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Song Druid

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Status Updates posted by Song Druid

  1. Why am I still awake....

    1. NekoDanie


      Same reason I'am probably.

    2. HappyShackles


      In hopes of finding a Good Barber.

    3. Ever


      because you're not sleeping

  2. T_T Ohmg. I'm just disappoint. Just disappoint.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swgrclan


      It's alright, Mang.

      We her fur latz.

    3. Gorum©


      Then 5 hour energy is for you.

    4. Tronan


      *pats Ariks back and says" don't wrorry just think of little puppies

  3. So many magic hating Guilds, magic hating guilds everywhere

  4. Congratulations Charles! But I want Schwan :(

  5. Don't say Mod's Hawkpack...don't say Mod's Hawkpack....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      SHUT UP SETH! D':

    3. Repiteo


      Modpack is a pretty cool guy. Ehh, spruces up Minecraft and doesn't afraid of anything.

    4. Lym


      ModHawk's pack?

  6. I just realized that I love you and can't go on in this life without you....BE MY SCHWANENTINE1!!!?!?11!?!!111ONE!!!?!

  7. Anivia's my alt now. Sion's where it's at.

  8. Spent all night working on upcoming plot for the Druids, setting up locations in game and doing neat things. Here's hoping it pays off!

    1. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      I'm coming for you....

  9. Pft, Mog loves Arik, he'd never order such an attack :3

  10. Stuck in the 90s/early 2000's, watching Destiny's Child Music Vids. Better be Jely.

    1. Taiga


      I can't be jelly for the fact that you misspelled "Jelly".

      Son, I am disappoint.

  11. Is planning on League-ing all night long. I somehow keep losing my sleeping pattern...sadface. Might DDO some too, if Resp and Dusk are online.

    1. Aislin
    2. V0idsoldier


      Damnit =/, I wish I could have stayed up and kicked yo ass in some LoL

    3. SparehoeCakes


      Ill play with you. I need to go to sleep early tonight though! I'll fill you in on Skype!

  12. Is very disappoint.

    1. Swgrclan


      These PK's. I dunno 'bout'em, maaaang.

  13. Nude Dryads...nude Dryads everywhere....time to beat them to a pulp with my staff.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      -Was beaten, but was not nude-

    3. CowsGoMoo


      . . .

      Why... why was I not invited.

    4. danic


      This is why we need male dryads.

  14. ....I miss you :(

  15. RAMMUS.

    Is getting nerfd.

  16. Creative Cafe....

  17. Ready for Dat Creative Cafe later.... >:3

    1. Zarsies
    2. Zarsies
    3. Schwaan


      Ready for that Schwan won't be there but he will still lose all his money? ;)

  18. http://www.livestream.com/arikoftheend Livestream, League. Timayame. Arik. Do it.
    1. Ursolon


      + Me.

      I also won them two games. Arik is a scrub :3

      Lets play more! WAKE UP!

  19. Livestream of league-check it out! Arik, Timayame, Ursolon, Lunch, and Sparrow!

    1. Ursolon


      Oh... well, this one is better *highlights "..Ursolon.." >:)

  20. Gonna be broadcasting League of Legends with some LotC friends, http://livestream.com/arikoftheend

    1. V0idsoldier


      He picked his nose =3

    2. Zarsies


      Mmmmmmmmm... okay~

    3. Zarsies


      Mmmmmmmmm... okay~

  21. Dat Tense rp with susitsu.

    1. Swgrclan


      Vor's back, son.

      Better check yo closets.

      And lock yo reinforced

      metal doors.

    2. Aryon


      Vor's back? *Gets online ._.*

    3. KarmaDelta


      Vor's back? *stays away*

  22. Druid Grove ready? Check.

    1. KarmaDelta


      How long did it take? All day? Or spanning of days?

    2. Zarsies


      The need to constantly look at Arik's forum status. Check.

    3. Zarsies


      The need to constantly look at Arik's forum status. Check.

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