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Everything posted by GavinTheViking

  1. Blackmont vs Orc Skirmish

  2. Blackmont vs Orc Battle


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lemontide331
    3. Galendar
    4. MonkeyCoffee



  4. Application: Name (MC and RP: GavinTheViking or Swagg_Bandit / Kaneous Klargus II Race: Human Desired Position (If any):GroßWache Preferred Weapon (If any): A Short Sword Non-Combat Skills (If any): Drawing and Organization Previous Work (Past groups or jobs): I was in the Norsemen before everyone died. Your most valued trait from list below: Intelligence Have you interacted with the Order before? Explain if yes: No. Have you visited Hanseti before? Explain if yes: No because it's cold as fawk far away. Are you willing to take an oath?: Yes I am. Moral boundaries (What you will not do): Children are not a threat, so they should not be harmed. Foolish people are similar, but I enjoy spilling their blood them. Do you have a VA?: No. Additional information: Hi Romenan.
  5. Mizu-Being Latino×Having a Mic÷No Balls=Romenan

    1. Austin


      No the equation is

      Mizu - Latino Heritage + Jewishism + Sociopathic tendencys = Romanen

    2. Skippy
  6. Staring a cookie making empire with Bog, thug life!

  7. .5/10 Haven't seen the guy until this forum post, pretty new he seems. I would be glad to show how to RP an Orc, as it is pretty challenging for newer players.
  8. Mexicon/10 (1&1/7 /10) or (1 and 1 seventh out of 10)
  9. Application: MC Name: GavinTheViking RP Name: Thak Irongut Clan if any?: Teh gre't Irongut clan! Choice of weapon?: Ah spec'ally craft'd scimitar. Do you swear loyalty to the Council of Clan Lords?: Aye, I do!
  10. Anyone got a solution to Mojang's account purchasing problemo?

    1. Space


      What do you mean? You can't use prepaid credit cards to buy MC? Just link the card to your payapal and you can buy it via that.

