I am is there any way you can get that to show instead of VIP?

    1. everblue2er101


      You'd definitely be one of them. Try posting here

  5. vat pls

    1. SortedJarhead


      vat pls

      they revoked mi ):

    2. argonian


      man ure rly kind falkor

  6. Why is it that the Denied VA section has VAs from as far back as July 2011 but the Accepted VA forums only shows the ones from the very end of September 2012? It makes the number of denied/accepted apps misleading.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lym



      MUHAHAHA- no, we're actually nice guys :^)

    3. Skippy


      um no u arent ur HITLER LYM

    4. Lym


      You're right, I'm his nephew.

  7. I for one welcome our new peasant overlords.

  8. I didn't break raid rules Ever thank you very much.

  9. everyone rebel cause tuv was banned...srsly guys

  10. gms tell me why i was banned pls

    1. Mish_


      Raid Rules I believe, 2 raids per day

  11. EVERyone wish Ever a happy birthday. lolisaideverineveryoneideservepayment

    1. 5678


      nEVER say Ever

  12. Everyone with Bardel a depressing birthday!

  13. Guys stahp it's Ever's birthday not Gemmy's.

  14. This is ridiculous.

  15. Server's up.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thatpyrodude
    3. dude


      Do you desire to be destroyed.

    4. Dyrr


      *looks at Luke. "Yes... yes he does..." he says quietly, picking up his keyboard as he shoots James2k with RP-Default lasers of awesomeness.

  16. GUYS GUYS I GOT A JOKE. ONCE UPON A TIME A GUY PVP'D A RP DEFAULTER AND WON. It's funny cause the heretic got purged.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nobody


      man, u're annoying falkor.

    3. nobody


      ( )

      ( ) (

      ) _ )

      ( \_

      _(_\ \)__


    4. nobody


      man, u re ally didn't want to work did you..

  17. Liri sat on the server box :/

    1. V0idsoldier


      This is a thing still?

  18. Anyone else find it impossible to PVP with this plugin?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. argonian


      *insert clever words about how that means it's a problem*

    3. Dyrr


      I find the plugin really annoying, honestly. It's very buggy and it is not as balanced as vanilla pvp. One such bug is where someone hits you once, you are instantly downed (Which has happened to me and others.). I feel this plugin just only makes people complain even more about other people doing this and that, or someone saying "They didn't count down right!" or "He no-rp killed me!". That's why I think we should just screw off with pvp-default and go bac...

    4. Dyrr


      -back to rp default, because honestly, it's an RP server. I don't want some pvp freak to tell me I can't rp out a fight if I want too.

  19. If I get 563664673623 rep in the next 20 mins I'll post a picture of snowshovel eating a cat.

  20. where are the iron mines?

    1. monkeypoacher


      There's a public mine right outside of the spawn -

      Vanilla Mining at last!

  21. Woah...The Nigerian Bank is telling me I have inheritances. SCREW YOU GUYS I'M RICH.

    1. mmat


      Ban ki moon said he owes me £2 billion! All I have to do is give him my credit card details so he can transfer it!

    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      Hah, that's nothing! The King of Nigeria is offering me to be the heir to his throne! All I have to do is give him my credit card details and then he can prove I am his son!

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