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Status Updates posted by argonian

  1. None of you captured their OPness. This is the Scourge army: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/213/1/b/the_smallest_army_by_xoxo_riri-d6g4xeu.png

    1. Varstivus


      By Spartacus's well-oiled nipples! We are doomed!

  2. 4.0 needs more snow. All of the snow is on the tops of mountains, there's no room to make a town in the snow like Alstion, Snowy Fields, Ildon, etc.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Aengoth


      As a Canadian I demand more snow.

    3. seannie


      Canadia demands more snow

    4. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      As a Swede, I also demand more snow.

  3. The Scourge randomly attacked and killed me half an hour before the battle was meant to begin. GG

    1. Rassidic


      Ain't fair rules mayn. They the antag'. They ain't got no rules.

  4. There isn't enough snow on 4.0 map

    1. Hiebe


      I would like to see logical snow not, the snwo thats in the middle of the map for the dwavres, #realitic plox

    2. Anderssn
  5. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/107794-haydens-ban-appeal/ +1 it. Pugsiers should get a second chance if Cyberers do. Pugsiers make you lose items, Cyberers could get the server shut down.
    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Wait, don't cyberers make you lose your virg1nity?

  6. how much damage do frost glaives do

  7. today's a national holiday for me :D

    1. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      It be a drinking holiday for me

    2. E__V__O


      Irish I presume?

  8. why so much lag

    1. Kardel


      i think some douchebags are getting off on ddosing us again

  9. Am I the only one that thinks Messy Medieval is overused? I mean even the main streets and main roads are like a third-gravel and there's plenty of dirt too.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. comanderbly^


      Well, the staff said we're based on the medieval age, as is Lord of the Rings (the series we're based off.........).

    3. Cracker


      people use the word messy medieval too lightly

      only places that are actually messy medieval are parts of Kralta and parts of Kaedrin; the rest is just messy or just medieval.

    4. argonian


      I'm mainly talking about the roads and streets, Cracker. That seems to be the same or similar in lots of Oren. Dunno about the buildings.

  10. You know democracy is dead when your government is making it so that at least 40% of the Dáil(imagine Congress of Parliament) MUST be female. It doesn't matter if people vote for males, if they are not enough males they'll go however far down the list and get the women with the most votes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lago


      And, and fundamentally undermining Ireland's democracy?

    3. argonian
    4. Cracker


      rip ireland

  11. Minecraft is telling me that it can't download some remote file and although it still opens, I can't play on online mode.

  12. draeris r u mad????

    1. Eleatic


      fake communist hoy

  13. http://gyazo.com/a3c60f58b58b658d816c2a29c1826716.png admens dis is bna repot on knox he is meanie and spedhckr ban pls
    1. Anderssn
    2. monkeypoacher
    3. Evilbanana5757


      +1 knwn spedhackr!11!! he stol my pizels 1s

  14. WTF I was being killed by an invisible thing. It wasn't poison or hunger or a mob.

    1. Rassidic


      New Antag spell mate.

  15. Why can't the antags just have fireball and lightning like the Undead? That stuff was really powerful but balanced. This new **** is OP.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nathan_Barnett36


      Umm james check this out, Antags have a hivemind now lol

    3. IrishPerson


      They've always had hivemind Nathan....

    4. Nathan_Barnett36


      Hivemind which can connect to cultists?

  16. Who was banned, I just woke up.

  17. It's a sad day when to justify their OPness, the antags say that the point of the battles is for them to win. Then when we say the point of them is to provide fun, we get laughed at. Why the hell were these people made antags if all they want is to win with OP powers?

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Evilbanana5757


      allll the status flaaaaaaaame~

    3. Booklight12


      I enjoy antag rp personally. What Gwonam said is true. If people just didn't say scourge die all the time and pvp them. They would be able to rp with them. infact most of the antags prefer to rp and don't enjoy fighting icly or oocly. And the reason for them is to promote rp and fun. If they attack you. And say pvp default. You are allowed to leave and or report whatever antag that does that. As that is not fun rp. People instead of posting in status updates should instead talk to the...

    4. MarioMixer


      agreed james

  18. Was it Al'khazar or Alk'hazar.

    1. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      Al'khazar I believe

    2. Desires


      Al'Khazar is the correct name.

  19. For once LOA has more players online!

    1. Kim


      Congrats...? What does that have to do with LoTC c:

    2. argonian


      I'm congratulating LOA on managing to finally outpass us while our server was down.

  20. ben's topic thanking people and asking for it not to be deleted for no reason, like his statuses, was deleted. What is even the point of that?

    1. Crayfishchris


      Mainly because they cause unnecessary drama, aye?

    2. argonian


      Thanking people is causing drama? Are you high? He only mentioned the other statuses being removed after about 4 were.

    3. Crayfishchris


      Eh. Never saw the topic, so I can't really put much of an opinion into it. I guess the staff saw it as a continuation of his previous thread ^-^

  21. Is it just me or is the server taking way longer than usual to come back up?

  22. admens pls void war wi w4nt peecfull rp

  23. Players should have to post ban reports even if the GM already decided they were gonna ban the guy. It's unfair for people to appeal with no report against them or anything.

    1. Rhia


      Gms do make reports, they are just in a private locations as bans are just between the GM and the player.

    2. nppeck


      There's always a report, you just may not be able to see it

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