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Song Druid

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Status Updates posted by Song Druid

  1. Would that even be possible? Is Vork even you know... O.o I mean after Fae I don't think he'd even look at Arik again much less in that sort of way xD

  2. Vorkalen can fall in love with Arik! xD xD

  3. So who is going to be Arik's husband now?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      I'm being serious here! :( No more trolly, I want to have babies with another man and nobody is taking me seriously...:'(

    3. susitsu
    4. Alan


      I'm a Prince. And a druid. You and I, Arik, are meant to be...

      But, it would be preferable if I just grabbed a random halfling off the streets, put a mask on their face with me as the design, and then locked you both in a small dark room. ^_^

  4. Flaming status update, deleted. Take it to pms, just don't keep it on my forums *bears teeth*

    1. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      Who's bear's teeth are these? Don't leave them lying around please.

    2. xmrsmoothx
  5. I wish somebody would be Arik's romantic other :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cappy


      I'LL DO IT! Anything for the RP! :D

    3. Religious_Pie


      *walks over all swagger, sees Ariks face, walks backwards.*

    4. Song Druid
  6. A full rewrite of lyrics to Maeghan's song has yielded an almost perfect song...Contemplating posting...

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      I think everyone would be appreciative of it.

    2. Aislin


      LotC has a hard on for your voice. You could sing a phonebook and they'd +1 it. Let's hear it!

    3. Song Druid
  7. Not furry, just support them :) Heheheh.

  8. any update? Was any of your friends harmed? I'm so sorry man, that is horrible.

  9. I had the Furry support logo in my sig before it was mainstream.

    1. danic


      Psh, I made it mainstream~

  10. I love being told I'm powergaming when I don't allow somebody to push me into a firepit. Problem rpers?

    1. Haelphon
    2. Dat Burkester

      Dat Burkester

      Arik we could of killed em ;3

  11. The worst way to ruin LotC? Have some troll hacker go and turn fire spreading on.

    1. danic


      Wow, that would be.... Hot.... *geeky laugh at Terrible pun*

    2. Aislin


      Troll hacker = troll GM


    3. Schwaan


      What burned ? ...

  12. Join the Creative Cafe for a chance to earn minas and a custom forum title!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Timayame
    3. V0idsoldier



    4. Austin


      ... I feel so pretty, so so pretty! So happy and gaay!

  13. Join the Creative Cafe for fun! :)

  14. Is completing another Druid Song.

    1. Aislin


      Is waiting eagerly.

  15. Playing Amnesia demo...Help me!

    1. Eledyr


      O goed, wathever you do don't run to far! also when you hear a sound scream like hll! and last but not least whatever you do do not try to kill the monster... I wish you the best of luck

    2. danic


      *rocks in corner, remembering the last time he played Amnesia...*

    3. 0000


      *rocks in corner, remembering he's never played Amnesia...*

  16. Time for some League with Timayame

    1. Timayame


      Time to get carry Arik in my arms to victory <3

    2. Neri


      Did someone say league of legends? Add Altruisa. I'll beat them into a red stain... or rather, heal you enough to let you beat them into a red stain...

    3. Song Druid
  17. Gay players unite!

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