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Status Updates posted by Sagwort

  1. Remember the true meaning of Christmas, "Friends, Family, and Facial Hair"

    1. gingernut97


      And food! Don't forget food!

  2. Shall we meet soon, I am sorry not being able to meet you on Sunday

  3. Slayer gave us permission to try to get the guild back into order and we can select the guild masters and what not.

    Once we find the candidates for the new 4 guild masters, try to keep them race specific, the dwarf and human will start as your apprentice and the elf, and orc will be mine. This is because the orcs and elves are very close, and so are the dwarfs and humans. So most l...

  4. So I have two new images for the forums on my account. However I don't know which one to use. One of them is my profile picture while the other one is my avatar. Care to put in input?

    1. Dante


      I like your avatar, but it's kind of small :/

  5. So I made this new signature, should I change it, or keep my current classy one?

    1. ThanksChris


      I thought that your signature was a bit lackluster. I'd bet someone such as yourself would have ample quotes and character pictures to fill a nice signature. ^_^

    2. Sagwort


      Well...my new signature is the same thing with a different picture.....

    3. Sagwort


      Well...my new signature is the same thing with a different picture.....

  6. So I took my tracks on Soundcloud and gave them better sound quality, I plan to make an Asulon Soundtrack. Check it out: http://soundcloud.com/sagwort

    1. 0000



    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      I personally favored Iron and Steel, but Whisper of the Woods was equally fantastic! :)

    3. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      I personally favored Iron and Steel, but Whisper of the Woods was equally fantastic! :)

  7. So most likely you will be spending most of your time in-between Kal’Uragan and Al’khazar, and I will be spending a good deal of time in-between Luarlien and the orc capital. They must go through proper training until they become guild masters though. Hope you choose good guild masters.

  8. Someone told me something interesting today: "Appreciate they way the Internet is now, because it's in the Wild West Days."

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jingeh


      Well I'm still going to wear boots with spurs and a cowboy hat after this 'wild west era' is done with.

    3. ek_knight


      I'll be the old guy shouting about the good old days on my porch.

    4. Lord_Sauron_


      I'd agree, but us, the cowboys, will be in charge by the time the next era in internet rolls around. I' d bet that we would defend and fight for rights... or we may not. The individual is the one who shall matter in this war.

  9. Someone want to give me an idea for what a "Winterhold" type college would look like? Make sure it does not look exactly like this Winterhold one....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lago


      Each of the towers has a specific purpose or purposes, a library, training rooms, dormitories. Within the mountain itself is a network of catacombs, containing places and secrets the main college thought best forgotten.

    3. Sagwort


      I like that idea...I like it alot. Its enough like Winterhold for people to get the reference, but different enough so it does not look like copying.

    4. Sagwort


      I like that idea...I like it alot. Its enough like Winterhold for people to get the reference, but different enough so it does not look like copying.

  10. Sorry about that, you have been added to the google doc.

  11. That was a nice trip to LOTC, tips hat

    1. Salamandra


      I miss you again.

  12. Was there a link to it?....I could not find one to the lore.

  13. We are getting a new wilie soon (if you were not already told)

  14. We have a problem. The orcs told me that no orc can be a mage because they have shamens. I fear of lothrials rath if she ever gets back.

  15. What do you imagine your character`s voice sounding like?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shadeleaf


      Arzota: Deep baritone with calm light tones,

      Kalila: high pitched yet bearable, voice starting to settle into a change.

      Niearma: Any dark elf chick from Skyrim... the manly ones.

    3. Agnub


      Haytham Kenway.

    4. Raptorious


      Maric: the default sith male voice from SWTOR

      Radec: A slightly higher version of Lucien Lechance from Oblivion and Skyrim (the spectral assassin)

      James: Any old cockney thug from south east london.

  16. What do you think of a gypsy group? (Other than the Nawari)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sagwort


      I plan to make it more like the traditional Romanian, Irish gypsies with their caravan carts and provocative clothing.

    3. TheNander


      Have gypsy caravans. It'll be cool, trust me. Just have a GM region you off a small area outside city walls each time you move.

  17. What do you think? A walking castle for the Mages Guild!

    1. gingernut97


      Howls moving castle much? :3

    2. Clockwyrk


      Sounds neat, actually.

  18. What is a good name for a mage college sitting atop a high snowy peak? I would prefer it to sound good with the words Hold, Keep, or castle behind it. As of now I have the name Whitecliffe Keep. (Don't even think about saying Winterhold)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      High Hrogthar sounds good.

    3. ACanadianCraft (Nate)
    4. Goldd


      Elexus Castle, Maltikor Keep, Death Snow Castle, Searing Snow Hold.

  19. Where did you get/make your forum avatar? O_O

  20. Who got a present from Ambros Clause?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tortek


      I got a wooden axe and took the coal instead :D

    3. Zazarus


      I got a bow with no string that my char was too scared to take.

    4. Telanir


      Omg, can't believe I missed this status. I got a poisonous potato which my character choked on and vomited. :3

  21. With my mage powers I have brought back Drplat's Mushroom People idea. Tell me what you think on the thread.

  22. Would anyone be willing to make Circle Tower/Kinloch Hold from Dragon Age?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sagwort


      Wait what? What is this magical place of scholars and retreating of which you speak?

    3. Eleatic


      Hmm? Of this it was once called Firestone, it happened to be TNT'ed by my own person after it was feared conquest

    4. Eleatic


      RPly, of course. The mountain fell.

  23. Would someone PLEASE fix the wagon to the docks? I can't go into that thing without dying upon teleport.

    1. Lark


      I'll fix it when I get home, no idea why its acting up all of a sudden

  24. Would you like to become Master of the Order?

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