    2. Skippy
  11. Mehz ez wend'rin wyh Renotuz ez Enomiez ta yahz?
  12. Glad more players are willing to think of new ways the server can be exciting.
  13. The Asulon Athletic Games All of the nations compete for the glory of having the best athletes in Asulon. Trials of running, climbing, swimming, sailing, and many others will be featured in the games. Each nation will have one athlete for each trial, an under study maybe accepted if the main athlete can not make the trial. The 1st place winner of a trial will receive a diamond block. The 2nd place winner will receive a gold block. The 3rd place winner will receive an iron block. The nation that wins the most trials gets to choose where the next Asulon Games will be held, maybe another nation or their own. Here are my current trial ideas, more can and will be added by the public. Not all of these are going to be implemented, I was just trying to think of as many reasonable trials as possible. Trials: Running- Run a foot race. Swimming- Swim across a lake or through swift rapids. Sailing- Sail across a vast ocean and reach the shore first. Climbing- Climb an enormous cliff. Mining- Mine your way from bedrock to the surface. Gauntlet- Battle ruthless monsters and become the last man standding. Archery- Hit the target's center with precise aim. The trials will depend where the games are held. The terrain may also favor a nation. If the landscape is in the forests for the majority of the trials, the Elves will know how to weave in and out of the trees. The Games' winners are recorded and stored away to be remembered for generations to come.
  14. ((Go to the Rangers of the Forest thread, click add reply, post this there. /emote re-re sign with the hands ))
  15. I made an account there and did. It had some error so I decided to post here.
  16. ((Application: MC User Name: GavinTheViking In Game Name: Kaneous Character Bio (as detailed as possible): Kaneous was born in a cottage in the north. He had two younger brothers, Mason, who he dearly loves, and Shadow, who he still admires but not as much as in the past. He left his small hut when he was 17, he ventured out and came across a town that was named Snowy Fields, for its placement in the middle of northern, snow covered, plains. He spent his freedoms time, eventually buy a lower-class house. He fell in love with the town, and a woman named Samantha. They lived in Snowy Fields for 3 years. As Samantha was seven months pregnant, Kaneous was eager to have a child. But that all crumbled down under one horrific setting sun. As he made his way back to Snowy Fields from the Whisper Isles, it turn to a quiet night. The long journey had worn out his calves, persueing him to hire a serf to take a cart and a mule to his home. When he emerged from the Redwood forest between Snowy Fields and Al'kazar, he nearly had a panic attack. Snowy Fields was more flames than snow, he limped rather raidly into the city. He went straight for his house in the slums. With little support beams to begin with, the house was completely engulfed in flames. He stepped half-way in the house. He halted as he heard yelps of pain and despair. He ran to the den, where he seen a large whole with burning debris at the bottom. As he peered over the creevis, he noticed someone dangling from the edge. It was Samantha, who was losing her life saving grip. He reached for her hand, latching a death hold onto her tender palm. He proceeded to pull her up,but felt a pain in is lower back. Someone had stricken him with a club, the figure now was unsheathing a sword. He raised the sword at Kaneous's neck. Kaneous closed his eyes and held onto his love, waiting for Aeriel to greet them. He heard a large smash before he opened his eyes. He looked up to find the man on the floor under the another man. The man on top beat the other man with fear some jaw hits. He lifted up the man and twisted his arm in a peculiar direction. He then kneed him in the spine. The man went pale and limp. The murderous man dropped the dead carcus on the wooden floor boards. He then proceeded over to Kanepus. He lifted his darken hood to reveal his identity. Kaneous was shocked to find his savior was, his brother Mason. Kaneous was so surprised to see his brother that he loosened his grip. He let go, on accident, and noticed a moment too late. He reached out for Samantha's wrist, but was pulled back by a muscular but caring Mason. He said Kaneous would have dove into the fire instead of pulling his pregnant love out. Kaneous mourned for 3 long years, moving from Inn to Inn, town to town, nation to nation. He was lonely without his love, but would a new one in, protecting Aeriel's people. He was strolling to Kramore on the King's Road when he heard a greeting voice. He turned off the road and in front of a shop. The man at the counter was greeting him, as he did every passing traveler. The man and Kaneous talked for hours, only to be followed by the night's unwelcomed darkness. The man offered Kaneous to stay in his shop for the night. Kaneous accepts. Himself and the man become good friends for the next two years, fight off thieves and making fortunes. He moves to the nearby town of Kramore. There, he sets up his own shop. For the next 4 years he lives in peace. After being a Kramorean shopkeep, Kaneous looks for change. He sells the run-down brick roadstop and purchases an emporium just inside Al'kazar. He travels to a city called Celistine and becomes great friends with the newly appoint Duke Nico. He helps build the city. Construction is still under way, so Kaneous goes to Celistine to help Nico with any possible chore he can. Character Flaws: He often becomes side tracked a lot. Kaneous also has a short temper. He is a decent, but could improve, blacksmith that can't even fix iron tools and armor. Good Deeds: Kaneous has fought thieves and Undead alike. He serves as a Oren Page in Galahar. Evil Deeds: I have slain innocent animals for resources such as leather and feathers. Why do you wish to join (remember we are neutral to ascended and undead): My friend Nalfein recommend I join. Your Specialty: Archery, sword fighting, and farming. Your Combat Focus (skill focus and write your style): Swordsmanship. My style of sword fighting is direct force, no tricks, no complex moves, just plentiful, but damaging blows. Are you neutral or do you lean one side or the other? Explain why and if you can be willing to the opposite? I go to which either side is in the right in my mind. The one that is right should be the one that wins, because they are right. What is your reasoning for joining? What is your reasoning behind you actions? My dear friend Nalfein asked my to join your establishment. What is your reaction? The city is being taken over. The city is full of innocent people and still you have many fighters alive, however you are losing the city and they have begun to burn parts of it to take out your defenses. The leader of the enemy force has come to say that he searches for a child, a specific, presumably innocent child, and if you are to give him the child he will spare the city. This child happens to be your brother and last remaining family member. You know he will kill your brother. Do you give up your brother to save the city or condemn it to more fighting just to save your brother? For the sake of the town, I must hand over my brother, even if it means myself will be the only member of my family. Ageis comes before individual needs. An underwater tunnel is being constructed despite an almost certain loss of several lives [actually, all but certain]. Presumably the expected loss is a calculated cost that society is prepared to pay for having the tunnel. At a critical moment when a fitting must be lowered into place, a workman is trapped in a section of the partly laid tunnel. If it is lowered, it will surely crush the trapped workman to death. Yet, if it is not and a time consuming rescue of the workman is attempted, the tunnel will have to be abandoned and the whole project begun anew. Two workmen have already died in the project as a result of anticipated and unavoidable conditions in the building of the tunnel. What should be done? The tunnel should be completed. It would increase travel, then trade, then, but just slightly, the economy. In the long run, it could act as a pathway for escaping a burning city, saving hundreds of lives. A fat man leading a group of people out of a cave on a coast is stuck in the mouth of that cave. In a short time high tide will be upon them, and unless he is unstuck, they will all be drowned except the fat man, whose head is out of the cave. But, fortunately, or unfortunately, someone has with him a stick of dynamite. There seems no way to get the fat man loose without using [that] dynamite which will inevitably kill him; but if they do not use it everyone will drown. What should they do? The large man would have to take a little explosive turn for the worst. The dynamite would be placed on his back, making him blow to bits. It would kill the man, but save the group.
  17. I will consider joining when I find the time. I would to help the beautiful nation of Malinor strive to prosper.
  18. The Marshal is a shorter version of the Marshal of Battle. Name can be either one. Marshal is better because it's shorter.
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