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Status Updates posted by Alan

  1. It's the weekend, and I have quite a bit of free time. I want to help out also, so if anyone has any lore ideas that you need help with, feel free to ask!

    1. Ever



    2. Shuness


      YOU'RE A BEER.

  2. Alright, although I don't do it much here anymore, I'm trying to advertise my skin making through minebook. Make sure to stop by my profile and like/comment or whatever all the screenshots! http://minebook.me/rittsy

  3. As of late, I've been spending most of my time transferring the old wiki to the new one and reformatting everything. I find it very relaxing, yet very tiring at the same time...

    1. NekoDanie


      *Hands you a brownie cookie and warm milk for all your hardwork.*

    2. everblue2er101


      If you need any help tell me, I did a lot of this on the old wiki.

    3. Volutional


      As did I, I would like to know the state of character sheets and such. That is where all my character's documents are...

  4. "I'm not a powergamer! I... I'm just Harry!"

  5. You know you play minecraft too much when you look at your reputation, see the number 64, and think "I have exactly one stack."

  6. Wait, what's minecraft?

  7. Today, I was told I was made a Prince of Malinor, and I was like: "Meh". But then, I was told I could remain a druid too and be both, and I was like: ":O :P :D :) ._. :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dante
    3. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      Wait, how can you be prince of malinor when it no longer exists? hehehe

    4. Alan


      Malinor still exists silly, Laurelin doesn't.

  8. Today is a momentous day. Aegis has been the home of all the LotC players for 8 months now, and finally we are moving on. RIP Aegis ;)

  9. Well, today I started an ooc war that ended badly. Then I built a troll boat that ended with laughter. Now everyone I know either hates me or loves me... :/

  10. I used to come home on days like this and hum "Friday" out of pity, but then Rebecca Black took an arrow to the knee.

    1. Ivran


      It was so bad... but I had to laugh. ^^

    2. susitsu


      I'm with Ivran here...

  11. O, to be a druid.

    1. Lilyiann


      You went mad and threw yourself off the grove! What are you complaining about? ^_^

    2. Wolf Druid Ouity
    3. Wolf Druid Ouity
  12. Druids are getting a little hectic lately. We started an RP tension between us and the mages... some sweet RP will be just around the corner ;)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KarmaDelta



      First thing i saw was that you jumped to your death XD

    3. Dante


      I don't know what your talking about. What do you mean?

    4. Alan


      I jumped to my death. AKA Darrian is no longer a character in game.

  13. Druids are getting a little hectic lately. We started an RP tension between us and the mages... some sweet RP will be just around the corner ;)

  14. Going on vacation for a few days, be back Wednesday ;)

  15. Alan

    I could pay you even though you didn't help. How much do you want? I could pay you whatever, money isn't a problem for me.

  16. My home finished "growing"... Don't ask.

  17. Back from DC, best weekend I have had in a looooooooooooooong time. Only perk about it being done is that I get to play LoTC again!

  18. Going to DC for a few days, don't miss me while I'm gone!

  19. In search of a permanent home, I have found a family: The druids

  20. I have decided to become Laurelin Prince! Support me!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 0000


      And yet I kill you. xD

    3. susitsu


      Bad Darrian, BAD!

    4. bpwoods97


      I'd support you if i ever get accepted to the actual server... until then no support considering i can't really...

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